Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Whoohooo!!! Check out the new Leanne!! Tattoos, piercings!! Has losing weight made you more confident to get these things done?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
well,can be farty lol

i cheat and just bung in everything

i use tescos mixed beans think they in spicy tomato sauce,baked beans and a tin of chilli kidney beans,bung in some onions and peppers (i used asda frozen)mushrooms bit lazy garlic and lazy chilli,2 beef oxos,tub of pasatta,splash of worchester sauce sprinkle of sweetner,salt and pepper and voila ,chilli..

mine was in the slow cooker all afternoon ansome,easy peasy
gonnabesmall said:
well yesterday was a total balls up ,start fresh today although i have got a busy week but will try to be good....

sunday - green

breakfast - none as my boy got a football match

dinner - brocolli and blue cheese soup

tea - same as dinner

heax1=cheese in soup,5 x lc blue cheese

I felt like doing the same! How are we gonna handle Christmas gah!! The wedding must be soon?? X
lol,i bet you were good though,i basically ate everything yesterday....just for the sake of it.i hate it when you put your all to it and nothing,i must of sts for weeks now.
the wedding is in a fortnights time,was hoping to lose my half a stone by then but im still the same,do you think this is where im meant to stay?maybe its my size,lol
gonnabesmall said:
lol,i bet you were good though,i basically ate everything yesterday....just for the sake of it.i hate it when you put your all to it and nothing,i must of sts for weeks now.
the wedding is in a fortnights time,was hoping to lose my half a stone by then but im still the same,do you think this is where im meant to stay?maybe its my size,lol

Funny, if u read my thread I've just came to same conclusion about my weight loss!!! As for yesterday I had a cheeseburger & fries so defo not good lol but v enjoyable :)

Ru happy with ur current weight? That's the main thing. Ur pics & newfound confidence are definitely suiting u :) x
Hiya Leanne - pants on the sts, especially when your diary looks so good. But getting towards target makes it harder.

Thought of trying a week full of red days and cutting out the carbs? it always works a treat for me. I find that carbs and things like beans and cereal bars slow my loss down for some unknown reason.

Good luck this week chica.
Funny, if u read my thread I've just came to same conclusion about my weight loss!!! As for yesterday I had a cheeseburger & fries so defo not good lol but v enjoyable :)

Ru happy with ur current weight? That's the main thing. Ur pics & newfound confidence are definitely suiting u :) x

well,i feel ok,im 3 stone lighter than i used to be and my confidence is flying high.im just so sucked into sw ways now .i even watch people eating on telly and think cor do they know how many sysn is in that,think im becoming obsessed with it ,ive been doin it a long time,my sister says im obsessed with sizes of everything....im just amazed that i was a size 20 now im a 12/14.

i dont know what i think about my body image cos when i look in the mirror all i see is fat .

my partner says now that i dont need to lose anymore....i cant eat normal if i aint sticking to sw rules,i go silly and just eat for eating sake.
Hiya Leanne - pants on the sts, especially when your diary looks so good. But getting towards target makes it harder.

Thought of trying a week full of red days and cutting out the carbs? it always works a treat for me. I find that carbs and things like beans and cereal bars slow my loss down for some unknown reason.

Good luck this week chica.

hi pomette
yeah a sts sucks was gutted.it is getting hard as im getting closer to target..feel rather naffed off.
thought id try the cereal bars last week cos i always seem to have toast for my hebs.
but i will struggle on

gonna see 10st somthing one day its just a very long time coming

today not been good,been back my mums to do her hair this morning and she made me a lattee and gave me 1 of her rock buns,nice but naughty
Hi sweetie. I haven't been around much the last couple of weeks just busy busy busy. Still sticking to plan and up to 20 lbs now. Goodness me all those piercings! Well they aren't my cuppa but if that's what you want then go for it. I think change can be difficult for us and others around us and we need to make sure we don't lose who we really are in all of it. Really great to hear you're doing so well. Xxx