My bf is very good and when he vooks he always uses frylight and checks what I can and cant have (depending if I doing EE/Red/Green). Last night he made a yummy turkey and spinach curry which was just what I needed as I had a COMPLETE BREAKDOWN yesterday!
Things have been building up recently and I have been feeling so stressed out with work, money (or should I say severe lack of it), this stupid girls night out I have been forced into this weekend and then yesterday the very girl who forced me into it announced that she isn't going anymore!
Great - thanks a lot! I could really have used the money I will have to spend on things like....I don't MORTGAGE!!!! Argh I am so annoyed! I only agreed to go because she was going. I get on well enough with the other girls mostly but they do turn into rowdy crazy people when they have had too much to drink! So I am not happy about it (although she has good reasons not to go and i totally understand them). I guess i am just mad for not sticking to my guns in the first place and saying yes after much persuasion.
I have been working such long hours and I am not sleeping because I have so much on my mind! This weekend has been the undoing of me and i spent about an hour on the phone to a friend in tears last night because I just can't cope without any sleep any more! Even sleeping tablets aren't doing the trick!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Today I feel a little better but I am just not in the right mindset for SW. I really need to get this weekend out of the way (and get paid) so I can really take a look at the mags again and make some meals plans. I am going to try to relax a bit over the next few days and not get stressed about SW on top of everything else. But I am also not going to have ahuge binge and eat pots of pringles, chips, pizza etc! I just need to let go a bit and start again I think.
Hopefully you are both doing a bit better than I am?