Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

hello my sweet,nice to here from you,wondered what youd been up too.hope all is well with you and hubby.

yeah,my piercings,kinda went for it,somthing ive always wanted done but always been to afraid to.but i feel good for doing it.

diet aint going to well this week but i suppose its ok to be hovering as long as im within the same couple of pounds,im happy
Hey Leanne luvvly, just popping in to say hi! I've been catchin up on every1 after a couple of days not visiting and its amazing how easy it is to get behind!! I've been a nightmare on the food front since Mon nite! I'm so like u- I'm learnin that for me its the SW or nothing! I'm hopeless being off plan as I also just eat for eatings sake and don't know the meaning of the word moderation! Stick to plan and I'm fine! This maintenence lark is HARD! I've got a few lbs to claw back already!! Better get to it then! Been feelin a bit down this week! Havin hair cut and highlighted today tho so hopefully that'll give me a lift! Glad you're feeling confident hun, that's what its all about! XxX
i did set my target to be 10st 10lb but i aint nowhere near that,been close enough times,think i throws me when i get as low as i can usually 11st 4 then have good week and sts.i just seem to go on a bit of a bender....i THINK im happy,ive lost 3 stone but in my head all i see is fat.i just cant see it.

ooohh,help.do i maintain where i am...which is where ive been for the last 12 months,fighting the same 7lb,its on then off then back on again....

back on track now though again,from yesterday
saturday - ee

breakfast - bacon,tomatoes,mushrooms 2 poached eggs


dinner - 4xryvitas,tomatoes,cucumber sticks,turkey,42g cheese.ww yogurt

was starving so had a chicken mugshot,hope they free?????

tea - chicken stirfry,egg fried rice with mushrooms/red onion,curry sauce

heax1=42g cheese hf

syns = curry sauce 3,curly wurly 6

total syns= 9
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sunday - ee

breakfast - strawberries and ww toffee yogurt

dinner - 4x ryvitas,tomatoes,cucumber


tea - beef in ale casserole,mash sweet potatos,some sort of veg,il see whats lurking in the freezer.3 yorkies

heax1=350ml skimmed milk

syns = casserole mix 1,3 yorkies 2,curly wurly 6

total syns =9
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monday - green

breakfast - 2 slices wholemeal toast,plum

dinner - mint and pea soup,packet of sweet vine tomatoes

4xryvitas with cheese

tea - beany chilli and rice...oh i love chilli :)

heax1=42g hf cheese
hebx1=2xwholemal bread from a 400g loaf

syns =

god cant stop eating whats wrong with me
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gonnabesmall said:
unfortunatly ali,inbetween being an angel this little devil pops out and says "eat me,you know you want me"it was a treeny burger or go hungry....i was good though when i got home,so hopefully my saved syns will cover that little blip x i hope.....

Lol v funny :) can just imagine it x