Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

Clareel said:
I know I don't know you that well Han but that really brought a tear to my eye! You have come SO far, it's amazing. You're such an inspiration and a true example of how well JUDDD (well, Hannahs way!) can work.

Got all my fingers and toes crossed for you to see those 240s tomorrow!

Becky X

Aw thank you for posting, really appreciated!! :D I'm so glad I found juddd :)

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Oh oh oh! Another nsv! I know right????

I was at the docs a few times about chronic migraines, and she took my bp, it was a lil on the high side, 140/85. Not ridiculously so but could have been a contribution. This was about 2/3 years ago.

Took my bp today and it was 102/66.

How the **** did that happen??? There's definitely something to this juddd malarkey. I'm not eating stupendously healthy, like the juddd theory goes, I'm being good half of the time! I can't for the life of me explain it but the whole talk on horizon about your body going into repair mode instead of reproduction mode rings a bell pretty loud and clear to me. I. Definitely gonna ask for my full bloodwork to be done when I go to the dermatologist next.

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Ha nanananaaaa ha nanana nananananana hana hananaaaaaa (that was me singing ur name in the style of some 90's song!)

Loving both the NSV's and the scale shaped ones, happy days bebe! How are those gym aches today precious? I don't feel bad considering what i put myself through yest, obviously i need to do a further beasting today!

Have a fantasticola day my sweet xxxx
Caroline_Louise said:
Ha nanananaaaa ha nanana nananananana hana hananaaaaaa (that was me singing ur name in the style of some 90's song!)

Loving both the NSV's and the scale shaped ones, happy days bebe! How are those gym aches today precious? I don't feel bad considering what i put myself through yest, obviously i need to do a further beasting today!

Have a fantasticola day my sweet xxxx


Just checked online and fluoextine can cause really low bp... People keep saying I look really pale. I guess I should probably speak to my gp. Hm hm don't want it to be put down to my diet, I'd rather die than stop juddding!! drastic but true dammit!

I'm actually not too achey today. Really keen to get trying spin, might go for Sundays class whoop de whoop :D

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Defo sounds like one for the doc pet.

If we both took up canoeing we could meet in the middle if the sea doe tea and cereal bars! Xx
I rang the doc and he didn't think it would cause a low bp. Says I'm to come in next week for bloods and bp and to lower my anti depressants to 2 rather than 3 per day just in case.

He was surprised that my female gp racked up the dosage so quickly but I trust her more than I do him lol

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hannata said:
They sent me home sick lovely lovely bed :)

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U ok bub?
But thumbs up to bed :) x
hannata said:
I didn't feel that bad just knackered and not able to concentrate didn't want to risk doing something wrong at work and putting a patient at risk :)

I will be fine. Hopefully lowering the dose of my ad will have a quick resolution xx

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Well you rest up my love. And hopefully them twiddling ur meds will help :) xxx
I had a sleep. Got up and went a short walk down the road and sitting here in the lovely sun with the river bubbling away beside me. Xx

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Hope ur meds get sorted and you feel better soon!
Love that pic it looks so peaceful..
Sorry you're not feeling too good, yay for getting sent home from work though hehe. Nice walk outside and a bit of fresh air is great though. I hope you get your meds sorted soon X
Broke my fast a lil earlier than intended... But not really too bothered. I haven't ate more than I would an hour later. Gonna get ma stitching out tonight and chill the fook out tonight. Cancelled my pt for tomorrow as I don't want to risk doing myself harm with low blood pressure. Gonna have a day off tomorrow and see how I feel on Sunday :) might have a wee choccy bar tonight, see how I feel :) xx

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emmster said:
Wow Han, you've been through so much! So pleased that JUDD seems to helping with your joints etc. Hope you feel better soon as well.

Cool T btw :)

Ive been through the mill and back again lol.. Sure everything is all relative. I'm used to my problems just like everyone else gets through theirs :)

I checked my bp and it's on the low side but not as low as it was! On the up yay never thought I'd be glad to see my bp go up :p

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halfangelhalftart said:
Blimmin eck. You've been through the mill. And here's me complaining about a bit of psoriasis on my scalp!

Dead chuffed for all your successes.

You know what, the psoriasis on my scalp was a killer actually, people underestimate how awful it is! When they think you've got dandruff, when your hair falls out, when your scalp itches and bleeds, blah! :p

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