Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Leanne, you look STUNNING!!! It's always amazing to see before and after pics and you have totally transformed yourself!! You're no 'minger' in the first pic (not a nice way for you to describe yourself!!!!) but you are definitely a swan in the latest!! XXXXXXXX
aaw thanks girlies.i know ive lost nearly 3 and a half stone but this sounds really silly but i can see the difference in my face,lol oh and i may have a bit of a waist now :) .

i feel if i could slice my hips off and put that excess flesh where my boobs used to be id be happy

but this week i think i gonna go steady with sw,maybe give myself a break for a few weeks,i dunno,wel see

off out now to costa...hmmmm ,think i may as well move in that place ,lol, and i gonna have a cake with my skinny vanilla lattee

ooh,i stayed the same again this week,not fair,not fair at all,wondering if i should move to the darker side and maybe try ww after christmas...........watch this space
Hey chica - a sts this week counts as a loss! EVERYONE is struggling and just look at you! Been out a few times, resisted cakes etc etc Brilliant
Noooooo don't do it!!! What are your reasons for considering WW? Is it simply that you need to try something different? I know it suits many people and I have friends who swear by it and are still at target years later, but SW has worked so well around your life, and you're nearly where you want to be... What's a STS one week at ANY time, nevermind during silly season? So if it ain't broke......xxx
right,i gonna stick with what i know.just fed up with having a good loss one week then a sts for the following 3.am gonna be sw this week having a few days off plan as im sure many people will then right back on after christmas,by then il prob be bloody sick of eating anyway,lol

am really looking foward to my baileys and ice christmas eve and a few glasses of asti christmas day.yummmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy
gonnabesmall said:
right,i gonna stick with what i know.just fed up with having a good loss one week then a sts for the following 3.am gonna be sw this week having a few days off plan as im sure many people will then right back on after christmas,by then il prob be bloody sick of eating anyway,lol

am really looking foward to my baileys and ice christmas eve and a few glasses of asti christmas day.yummmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy

Yum yum yum lol!
after a good sw day yesterday i went to pick my son up from my mums and ate a homemade yorkie a couple of roast potatoes and chocolate trifle,why o why o why
Because it's blumin' cold!!! It wasn't that bad! compared to my extra 50 syns in booze on Friday night! Flexi day methinks!
monday - green

breakfast - 2 ww toast,ww yogurt

dinner - leek and potato soup,big red apple

snack - toffee oaty bar

tea - cheesy chips ,mushy peas and quorn style nuggets x 10...little piggy i am...oink oink

heax1=42g hf cheese
hebx1= 2 x ww bread
hebx2=oaty bar

ww yogurt and a big red apple

syns= scrape flora el 1,quorn nuggets 5

total syns =6
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tuesday - ee

breakfast - 2 x ww bread/toast

dinner - scrambled eggs and tinned tomatoes

tea - bought this swartz potato,bacon,chicken and leek bake,works out to be a few syns per serving so gonna give that a try,will have with brocolli ,cauli and carrots

heax1=42g hf cheese,used on my tea
hebx1=2 x ww bread

syns = 4 for packet mix,gonna over syn cos kids didnt have any
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2 alpen lights ... ________ (as my HexB of course!)
and a SW Curry for my tea.

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me ...