Help needed for 1st day......

my headache's lifted...just!...thank god but i'm definitely gonna try get an earlier night tonight.

well, i'm just back from weigh in and i put half a lb on!!???
no explanation as i've stayed on plan completely and within my syns for 8 weeks but i was interested to see what would happen this week as the weight i got to last week was the weight that, when i was doing ww, i got stuck at and put on from there!
not too bothered to be honest, sure i would have liked a loss but i know i didn't do anything wrong so i'm going to do the exact same this week as i have been doing and hopefully see a loss next week (and more than half a lb at that lol)
will just need to keep an eye on it i think and maybe speak to the C at class if i notice that i'm not seeing progress again like before :(

fingers crossed! day for me today, haven't eaten too much cos i was feeling naff but having some sw quiche, an onion bhaji, sw chips and salad for dinner (hurry up chips lol)
EE tomorrow and i'm going to make the fanta chicken...looking forward to it already ;)

what's the jerk sauce that you use?x
Your attitude to this whole thing is remarkable. Good for you not letting it stop your momentum :) and glad you feel a bit better too

My bf made it and in the end just used reggae reggae sauce. It didn't give much flavour but I have always preferred it as a dipping sauce rather than a cooking sauce. I don't have a syn free recipe I'm afraid and didn't bother looking once this time round.

I haven't tried fanta chicken but not sure if I fancy it?! How does it taste?
it's really nice...just like sweet and sour.
last time i added a sprinkle of chilli flakes and it was tasty...OH loved it so tonight i thought right, i'll do the same again. didn't use any measurements and wasn't sure it was coming out so that was fine, tasted it and it was yummy...but then as it reduced down, it definitely had been coming out and of course, so had the spice as it cooked for longer....result was after 3 spoonfuls, the taste of it had disappeared and all i could taste was fire!!!!!!
numb lips and a continuous cough and it's done now lol
note to self...just add a sprinkle of chilli flakes and trust that they're coming out rather than continue to add more!! (trust me)

if you like sweet and sour then i'd say try it, 1st time i just followed the recipe but i definitely liked it with a wee sprinkle of chilli flakes (and not the mammoth amount which i appeared to use tonight!)

still sticking to plan but not feeling up for it the last few days...things not great at home and work's not much better so hoping it all just sorts itself out - nothing major just the usual petty stuff which is sometimes worse!

anyhoo...less of my moans. how are things with your work - has it quietened down any? x
Hello all. I have been very absent recent and I'm hovering around the 9 stone mark - so a few pounds on which is annoying but very much deserved as u have been bingeing massively on chocolate recently! Need to give myself a smack and get out of that habit sharpish before it does serious damage lol

Surprising I feel quite happy with how I feel ATM so I'm not worried about the extra few pounds. I'm more worried about my skin from the chocolate tbh.

Work has been awful and they told me they wouldn't support my promotion at the last minute after I had done all the work for it, been working so much overtime and spent yesterday making cakes for our team meeting today!! So I have just had a glass of wine and meal out to cheer myself up. Spent most of the day on the verge of tears!!
hey you!
aww that's sh1t about your work...why won't they support you? and no wonder you were on the verge of tears... just not fair especially after all your hard work! (and making the bloody cakes lol)

glad you're feeling better about things just now...and it's a good frame of mind not to stress about the few lbs on - you know once you get your head down and get back in to it, they'll come off and its a vicious circle when we stress that we're heavier cos that just results in us eating bad and so on and so on.

not much been happening at my end...still on plan, wasn't sure i was going to make it WI last night but i nicked out at the last minute and had 3lbs off?? hadn't done anything any different but i'm finally under that weight which i got stuck and just gained before...although i'll keep an eye on things at the moment.

how's things with your fella - work wise? looking any brighter on that front? and what about this weather eh?? i went to bed last night with my pj's plus thick socks and my dressing gown...then woke through the night and the heating had come on itself so felt like i'd been bashed about in my sleep (you know how you get that pounding headache, feel like a sugar puff and all tight lol) but hoping that we see some increase in the temperatures...and fast! lol.

nice to hear from you...x
Lol 'feel like a sugarpuff' tee hee. I do know what you mean though.

Bf is back working now horaaaayyyy!! He has work for the next few weeks at least and things usually start to pick up this time of year so happy on that front.

So pleased you made it through your barrier weight! Sometimes there is no reason for sticking but I'm pleased you broke through. So what's your target now?!

I have a biiiiig meeting tomorrow and have to wear a dress and heels! SO not looks forward to walking from the station to the office in these temperatures! It's awful at the moment and meant to last all week!!
could you not wear leggings too..then take them off when you get there? or get changed at work? (or is it just not do-able that way?)

still no target for me in mind really...just gonna keep at it and see what happens. i'm doing great just plodding along and i'm wary that putting a big no of lbs that i "need" to lose on it will twist my (what have been good so far) thoughts...does that make sense?

great news on the OH's work...what is it that he does? (just wondering when you said it usually picks up)

tried piri piri chips tonight as i bought a jar of the seasoning last week...never again...hadn't had it before and ruined my nice dinner cos they were just atomic! must've put too much on...either that or i'm just daft! lol

last night i had chilli chicken noodles which were good. dunno if i told you the last time (which was ages ago) but its just a tbsp of soy soy, 1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes and leave the meat in that in the fridge for a while, cook with whatever veg and mix some egg noodles through...quick and easy and approved by my OH - would recommend it if you haven't had them before?x
I decided on a trouser suit with leggings underneath :) plus I wore ugg type boots and carried my shoes with me to keep my feet warm! Excellent plan so far! On the train ready to go all toasty warm lol. I have to go into the House of Lords for an evidence hearing (sounds a lot posher than it actually is lol. I work for department of health)

