Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

wednesday - ee

breakfast - banana :O)

dinner - batchelors brocolli and cheese pasta with leeks and bacon with melted cheese on top

tea - schwartz chicken curry mix with mega loads super free bunged in for good measure,with egg fried rice

heax1=42g hf cheese
hebx1=forgot my heb,gutted

syns = 2 for curry mix,ickle mince pie 4
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Pooh! Now that's not fair! You can do it this week though.
gonnabesmall said:
hang on a sec......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i stayed the bloody same,whats going on.pissed off is not the word for it.

But when u have a sts week u normally have a big week the next time round! X
right back on

sunday - green

breakfast - none

dinner - cheese and tomato toastie,handfull of grapes

tea - beany chilli n rice

sure this was the prob last week cos i never had my beloved bean chilli,lol

heax1=42g hf cheese
hebx1=2 slices ww bread

syns = christmas elf choc thing 3
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monday - green

breakfast - apple

dinner - cold bean chilli

tea - baked potato and cheese few tomatoes

heax1=42g cheese hf
heax2=42gcheese hf
hebx1=2 x ww bread

syns = might try save a few,off out for a chinese meal on fri and id like to enjoy it rather than fret about it,after all tis nearly christmas :O)
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Chica - that ain't enough food to sustaion a mouse! Especially not for brekkie!

The more you skimp on food, the more your body will rebel to losing weight hun.
well,my portions are big.i dont have breakfast cos i either aint got time in the morning and i like to save my b choices for elevenses or maybe a 7pm treat.plus i got loads of things on this week so feel i should eat minimal so hopefully will cover it.

think i getting to paranoid,fretting about food,cos i know this week is bad food wise ie,chinese meal on fri,out for coffee and cake twice on thurs.my oh is home tomorrow and wants to go out to lunch......why does this freak me out,ive taken so long to get into the 10st bracket i dont want to see the 11s and i know next week is very near christmas and im gonna eat some nice things drink a few baileys so again all bad stuff.

sorry to ramble on but i just fretting ,prob taking over if im honest.....cos i know easy on 6 months to get off...