Help needed for 1st day......

hmmm..not sure...but i'm gonna give it a bash
i'm off to get settled now too...gonna get my pj's on and catch up with some tv that we've got recorded from thru the week...the sooner i do that, the sooner i can tackle these 15syns ;) lol x
Hi Sparty and Xmissskx :) I'm new to SW and i joined on valentines day so have spent ages on this site reading zillions of posts for ideas etc.. Ive really enjoyed reading your posts and got some great ideas for the magic porrige and the ferrero chocs - thank you! Glad ypu are both doing well on your weight loss journeys - lets hope I can do it too ! First weigh in will be on thursday. So far seems ok but ive been used to WW so it seems unreal not weighing everything - how will i not put weight on ??!! Only one small problem- suffering with bloating and cramps today - maybe too much fruit ? Noticed you were chatting abour cuscous- I would definitely use a knorr stock cube- i like chicken= and then add roasted veg or stir it into fried mushrooms pieces of tandoori chicken or whatever you fancy really! the more flavoring you add the better . Long term aim by the summer is to lose a stone so fingers crossed SW will work for me and i can keep focused and on track!! Good luck both .
hi slinky...
glad you've found some of the things here useful :D
like you, i did ww and at the end of last year (after spending most of that yr hungry (apart from when i used all my weeklies at the weekend!) i decided to look at lost of stuff to do with sw - on here mostly, as i wanted to see if sw would be "do able" for me.
i spent weeks looking at stuff but like you, was wary that if i went from ww straight to sw i'd put on so i stopped everything in dec with the intentions i'd start a fresh in the new year.
i'm glad i spent so long preparing and getting my head round sw as it is slightly different due to the fact it's not as "convenient" as what ww can be. i have to say, i'm enjoying it, the cooking from scratch took a bit of getting used to but it's keeping me busy now and i'm enjoying the proper meals and less of the hunger pangs! lol.
i tend to eat syn free all day so i can use my syns for treats and so good.
how have you been finding it, other than the bloating? are you just doing EE?
you'll need to keep us posted with your progress and any new ideas which we can use too ;)
it's great on here isn't it?
there's a thread for what people are having for dinner too which is fab...lots of great ideas and yummy pics which i often look at and think "HOW"! hehe x
Hi slinky :) SW is great - hope you get into it like I hve. (Currently waiting for my SW chips to cook - feels naughty but syn free!!!)

Having a roast today - turkey and veggies. I haven't had any syns yet so will be making proper gravy and having a Yorkshire pud with it. Mmmmmm!!
sounds good! i've got gammon there so we'll have that with some sw roasts and veg...when i eventually go for shopping which will be whenever my OH gets his ass out the shower! lol.

well, i had bacon, a sausage, beans, poached egg and plum tomatoes for breakfast...the sausage was tasty (from the butchers) but i spent the whole time saying 90% fat arse! (cos there was fat coming out) :(
i cooked them on the george foreman and had planned to have 1.5-2 but after seeing the fat i kinda freaked a bit. just had one and synned a couple for it to be on the safe side (plus i havent used all my syns anyway so will be covered) but i'm not sure i'll be making a habit of it.
i looked in the book at syn values for steak/lean steak mince instead of extra lean and measurements were per 100g and seeing as i only had one...i don't think i'll have anything to worry about?
just a bit disappointed but aww was still good for a change/treat? and i didn't use my HEb so i suppose i can either have a sandwich later or 2 cereal bars instead?

keep meaning to say sparty...i've tried to click on the link for your blog umpteen times but it won't let me view anything?? is it maybe cos i'm newish on here? i have had almost 300 posts and i know that can make a difference to what you can see/do when you 1st join but i thought i'd be able to look at things like that? :( x
meant to say...i have a pair of jeans on and a t shirt that i've not worn for ages...they feel so much more comfy today :D
was gonna wear them yesterday but it was too much of a thought with the dreaded period pain (gotta love leggings at times eh lol)

i don't often wear jeans and these ones arent anything special...they just made me feel paranoid a bit before but today i'm slightly better in them...gotta be a plus side ;)
i don't do although they're not too big...i just noticed that so far i feel ok with them on and the top is a bit more loose at my bonus but i kinda wish it would work its way up and tackle my belly instead of from the boobs down!
never happy haha x
the link's there..just when i click on it it brings me a msg from here saying i am seeing that msg as i am a new member??? weird lol.

