Help needed for 1st day......

I love tomatoey things so the ragu is perfect for me! I was planning to make a SW quiche for lunch tomorrow but I have no cottage cheese. Could do an omelette I suppose but might just do a pasta again but maybe with some prawns and a bit of chilli to give it a kick.

I'm going to keep my eyes open for pork on a deal then and give that recipe a try one weekend when I'm free to make it :)

Had a hard time of it today because I'm so tired and I really don't want to do the shred. Will see how I am when I get home from work.

Your journey sounds pretty sorted to me. Get to your first goal and then reassess how you feel. Sometimes inches are more important than numbers on the scale in my opinion.
i'm definitely a number chaser lol...but i do think that some weeks that we maybe don't lose...we might have lost an inch or 2??
gotta keep that in mind for when we're feeling a bit disheartened anyway lol.

don't give yourself too much pressure re the don't want to do it cos you feel you have to then start to resent it...if you're shattered then listen to your body and chill out for a wee while...tomorrow's another day (depending on what's on at work anyway!) x
I've decided not to go for dinner. I will end up staying out til 11 o'clock or something silly like that. So I'm warming up a SW chilli from the freezer, having a shower and going to bed!

No DVD for me - I can't face it but refuse to feel guilty. I make too many plans - that's my trouble! Need to leave my evenings free so I can rest instead of running about after everyone else!!
good for you! it'll help you out in more than one way...getting the rest and potentially saving syns?? ;)
and don't you dare feel guilty...seems to me like there's probably some more body magic going on than you think with all the rushing about you have to do? x
This site is the only reason I stick to plan (most of the time) lol. I always find giving people tips helps reaffirm ideas in my own mind. I also like putting up pucs of my dinners - some of the recipes are hard for me to do as Im not back from work (in London) til late but I want to show people that you can have SW dinners in a rush. Time shouldnt be an excuse!

I feel a bit better after a bit more sleep last night. I took a sleeping tablet (only a herbal one) and managed to only wake up once in the night which is a record of late! Bought myself the new SW magasine today and that always gives me a boost and helps with recipe ideas etc. A week Saturday is my girlie weekend away and I really want to hit my target by then - plus some more shred should tone me up a bit too!
Can I have a second to brag?! I HAVE JUST SAID 'NO' TO KONDITOR AND COOK ICING COVERED CHOCOLATE COATED CAKEY GOODNESS AND HAD AN APPLE INSTEAD!!! My boss bought a massive cake for us all for our hard work recently and threw us a mini tea party. I feel very virtuous :) *polishes halo*
like like like! ;) lol
nothing better than that wee feeling of "ha! i did that!!" hehe

glad to hear you're feeling a bit more rested did weigh in go? (it is a wed you weigh yourself eh?) x
Yep. This morning was WI and I put on 1lb. Think it was well deserved in all honesty but I'm glad I got a good sleep. Cancelled my plans for this evening too so I can rest up again and be fighting Fit tomorrow lol
good for you! it's prob the best thing you can do?
1lb on isn't too bad when you know that you're back on track plus did you not think it was more?
we never want a gain but it's easier to accept when there's an explanation isn't it?

been rushing around all day and never got dinner until after 7.30! made the fanta chicken except i used a can of diet sunkist and added some dried chilli was really good! couldn't eat it all so there's a wee drop left if i want some before bed (highly unlikely lol) and i still have my HEa to have which, to be honest, i probably wont?
i'm so full and have only used 1 syn today so not sure it'll be much more than that...this will be a 1st but will be up for another couple of hrs so will play it by ear and see if i get peckish later. i made another scan bran "cake" which didn't turn out the same but is edible so i could always just have some of that which would mean 2.5 syns max for the day....unless....?? lol

could really be doing with going to bed too but still have a few things to do and i'd like to just plonk my backside on the couch and watch a bit tele to chill out before bed x
Hi missk. Wasn't online yesterday as I was stupidly busy. Today I have been 'caught short' and not got any lunch prepared so going to have to shop buy. Thinking that I should have sushi as I know i can get low syn but my heart hasn't been in it the last couple of days.

Do you find it expensive to do SW? I seem to spend so much money on food and I'm really struggling this month to make ends meet!!

