Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

well yesterday started well...till about 3 o clock and ended up having a mince pie and cream with my coffee,so not good,then went christmas shopping and was absoultley starving and oh wanted burger king so i ended up having a chicken burger chips and couple of onion rings,gah.today been good though so kinda half and half week this week,still hoping for a loss tomorrow but somehow i dont think it gonna happen.narked me so much last week when i was a total angel and ended up putting on 2 bloody pouns,so not on,bloody unfair...knocked me off treack for 3 days.was so upset

fingers crossed for tomorrow,gonna pray for a miracle ,lol,AND i feel fat this week
3lb off,now back in the 10s ,just.didnt expect that at all,3lb till target.

am having indian tonight been fancying one for ages,in the midst of putting decs up so will be nice later to watch tree twinkling and x factor

sta = ee

breakfast - none

dinner - bacon and egg sandwich

tea - indian

hebx1= 2 x ww bread

syns - indian
gonnabesmall said:
3lb off,now back in the 10s ,just.didnt expect that at all,3lb till target.

am having indian tonight been fancying one for ages,in the midst of putting decs up so will be nice later to watch tree twinkling and x factor

sta = ee

breakfast - none

dinner - bacon and egg sandwich

tea - indian

hebx1= 2 x ww bread

syns - indian

Woohoo!!!! Well done Leanne, only 3lb to target, yeoowwww :) :) xx
Well done Leanne - fab-u-lous!!


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monday - ee

breakfast - none

dinner - mince chilli and pice,pineapple chunks

tea - beef and tomato casserole,roast sweet potatos,cabbage and leek,brocolli

heax1=71g philly extra light
hebx1=6 x crackerbreads
my heas tasted off ,wasnt sure if twas the crackers or the cheese so only 3,yuk,so not all hes eaten today,tea was rank to ,ended up eating roast [otatoes and veg,didnt like the taste,normal casserole much better

fruit salad,apple,pineapple,strawberries

syns = cassewrole mix 2 ish
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gonnabesmall said:
monday - ee

breakfast - none

dinner - mince chilli and pice,pineapple chunks

tea - beef and tomato casserole,roast sweet potatos,cabbage and leek,brocolli


syns =

Another perfecto day!!! Ur rockin it, I can see u getting to target before Christmas....!!!! X
Hey Leanne, just poppin in to say hi!! Whoohooo!! YOu're doing great!! I've just gone back over the 11 stone as a result of being a little piggy on holiday, but hopefully will get back to 10st10 target by Christmas or end of year! Then I'm going to start working on my new revised target in Jan! Remember all the frustrations we've had over the last couple of year, all the times we've felt down in the dumps?!! Well slowly but surely we've crept down and got to our targetsXXX
yay,hello stranger.yeah,weve had our ups and downs havent we,both got to our dream of seeing 10st somthing...at long last....but like always im up and down,especially now its this time of year and all those lovely christmassy goodies.

i wonder where we will be this time next year, ? i dont want to lose much more,10st 7lb will suit me fine and i got a feeling that staying there will be the hardest part,think if i got into the 9st range i would look ill,lol
yay,hello stranger.yeah,weve had our ups and downs havent we,both got to our dream of seeing 10st somthing...at long last....but like always im up and down,especially now its this time of year and all those lovely christmassy goodies.

i wonder where we will be this time next year, ? i dont want to lose much more,10st 7lb will suit me fine and i got a feeling that staying there will be the hardest part,think if i got into the 9st range i would look ill,lol

Well I would like to get to 10st 3lb, but this would be a case of really chipping away gradually in 2012- I think when I start putting a load of pressure on myself I start rebelling and having an unhealthy approach!! For me, staying at Target has definitely been hard since getting there in September, and it's been a case of gaining a few, then getting them off again! This approach has worked at least and as long as it continues to work I don't see the problem!! I just don't think that I'm going to be the type of maintainer who stays within 1 lb of target long term!! If I can get down to 10st 3 then make sure I stay BELOW 10st 7 that would be a real result!! X
i couldent agree more,we can do this together. 10st 7lb do me fine,1lb 02 2 above or below,im happy with.

was just thinking how my sister had a right go at me last week cos apparently so my family say,im obsessed with sizes of clothes,i know i say things like ooh,these trousers are a 12,or this 14s are too big,she really upset me and said,who cares what size your clothes are,no ones bothered,clothes sizes are crap anyway........i was so upset cos to me going from a size 22 and now owning quite a few pairs of size 12 trousers is a mega big acheivement for me.i actually feel proud of my acheivement and i want to say "i bought some size 12 jeans today"

why is it when your on such a high someone always waiting to knock you back down,bloody hell,i feel so proud i could shout it from the roof tops,lol

jealous i say,i was always the fatty in our family now cos ive come this far i think they jealous so got to keep making little snide remarks,but little do they know,the more they dig,the more determined i get ;o)