Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:
well,after a pig out yesterday think i might be on track today,although off to the cinema later,and brood wants mc donalds after,what do i do?

Have the salad???? Lol

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craftylucyloo said:
It's so hard and I feel like quitting now what with everything coming up. We just got to be good when we can be. Xx

Don't quit Lucy. Just be good on the days that you can be, and enjoy the days that are party days ;-)


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gonnabesmall said:
i just had chicken chow mein few chips and egg fried rice,lovely

Sounds yummy hun, hope u enjoyed it


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gonnabesmall said:
tuesday - ee

breakfast - banana

dinner - 2 x ww bread toast,apple

tea - youl never guess,i got mince chilli ....wow...and rice

hebx1= 2 x ww bread

syns scape of buttery light 1

Looking good Leanne


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