Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)


off out for coffee,must be christmas,the ole glitter tights have come out,lol

excuse the mess in the background......
That's not mess - that's life ;-)

You look gorgeous - as usual!

And you should see my kitchen . . .
thanks girlies x .
ali my dear your so right,i fret wey to much
dont know what happened to my hair in the pic,looks like i been scalped lol

you girls are the best

ooh,must confess while im here,went out for coffee,realised i had my a choice for the day so was an angel and had a diet coke,how proud did i feel,then my friend bless her ordered my eaton mess......o eck was going so well,what do you do,couldent not eat it.its been good this week diet wise but every eveining apart from 2 thre has been a massive blip,BUT,i did a sneaky weigh in this morning and scales are showing 10st 12lb,lets hope it stays that way........watch this space
gonnabesmall said:
thanks girlies x .
ali my dear your so right,i fret wey to much
dont know what happened to my hair in the pic,looks like i been scalped lol

you girls are the best

ooh,must confess while im here,went out for coffee,realised i had my a choice for the day so was an angel and had a diet coke,how proud did i feel,then my friend bless her ordered my eaton mess......o eck was going so well,what do you do,couldent not eat it.its been good this week diet wise but every eveining apart from 2 thre has been a massive blip,BUT,i did a sneaky weigh in this morning and scales are showing 10st 12lb,lets hope it stays that way........watch this space

fingers crossed,i would literally cry if i weighed after xmas and was back up 11 and a half stone

Have a bit of faith hun - you've got this cracked now! There's no way you are going back up to 11.7 ... Xmas or no Xmas!

You have absolutely achieved more than I could ever dream of ... knowing that you have done it really spurs me on to do it myself! Corny but true! :sign0168:
aaw ali,your too kind,thank you for those kind words

well today started good,met friend for coffee at costa had a cup of tea and no cake,got beef curry simmering away in my slow cooker,then cos i was all behind dinner time stopped and got the kids chips from the chip shop and guess what i had a whole bag of bloody chips,sat here now thinking sod it i gonna enjoy the rest of the day,bought some coconut rice stuff in the bag so might have that with my curry,tis high in syns,will be good tomorrow.what a bloody week ;(
gonnabesmall said:
aaw ali,your too kind,thank you for those kind words

well today started good,met friend for coffee at costa had a cup of tea and no cake,got beef curry simmering away in my slow cooker,then cos i was all behind dinner time stopped and got the kids chips from the chip shop and guess what i had a whole bag of bloody chips,sat here now thinking sod it i gonna enjoy the rest of the day,bought some coconut rice stuff in the bag so might have that with my curry,tis high in syns,will be good tomorrow.what a bloody week ;(

Leanne huni I fall into these traps all the time, I totally feel ur pain!!!! X
Merry Xmas


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gonnabesmall said:
just a quick update,weighed last fri and was 10st 11lb,lighetest yet,amazin seeing all i ate that week was *****,why with me when i have dodgy weeks i lose quite well and when i good i sts.strange.

Omg!!!!!! Well done & at this time of year! I weighed this morning..... NOT good. X
just a quick update,weighed last fri and was 10st 11lb,lighetest yet,amazin seeing all i ate that week was *****,why with me when i have dodgy weeks i lose quite well and when i good i sts.strange.

Wow Leanne! Hope you had a lovely day yesterday xx

Omg!!!!!! Well done & at this time of year! I weighed this morning..... NOT good. X

Ha ha! Me too!!!
i gonna be over 11st sat when i weigh i know it,my own fault though ive eaten all the food in the house,lol will be back on sat though.....promise.

wont be able to eat as having a girly night out on fri and if it was anything like last fri,i wont want to eat sat anyway.hangover for 3 days not good but was so worth it,lol its amazing wahat girls talk about after a few drinks,lol