well i've just spent the last hr and a half this morning making soup, sw quiche, chickpea dahl loaf, fruit salad and currently have onion bhajis waiting to go in the oven when the other stuff is done....made my lunch for work tomorrow so pretty much sorted now me thinks.
just leaves the boys lunches for tm and tonight's dinner to get organised..phew this healthy eating is non stop eh hehe.

how was the rest of your weekend?x
Hi Guys ! Thanks for the posts ! Had a good day today even though I was back at work after half term ! had plenty to eat and only 7 1/2 syns. So far having between 6-15 a day but do you think this is too much ? Would you suggest staying around 5? Im currently on day 4. I Like fruit and veg so no problems there but already seemm to spend ages chopping and cooking!! Had lots of homemade soup and then use bread as the HEx for a sandwich and all my milk for coffee! Not missing the wine or G&T too much yet!! Doing EE but really think the higher carb wont be so good for me . I think after the first weigh in i will do more red days for a trial. Love this site it really helps to know youre not on your own - just dont want to get too obsessed thinking about food all the time!!! Just love food thats the problem - shame I dont like dust!!!!! My OH is showing an interest too - hes got a bit more to lose than me though so all this new cooking will help I hope. He does lots of cooking so thats great as long as he doesnt get carried away with cooking oil !! Dreading the weekend already as got vsistors al weekend and big meal out planned - aaaaah! will I be able to resist- not sure !! Cheers both. ;) is a link to where i post my food ideas and pics. Its not every day but there are a few favourties on here.

slinky - I tend to use at least 10 syns per day. I know a lot of people on this forum who don't use their syns (maybe 3 or 4 a day) and they always lose LESS when they do this compared to when they use their full syns. Sounds crazy I know but do a search for how many syns to use and you will see post after post of people saying use your syns to get better losses. Also it makes SW more sustainable if you allow yourself 'non diet' food as you are less likely to fall off the wagon. Usina all your syns now also gives you something you can alter if you hit a plateau....I would recommend using them all (or most at least) and then cutting down if you stop losing.

I was back on plan yesterday - spent my syns on a nescafe latte macchaito sachet (5.5), vekvet crunch (4) and a little bit of ice cream after dinner mmmmmm (5.5). Feeling tired but good in general. Having a green day for a change today :) brekkie was weetabix and milk (A&B) and a macciato again (5.5 - I seem to be getting into a habit of having these!!). lunch is homemade soup with a WM roll (B), fruit and a yoghurt. Dinner will be either an omelette with ham and cheese and some SW chips or a jacket potato with some roasted veg cooked in harissa pasta.

missk - I meant to congratulate you on your jeans :) that is suuch a boost when that happens. makes it all worth it doesnt it?! WI today for you isnt it? x
its good that there are different days you can try...i've spent 6 weeks doing one day ee, one day green but know that if i stopped losing weight i could try a week of each and see if it helps.
my weight loss is happening slowly but surely and to be honest, i don't go to weigh in expecting results the way i did on ww...i think i did because i had starved all week so looked for a loss where as on here, i've eaten well every day and still lost 13lb...BONUS if you ask me! ;)

as for the syns, think people say a minimum of 5, i'm averaging about 10-12 cos i have a pkt of crisps and a wee bit chocolate every day. have only used the full 15 once and only had one day where i only used 1.5 (and that was only cos i'd eaten late and wasn't hungry for my usual treat which i have when settled in front of the tv before bed)

everyone's different but i'd def say don't deprive yourself and use them for a wee goody, like your G & T lol, cos when we cut everything out, that's when we're more likely to go nuts?
some people use theirs weekly but i don't think its what the consultants would say - again, what works for one might not work for another.

that's good your OH is involved...the only thing my OH is involved in is munching the delicious dinners that i've been making lol x
My bf is very good and when he vooks he always uses frylight and checks what I can and cant have (depending if I doing EE/Red/Green). Last night he made a yummy turkey and spinach curry which was just what I needed as I had a COMPLETE BREAKDOWN yesterday!

