Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

yeah haha,had that yesterday funnily enough,to be honest not one of them have said leanne ,your doin really well,instead all i get is youve gone to far,my mum keeps saying ive changed,ive become selfish,personally i was always the sort of girl that just kept quiet and never said anything,id stand back and watch other people enjoy themselves,but all of a sudden ive got all this new found confidence and im loving it ,i just think sod em ,they dont like it then its tough for a change im gonna do what i want to do instead of me pleasing everyone else and bending over backwards for them and getting nothing back in return

sorry to rant but ive had it from everyone in my family this week,i think they just jealous......

actually my sister said to me ,why you having all these things done ,piercing,nose pierced tatoo,.why all at once,what would you say if i did that?

god i thought,you know id honestly say if thats what you want doing then go for it...they all seem to be gunning for me and im beginning to break
Families eh!

Count to 10, bite your tongue, turn a blind eye ... blah blah blah! I know what you are saying - sometimes you just don't wanna be the person who does that. Sometimes your feelings have just got to come out ... but when they do just try and do it in a controlled manner - you don't want to lose them altogether!

Explain to them that these things have been something you have wanted to do for a long time and at the moment you are feeling good and this is your way of celebrating your achievement. You are still the same Lianne, you are still their daughter/sister/mother/wife - just an enhanced version!

Don't let them get you down hun xx
thanks my sweet,ive never argued with my mum hardly ever but my god last week i argued,aparentley she said to my sis that she thought i was gonna hit her....i never would in a million years......but why should i take it all the bloody time...its not as if im her 12 year old daughter now,im 35 have my own family....old enough to make my own decisions surley
thanks my sweet,good job i can let of some steam on here.like i say ive wanted a tattoo for donkeys years but always been too scared but now ive done it and i feel amazing.wanted my nipple pierced for donkeys but again was too afraid ,but had that done aswell and i love that too

my mum gave me hell,you would of thoiught it was her body i had it done on lol....i do like this new confidence,even thinking now about getting my belly pierced and ive booked up to go to some belly dancing classes,how cool is that ;)...somthing else ive never had the confidence to do either,,,,,will be a laugh me and 6 friends gonna do it together
gonnabesmall said:
thanks my sweet,good job i can let of some steam on here.like i say ive wanted a tattoo for donkeys years but always been too scared but now ive done it and i feel amazing.wanted my nipple pierced for donkeys but again was too afraid ,but had that done aswell and i love that too

my mum gave me hell,you would of thoiught it was her body i had it done on lol....i do like this new confidence,even thinking now about getting my belly pierced and ive booked up to go to some belly dancing classes,how cool is that ;)...somthing else ive never had the confidence to do either,,,,,will be a laugh me and 6 friends gonna do it together

That would be ace lol, ur just right to do it. What's the man think? X
monday = ee

breakfast - strawberries,grapes,apple

dinner - leek and potato soup,apple,pineapple

tea - beef curry and pilau rice,curry has loads of ss in

heax1=had a small lattee at mc donalds
hebx1=kellogs plus bar....which are a pound a box at asda at the mo :)

syns = 2 for mallow biscuit,4 velvet crunch

total= 6
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tuesday- ee

breakfast - apple,banana

dinner - ? going into town to have another piercing ,better not tell me mam shel tell me off AGAIN......LOL

tea - uncle bens sweet and sour with rice,yogurt,pineapple

heax1=skinny small lattee in costa
hebx1=kellogs fibre plus bar

syns= curly wurly 6

total syns = 6
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