Forever Starting Over
hey fb - hope youre ok.
thanks Bren, the gym is going well, was there on sunday and today, i do not know if you read that i am on free membership for 12 weeks as prescribed by my doctor, i am able to come and go as i please with no instuctor watching over me as it is the same gym that i have been a member of for 2 years.I classify staying the same as losing, the scales are just in denial!!
thanks for your comments but what post of mine were you reading as i have lost 3 stone.I agree with this lot. 1/2 stone is great. And as littleblue says, muscle can weight more than fat, so the fat is going but being replaced by denser, difined and attractive muscles in all the right places. The more muscles you have, the higher your metabolism tends to be. Just stick to it, advice here great, it may not be mega quick, but what will emerge under the excess with all your hard work will be worth it I promise