Mumma K
Gold Member
sleepytimesadie said:Lemongrass does that and the black pepper relaxes tense muscles... Kev has it in his bath as he gets a bad back...xx
That's a very useful thing to know
sleepytimesadie said:Lemongrass does that and the black pepper relaxes tense muscles... Kev has it in his bath as he gets a bad back...xx
Mumma K said:That's a very useful thing to know
Have you tried the one where you put your postcode in? It scans into my house and my car, love it, wasn't sure at first as it says "Don't fly. Support Team GB", I didn't understand why an advert for an airline says don't fly but apparently the adverts outside of the UK (and possibly Scotland etc) say to Fly... I think I still prefer the two previous ones.
ginlin said:No I haven't tried that one, will have to have a look for it.
The one I like is to The Clash's "London Calling"
sleepytimesadie said:Silly girl... We all would support you no matter what you chose to do, whatever works for you honey... I have often thought of trying something new but I guess its down to Kev really as he does the cooking and he has SW down to an art form recipe wise so I leave him to it...x Sending hugs and support... Chelle xx
shenzi said:Hi Helen, I'll be another one to admit that I have been doing pods for the last 5 or so months but staying with SW at the same
Time as I tried giving myself free rein but it worked against me lol My pods are more about sorting out my inner demons and getting my head in the right place AGAIN!! Whatever you decide to do we will all be here for you xx
HPSaucy said:Hey you, I think I might be going the same way.. Too much free reign! But I am persevering for now as its certainly made me think about things.
You're doing so well on your weight loss at the moment, I needed to do something to help me since my holiday and putting that 11lb on, I'm back in the 14's but only just.. Need to get into those 13's like you but to be honest I'm more concerned about my size than my weight as Jackie's proved the weight doesn't always shift.. We can do this together x
shenzi said:Oh yes we can, like I've said before we will just take a bit longer than others to get there!!
Mumma K said:£44 per rip off that Helen
Thank heaven for vouchers we used ours last year
at Thorpe park...
Have fun at the BBQ later
and we are behind you 100% whatever you choose diet wise
JackieN said:Free reign = I was like this to start withI describe it as abit like a kid in a sweet shop. Oooo I can have this, oooo this isn't banned, I allowed that to happen. It then after a few weeks settled and I didn't want it anymore. Now I eat healthy 99% of the time, eat when hungry, stop when full but its been a long process but one I feel has been worth while. Also the exercising more helps to limit the damage and make you feel good about you
Sorry for hasty reply should be doing other things :giggle: xxxxxx
lsf666 said:Silly really as those pods are everywhere! Well done so far though
My chill pods are fab as I'm a total stresshead. I'm sticking to SW for the 'diet' side of thing (for now) ooh and I have the fitness one which I really should listen to more often cos I'm SOOOO lazy when it comes to exercise!
Isn't Jackie fab!
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HPSaucy said:Jackie is fab, she needs to get paid for all the support she gives us.. Or be on commission! Definitely listen to the exercise one, you can get back to your 30 day shred then.. When you've got room to move around the boxes x
No I haven't tried that one, will have to have a look for it.
The one I like is to The Clash's "London Calling"
Did you try the above advert online? It's really great seeing your house on it x