Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:
well was brave yesterday and weighed ive put on 5lb.hey ho,tis once a year.was back on track as from yesterday.felt good to be back in control.out shopping now with sis,see if i can get me an outfit for girls night on fri

Nae too bad, it'll be gone within a fortnight tops x
He chica - 5 lbs ain't that bad. Mine was more! as was lots of peoples.

I would have thought you's still be under 11 too!

Go to it girl - we can do this!
thanks ali,i dont want to sound big headed but when i got all dressed up that night i felt like a million dollars,thats kinda hard for me to say,cos ive always see the bad in myself and never the good.but my friend saw me and she went home and got dressed cos she said she felt underdressed stood next to me ,bless her,
i was worried about wearing such a bright dress,im a black dress wearer,well not usually a dress gal,but i saw this dress in a shop 3 times and left it,then went back in and i sure it was waiting for me cos i fould it hiding away behind all these other clothes all on its own,lol,then i think i have an obsession with my shoes having to match so i bought these beautys ,and i danced in them all night never even hurt my feet,have you seen the heels ;)

bring on the next girly night.......and a new dress,my next aim to be a few pounds lighter,lol
thanks kieragh.

never,never would i ever brag about myself,but i felt amazing that night,wearing somthing that i would never usually go for.think i rocked it that night

but dont you find as ive always said someone always ready to knock you back down,my sis was there that night she never said a bloody word,and my mum told me off for having my photo taken like that,she said that isnt the leanne i know. i thought actually mum,this was the 1st time ive been out in ages and i was having a bloody good time

gonna let all the negatives from my lot just go over the top of my head,sod em,.they cant seem to get used to the new me,well i say tough x

thanks you again girlies for your lovely lovely words,puts me on even more of a high xxxxx
Chica! wowee . . . and as you say, get those heels! My new boots have a heel about 2" high and I fall off them :8855:

It is soooooo good to hear the confident Leanne for 2012. Ignore everyone else - their image of you will catch up eventually. In the meantime, be proud, blumin' proud. You look FANTASIC!!!