Things have been building up recently and I have been feeling so stressed out with work, money (or should I say severe lack of it), this stupid girls night out I have been forced into this weekend and then yesterday the very girl who forced me into it announced that she isn't going anymore!

Great - thanks a lot! I could really have used the money I will have to spend on things like....I don't MORTGAGE!!!! Argh I am so annoyed! I only agreed to go because she was going. I get on well enough with the other girls mostly but they do turn into rowdy crazy people when they have had too much to drink! So I am not happy about it (although she has good reasons not to go and i totally understand them). I guess i am just mad for not sticking to my guns in the first place and saying yes after much persuasion.

I have been working such long hours and I am not sleeping because I have so much on my mind! This weekend has been the undoing of me and i spent about an hour on the phone to a friend in tears last night because I just can't cope without any sleep any more! Even sleeping tablets aren't doing the trick!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Today I feel a little better but I am just not in the right mindset for SW. I really need to get this weekend out of the way (and get paid) so I can really take a look at the mags again and make some meals plans. I am going to try to relax a bit over the next few days and not get stressed about SW on top of everything else. But I am also not going to have ahuge binge and eat pots of pringles, chips, pizza etc! I just need to let go a bit and start again I think.

Hopefully you are both doing a bit better than I am?
aww i'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so stressed out :(

there really is nothing worse than when things build up and we let it get to us (sometimes unwillingly/knowing we shouldn't) and then it takes it toll and has an impact on EVERYTHING.
people always say oh don't worry..but it's easier said than done eh!
and as for the sleep...i just can't function on not enough and that can make a huge difference but then it's a vicious circle when we lie there thinking go to sleep go to sleep and our minds are doing overtime then you become worked up looking at the clock and how near it is to getting up time!

i totally get you on the night out thing...i spent most of my life doing things for everyone else and i reached a point a few years ago when i thought f*k this! i'm going to do things for me now and start saying no to people more (easier said than done as well when you have "friends" who when you say no to, it's more grief than it's worth!) but i kinda just pulled away from everyone really and yes, i got the outcome that i wanted....but then how do you start over with new people who aren't like that and be how you want do you physically meet new people when every day things like work etc stop that type of socialising?!
i'm definitely more happier not being pressured in to certain situations, but it has changed that whole part of my life and to be honest, if i hadn't made a conscious decision to to that, and accept how it was going to be...i'd still be getting roped in to things that i didn't want to do - although now i seem to spend my time saying "no" to things cos i know i won't enjoy them but then i look like a total anti socialist!! lol
i'm not sure i'm that fussed at times but i get what you mean about focussing on priorities and i'm sure the fact that you've had a good cry, it might have helped?

i dunno what to suggest to help you sleep...i think when things stop whizzing round your head as much, it'll help - but how do you make that happen other than as soon as something pops in to your head, try as best you can to throw it back out - again, easier said than done! (my quote of this chat lol)

i'm doing ok thanks, a few things getting to me today but nothing worth wasting my energy over and it'll soon be the weekend i guess :D

