Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:
good honey cos im feeling like crap if i eat normal,all i seem to do now is eat,talk ,breath,sleep slimming world,not good is it,fretting everyday about what i should be eating :(

No that's not good hun. I was like that a few years ago & became obsessive, it wasn't healthy. It's hard to know where to draw the line tho isn't it, between keeping slim & enjoying life/ being relaxed.

How about we make a pact to be on plan but relax it up a bit for Christmas eve & Christmas day and boxing day? Rest on plan then relax again NYE? X
yeah,think i can do that hunny.i just get naffed off when its taken me sooooooo long to get this far and it just goes back on in seconds,could really dive into mince pie and cream though,lol.
think i got target set in my head for 10st 7lb and nothing gonna stop me and you know what im like il have a fantastic loss followed by weeks of nothing,my friends say maybe its my body telling me im happy where i am,but why do i still feel so bloody fat .
gonnabesmall said:
yeah,think i can do that hunny.i just get naffed off when its taken me sooooooo long to get this far and it just goes back on in seconds,could really dive into mince pie and cream though,lol.
think i got target set in my head for 10st 7lb and nothing gonna stop me and you know what im like il have a fantastic loss followed by weeks of nothing,my friends say maybe its my body telling me im happy where i am,but why do i still feel so bloody fat .

I know. It's in our heads!
yeah,think i can do that hunny.i just get naffed off when its taken me sooooooo long to get this far and it just goes back on in seconds,could really dive into mince pie and cream though,lol.
think i got target set in my head for 10st 7lb and nothing gonna stop me and you know what im like il have a fantastic loss followed by weeks of nothing,my friends say maybe its my body telling me im happy where i am,but why do i still feel so bloody fat .

Why don't you take some piccies and chop the heads off! Stick them round the house in various places so you catch a glance of them now and again - bet you don't recognise the body!

Your friends and your family are saying your slim enough now luv - and for your height surely you are well within BMI. You've had 4 babies - why do you continue to give yourself a hard time?

I'm going to be tough now but I really think you need to chillax a bit. Your food diary lately has had very little food in it! You are only having your your Healthy Extras and an evening meal - come on hun - you didn't lose the first 3+ stone like that so don't start to undereat now.

Try and give yourself a break hun. You'll only have your family on your back again!

You're gorgeous! You're beautiful! And you're flipping skinny!

Enough already!
Ali - you talk a lot of sense chica.

Piccies are deffo the way to go. Not only take some of yourself now but if you can use a photo-editor put one side-by-side against a picture of you at your fattest for a comparison. THEN you will see how slim you are. Just go an look at the one on your album taken in Sept 2009!!!!

I still see myself as fat - even though it's a fact that I've lost 4½ stone. And when friends tell me I've lost enough I want to shout at them - big time. BUT when I look at my comparison photo I do begin to see where they are coming from.

I know it's difficult when you've got tricky days coming up where you know you are going to be having things off plan, but like Ali said skimping on all the other days will not work. That's not the way SW works. Okay, save a few syns each day, but don't go below 5 a day chica. You're just depriving yourself which is when I then start fridge raiding!

And I also feel your pain regarding "on quick, off slow". It's a bl00dy nuisance but seems to be a fact of life for all of us. I'm struggling to get the 3lbs off that I gained in the UK. I've STS for 2 bloomin' weeks.

I've declared an amnesty with myself. I am NOT going to beat myself up about the gain, I am NOT going to panic about it if I put some more on over Xmas & New Year. But what I AM going to do is limit the damage as best I can and get 100% back on the wagon on 1st January!

Come on chica, you've lost an amazing amount already so you know that you can do it again in the new year. Just cut yourslef some slack at the mo.

Pommette said:
Ali - you talk a lot of sense chica.

Piccies are deffo the way to go. Not only take some of yourself now but if you can use a photo-editor put one side-by-side against a picture of you at your fattest for a comparison. THEN you will see how slim you are. Just go an look at the one on your album taken in Sept 2009!!!!

I still see myself as fat - even though it's a fact that I've lost 4½ stone. And when friends tell me I've lost enough I want to shout at them - big time. BUT when I look at my comparison photo I do begin to see where they are coming from.

I know it's difficult when you've got tricky days coming up where you know you are going to be having things off plan, but like Ali said skimping on all the other days will not work. That's not the way SW works. Okay, save a few syns each day, but don't go below 5 a day chica. You're just depriving yourself which is when I then start fridge raiding!

And I also feel your pain regarding "on quick, off slow". It's a bl00dy nuisance but seems to be a fact of life for all of us. I'm struggling to get the 3lbs off that I gained in the UK. I've STS for 2 bloomin' weeks.

I've declared an amnesty with myself. I am NOT going to beat myself up about the gain, I am NOT going to panic about it if I put some more on over Xmas & New Year. But what I AM going to do is limit the damage as best I can and get 100% back on the wagon on 1st January!

Come on chica, you've lost an amazing amount already so you know that you can do it again in the new year. Just cut yourslef some slack at the mo.


Wise words, luv it x
i hear you all girlies i really do and maybe i should cut myself some slack and not get so upset when i do eat normal food.today has ben a very bad day i had burger and chips in weather spoons,followed by crackers and cheese for my tea,maybe i should enjoy myself for the next 2 weeks or so then get right back on it in the new year x
Wey hey - way to go chica. 2 visits to Costa and no cake.
Now that deserves a medal!
Ali* said:
Leanne & Heather - you've been here longer than me, lol! It's girls like you that keep me going! Sounds like a cliche but you are an inspiration! :party0011:

That is indeed very sweet! Ali, I am inspired with anyone who sticks at it, and you're one of those people!! Thanks hunXxX
gonnabesmall said:
hang on a sec......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i stayed the bloody same,whats going on.pissed off is not the word for it.

Glad you got that off your chest Leanne! Lol! EXACTLY the same feelings I had on Mon when I weighed and gained 1/2 lb!! So frustrating, and its led to a not so good week this week! Very frustrated indeed! But all I can say is that we've both been at this a while now (as Ali rightly pointed out!) and its not exactly a new emotion or anything we havent combatted before! And we're in silly season which really doesn't make things easy! To not GAIN is actually a great achievement in itself so try and look at it that way! In Jan it will be so much easier to feel motivated and raring to go again! I'm a bah humbug but I can't wait for Jan 1st! And I'm not buying loads of naughties in so I won't be 'using things up' which i usually feel compelled to do and always leads to devastating NY WI!! Hope you're having a good week and feeling chilled out! (Prob not an accurate description of a mother of 4 one week b4 Christmas lol) xxx
thanks ali,never have had any confidence in myself always thought i wasa right minger :(

but thank you,still want to lose a few more pounds...well 7 i think,but thats gonna be my new target after christmas,think i gonna be good after my chinese meal tonight,then do sw up till christmas eve,enjoy christmas and new year then start again,

must learn to chillax :)
thanks ali,never have had any confidence in myself always thought i wasa right minger :(

but thank you,still want to lose a few more pounds...well 7 i think,but thats gonna be my new target after christmas,think i gonna be good after my chinese meal tonight,then do sw up till christmas eve,enjoy christmas and new year then start again,

must learn to chillax :)

Yes! Chillax is the new word for the new year! Me & You & Kieragh!! New Year's resolution is to be not so SW obsessive and go with the flow ;)