How was your valentines day?
aww hope today's not going to be as busy for you toots :)

sometimes i find it more expensive than others...but i have noticed that i'm in at least 3 different places a week picking stuff up (which always leads to buying more than you go for!!) and although i think, right, i've bought those things on, say tues, so won't need them when i do the big shop at the weekend... it never works out that way.

we've spent a fortune every weekend the last few wks but more cos asda's had a lot of deals on things we usually buy else where so at least £20 a week of the bills have been on things we didn't need...but will save us getting over the next wee while if you know what i mean?
its not fair that healthy eating is so expensive... i'm thrifty and never fork out for something i think is over priced (or is that tight? lol)
if we wanted to eat **** and put god knows what into our bodies, we could prob shop for a whole month in a freezer shop for £30! not fair...and not right!

when i was getting started, i spent a lot more cos i was having to buy spices, fry lite etc - things that i wouldnt usually get but it's kinda keeping me on track and i just try to think about what i have and these days, use what's there. i don't buy a lot of frozen things at all and it's hard to keep fridge things fresh for more than a few days.
one thing i do notice is i need a bigger fridge! lol.

v day was ok...didn't do anything at all - no fancy dinner or anything...but my OH thinks for the last few weeks he's had fancy dinners compared to before so that's a bonus lol.
what did you do - anything nice after a hectic day?
you been feeling any better after getting a bit more sleep?x

Today will probably be busy (i think its going to be a busy few weeks but not as bad as the last few days thankfully) I have come into work armed with my ipod to stop anyone disturbing me so I can get my head down lol.

I'm feeling a bit more cheerful then when I first got up - i felt a bit like 'whats the point - a couple of pounds doesnt matter that much and i cant afford any healthy nice food anyway' but i am feeling a bit more in perspective now. I bought some chicken and veg sushi from the shop (i think its only about 2 syns but i will double check at lunchtime) and a bag of squares crisps lol (LOVE these and only 6 syns). plus I brought fruit and a yoghurt with me so not too bad a start so far. My trouble will be tonight when we go to my friends for dinner as she is getting us a takeaway curry! But I am just trying to take it in my stride and remind myself that I need to stick to SW as far as humanly possible - but there will always be occasions when i cant and this is just one of them. its not a big deal - I just move on from it after. The idea of doing SW was to drop a few pounds and have a healtheir relationship with food - I dont want to feel guilty after i eat anything yummy!

So I will enjoy my night tonight - I have decided to drive so there will be no liquid syns. I will stick to something low syn - such as a tandoori dish or rogan josh/dhansak with plain boiled rice (6 syns) So all in all I should be able to stick within syns anyway! what on earth was a worrying about hahahah!!

I have planned to spend tomorrow making up some soups/pasta's etc for lunches to put in the freezer so I wont be caught short from now until payday! I need to shop smarter and use up what i have in the freezer and cupboards before i buy other things - easier said then done sometimes lol

My V day was very quiet - I got a funny card from my bf which was unexpected as he isnt working at the moment (hence my money stresses - grrr to being self employed!!) I got him a little thing of chocs too - we dont make a big fuss of it tbh. as long as we spend some time together thats all that matters to me!

you on a EE day today? any weekend plans?
glad to hear you're feeling a bit better - overall about your thoughts towards the healthy eating.
i think you're right and the fact that sw mainly promotes healthy eating does give us the chance to get right back on track after occasions where we've leaned slightly off. i think that the fact that we've adapted to the way we eat lets us do that more it almost become second nature to dig all the ingredients out to make a meal rather than open something pre packed?
and the fact that you (and i) want to have a "healthier head" when it comes to food is a big deal...but i do think that its got us in a better frame of mind about it....which is a positive thing.
i think sometimes when we give ourself pressure to not do this or that, that's when we want to do that thing even more...and then comes the guilt cos we think we've i think it's great that you're going to take it in your stride tonight...what'll be will be and i'm sure you'll still enjoy yourself no matter what you have :D
it's quite sad to think how much food and eating consumes or has consumed so much of our lives eh (well, for me anyway!). i've always been jealous of people who don't seem to/don't need to give it a second thought!