aww i really feel for you but hope that by talking with your friend, it's helped and even typing out some stuff on here too?
as for SW...just take every day as it comes and don't beat yourself up if you don't stick to the plan 100%.
your health is more important than anything else and what's the worst that can gain a few lbs but know that when you're back in the zone, you'll fix it no problem!
i'm sure you're doing great tho and just focus on trying to change things a wee bit at a might take longer but you'll get there in the end x
Hi Sparty
sorry to hear you have had a crap week :(. Sorry not posted earlier as been super busy. I agree with all the advice from xmisskx - Hi to you too xmisskx ;) -especially about being strong and saying no when you want to. I decided this late on in my 40s and i feel so much happier about it although I did always worry about upsetting people and being polite etc. Now i thank them so much for asking me to come and say im really flattered to be asked but actually its not really my thing but id love to go to ...... with them insted if that was ok ? This is tricky sometimes and maybe sometimes you just have to weigh up if its worth spoiling a good friendship over or gritting your teeth and just going to the do after all - it just depends on the importance of the occassion i think.
Regarding SW you can only do it when your head is in gear but at least SW is something that only you have control over and noone tells you what to eat only ourselves so it can be quite empowering and you have the control. Even if you go off the rails for a whole week its only one out of 56 isnt it! so dont worry about it - it just doesnt matter.
Sleep wise i know JUST what you mean!! I have a stressful full on job and work long hours and regularly till midnight at home so along with ****** hot flushes a whole nights sleep is a huge and rare luxury !! I now put a notepad by the bed and so instead of tossing all night i write the thought/job/list down and then go back to sleep knowing its there for the morning - it may help?? Money issues are a total pain for us all !! My daughter just passed her driving test Yippee !! but its cost us big time with insurance loans etc!! Also had family stay for the whole weekend with meal out, lunch out and 50th birthday celebrations so been a killer for me with the plan and cost wise too !!!! ive done big SW breakfasts for them and ate out healthy lunch but FAR too much wine and choc cake and italian meal out so not good!!! Back on plan this morning however !! PS I lost 2 pounds in my first week so really pleased !! My diet buddy lost 4 so shes over the moon ! Im going to try a couple of red days this week to see how that goes . well done both of you for your continued losses- GREAT!!! This is a new lifestyle and not really a diet - its the long term aim really not the weekly weigh in I keep telling myself haha ! Have a good few days both - im off to plan my shopping list for healthy food now ready for tes0 - living life on the edge again!! ;)
Thank you both for your support - it means a lot!

I had my dreaded night out saturday night and although I felt the day time was a waste of time and money, I actually had a great night out. I literally just danced - might as well have been there on my own for all the attention I paid to anyone else. I just totally went into my own little world and danced my socks off! And once I had enough I just said bye to the rest of the girls and went back to the hotel - got in at around 2:30am so not exactly early anyway and managed a decent sleep after a wine or two!! So I am glad I went and i think it was just what I needed - time away from family, bf and my local area.

Feel a bit refreshed from it and in a much better place mentally. My sleeping is a bit better too - I am working lots of overtime this week so sleep and diet will no doubt suffer. But tbh I have let go of the stress of it - I will make the best choices I can and if that means I have one slice of bread too many then so be it! Its not going to make me pile the weight back on and getting stressed about it does my mental health no good at all. Guess I just needed time to myself to make myself 'man up' and get over it.

I am super poor this week but get paid on Thursday so I am going to plan my shopping list to the last detail and make sure I get in lots and lots of SW food for the freezer to stock up. BF is working this week too so that money will help fill up the cupboards as I feel a bit like mother hubbard at the moment lol!! Lots of veggies to make SW soups for lunch and lots of pasta dishes that I can pre-prepare as well!

How are you both doing now?
doing ok at this end sparty...glad to hear things aren't quite as stressful as they were and yeah, sounds like the night out was just what you needed.
blow you syns on wine, get plastered and you'll sleep for sure haha...if only eh!

it'll help that your fella's got some work...long may it last! can you go shopping later at night and maybe get some reductions to freeze? i know it's a hit or a miss but i like a bargain and although i generally can't get out to shop at night, i've had some good bargains with meat before and it's handy to stick in the freezer that day.
every penny counts for most of us i think and i always tend to buy what's on offer when i can...says she who spent £88 at asda yesterday!! :eek:

as usual, my monday's consisted of bulk cooking but it's all done now so have a couple of hrs to myself which i plan to use doing bugger all!

slinky...glad to hear you're doing well too...remember to keep us posted on your progress, are you enjoying the plan? and well done on your daughter passing her test x
Hello missk. Im feeling good today after lots of sleep over the weekend :) shopping is in and I'm having homemade pasta for lunch with veggies and prawns mmm

How you feeling?
everything good at this end chick...apart from the headache i've not been able to shift from yesterday?! :(

nice to hear you're doing well and managed to get caught up with some sleep...its been my turn to have a hard time of it with that....hoping an early night tonight is successful lol x
Oh no. You sound poorly :( try and get a good night tonight. Sleep always helps! Nice bath a d relax before bed will help too :)

Having roasted chicken for dinner with stir fried veggies and jerk sauce! Yum!