My bf is a painter and decorator. He works mostly for himself and winter is always terrible for him because people are using their money for Xmas etc. it normally starts to get busy again pretty soon after but this year was especially quiet. I'm happy now he is back at work though - keeps him out of trouble ;)

I think you are doing the right thing by carrying on as you are in all honesty. It's working brilliantly and if it ain't broke don't fix it! Your attitude to all this is amazing so you don't actually need to specify the number of lbs you want rid of.....especially now you have broken through your barrier.

The piri piri chips don't sound good lol. Such a shame when you spend time making dinner for it to turn out bad. I haven't been cooking much recently as I have been working overtime so my bf has taken over as I'm getting in late. Im starting to miss it though which is a good thing. Hoping to leave a bit early today and cook up a nice syn free stir fry.

I really like the sound of your chilli chicken noodles so I might give that a try since I have all the stuff in - how long do you leave it in the fridge for?!

I have some filo pastry in the fridge so tomorrow I might make some mini pie things with chicken/turkey, bacon and mushroom. Or maybe some beef and onion. Will see what the freezer is hiding :)
been a hectic day for me today and at 7.30 pm (ish)...this is the 1st chance i've had to get on!

i left mine in the fridge for about and hr this time (i made it before i nipped out on monday) but recipe said at least 10 mins so it's really quick :)
let me know if you try it

that's great news about your OH, fingers crossed it keeps up ;) and your meeting sounds weeeeelllll posh hehe x
Ok. 9st 6lb. So about 11/12lb on since last weigh in aaaaaaages ago!! Need to do some work pronto!

How you doing miss k?!

Hi law3 :)
Hello :) things are good with me. Bf still got lots of work on and my work has quieted down a little so I'm not falling asleep at my desk hahahaha!!

Day one of being back on plan today and I'm already starving :) fresh mango and a muller light for brekkie, homemade soup and ryvita (hexb) for lunch and a stir fry later for dinner!

I've got a creme egg for this afternoon when I hit my tired spell at about 3 which is 9 syns and there are none other planned so hopefully it will be a good first day :)

What's your plan for today? X
today's food sounds good!
plan for me today is a green day...fruit salad and yog for breakfast i think...maybe some magic porridge???
not sure about the rest of the day yet lol

don't mention cream eggs to me....Home Bargains are doing 8 for £1 and my OH came home with 24 yesterday....PIG! lol. i like cream eggs but don't really think they're worth 9? the peanut lion bar i tasted tho...will be totally worth 10 so roll on the day that i have that (i've got one tucked away lol)
fekin easter....i mean...maybe one year, i'll be able to kick the ar$e out of it and NOT be dieting hehe

glad to hear the work situation's better for both of you....always a huge relief x
I still don't like magic porridge as much as I try. I might just have normal porridge though on a red day when I can use the extra hexa.

24 creme eggs!!! Wow - that's insane!! 9 syns is a lot for one thing - usually I wouldn't eat anything like that as I prefer lower syn treats more often lol. But my bf went to the shops last night and bought me one and it was either eat it for the sake of it or start as I mean to go on and save it for today and syn it properly. :)

I'm not sure what to do about Easter. I'm gonna ask my bf not to get me an egg I think - or maybe try to measure how many syns they are?! My parent always get me one. Maybe I could ask for malteasters or creme eggs where I know where I am syn wise!
i don't really buy for easter...other than my son...OH gets enough as soon as the eggs go on sale! lol

ask for the mini things and that way you're not missing out and will, as you say, be able to track them? i'm going to pick up another few bags of the mini malteser bunnies cos i LOVE them...and for 3 syns each...i savour them...or have 1 with something else (greedy mare! lol)

so far i've only had some fruit salad and yog and a sw onion bhaji to eat...the time is flying past so i better get my finger out and start getting tomorrow's things sorted seeing as i'm on EE tm and always struggle with the lunches on that day. i'm thinking of trying green days the days i work so that i have that extra HEb and doing EE over the weekend one week and see what happens there...slightly wary in case i didn't like the scales following that but might be worth a try??

lost half a lb on monday....was ok with that (no expectations as usual) and especially as star week was due on the saturday but hadn't appeared...then came yesterday (the day after WI).

going out for chinese this weekend and soooo looking forward to it. not had chinese in about 3 months and although i never really kick the ar$e out of the buffet, i intend to put no pressure on myself and enjoy the's a special occasion and won't happen all the i always have salad on my plate anyway and mostly pick the veg out of each thing so that i'm getting a taste of different sauces without eating a huge plateful....roll on the weekend ;) x
Ooohhhh your Chinese sounds lush! I'm out at a party Friday night and will be drinking but the good is a SW friendly chilli con carne so I'm pleased with that!!

My plan for the weekend is to get a muffin tin and try making the ham and mushroom ones on the SW website to keep for brekkie and lunches. Or I could use my ceramic rammakins that I make Yorkshire puddings in?! What do you reckon? Could they work??

I also want to get some sorting and spring cleaning done this weekend so hopefully its not raining and I can open up all the windows and air out my bed!