yep, on EE today, had fruit salad and a yog with half my B allowance in oats (so that i can have something else later...and easier seeing as i'm at home today) and just had lunch which was ham, egg and cheese (A) salad with some rice stuff that i made and some pickle. that's twice in the one week i've sat down to a salady lunch...think i pushed it a bit today tho...wasn't as enjoyable as monday's was but then that's probably cos monday's was the 1st time lol.

i also went to my local butchers today and asked about extra lean meat/sausages etc. he said they don't do an extra lean pork link but had beef links and steak links and that the steak ones are 90% meat with no fat so better to go for them than the standard beef ones or steak slice as they had fat etc in them.
anyway, i bought 6 and have decided that i will have 1 or 2 on sunday when i'm on EE again and can maybe syn a 2 or 3 for them just in case? i've got 26 syns from the week so far that i have't used so i'm sure i'll be well covered but one of the assistants said when i was there that someone else on sw goes in and gets the same ones and she said she's never not had a loss after having them....
i'm sure they'll be yummy and especially as i've not had sausage for ages...but i am a wee bit wary - just cos it's the 1st thing that i've not prepared...or opened from a pkt of extra lean.

that was sweet of your fella re yesterday...not great that he's not working just now's hard eh...especially when some people don't get off their arses to do a day's work but seem to have the life of riley! grrr oh don't get me started on that...that's a whoooole other thread lmao x
Hello hun :)

Today the prep had been good for next week so far. So far I've made a pasta with stir fried veggies and prawns, 2 x rice dish with stir fried veggies and prawns, 4 x portions of spicy butternut squash soup

and tomorrow i will be making some butternut squash risotto :) and some cous cous with onion, peas, sweetcorn and peppers! i think lunches are sorted for a while lol.
well done you!
i've been feeling hellish today...the dreaded star week made an appearance a day early and been sore most of the day. was so hungry this morning but had weetabix and banana and some fruit salad with yog then went to lie down for a bit...was still really hungry and just wanted a quick fix of dairy milk and walkers crisps but had 1 slice of wm toast, beans and boiled eggs then an alpen light as we headed out.
not long back...STILL hungry??? but had 2 wee smash pizza's there and now waiting on some sw chips (need to get a bigger oven so i can cook it all at the same time!)
dunno why i've been so hungry today but i'm still on track with full syns so might have a freddo later and some crisps.
my OH will no doubt be indulging in the box of thorntons, 6 chunky kit kats, cadbury snow bites or cream eggs he got today....lucky pig!! lol

i've never made anything with cous cous yet...i really want to but just not sure how to make it i do you do yours?
and how did last night go?x
I've not made it before but the latest magazine has a recipe in it. Seems that you just put it in a bowl with some stock, cover the bowl with cling film and leave it for a bit then stir through whatever you want in it. Hopefully you can see this pic.


Last night was really fun. I stuck to not drinking and had a tandoori garlic prawn thing but I did have some saag aloo (about 3.5 syns worth) and also a poppadum :) was lovely to relax and not worry after making my decision to enjoy it and I'm chuffed with my prep for the next week or two :) no Tupperware left now lol!!
thanks...i'll have a wee look.

haha...i just don't have the room in my fridge to make too many things...i have one tub which i keep the dahl/quiches in and its hidden at the bottom but because the packed lunches are always made everyday, ready to lift the next day, there's not much room for anything once the fruit/veg/cold meat etc is there.
i've been saying for ages we need a new fridge but just haven't got round to it.
and my cooker only has one shelf...never really a problem when i wasn't cooking too much but it is now!

i'm gonna try cous cous at some point. i had been thinking that a veg/chicken stock cube over it instead of just boiling water might be ok then add mixed veg or whatever...just need to give it a bash.

glad to hear you had fun last night...and were able to relax and not go nuts/way off plan....:D
you's up to anything exciting tonight?x
I'm just running a nice hot bath candles and all and going to have a soak. Then me and bf will prob stick a film on. Perfect Saturday eve for me these days lol. :)

I'm not sure about Cous cous - I sort of have to be in the mood for it and I'm not sure how long it will last for?! Don't suppose you can freeze it either?!