Hiya Roch,
So glad your results were good thats great you must be so relieved.
I have a cairns terrier she will be 4 mths old on saturday and we have had her 4 weeks friday coming.
She is doing well with her piddles but its awkward because we have carpet so i have bought 3 baby gates which have saved alot of headaches really and she has the kitchen to herself but without shutting all the doors .
She seems to have settled in well and has her second injection next monday and then we can take her walkies cant wait i am looking forward to having a genuine excuse to get out and wander around for half an hour !
Really feel good with the GL and its awaken my pleasure of cooking and wanting to try different things !
No i dont feel hungry between meals either feeling pretty good !
Thought the book was good but still haven't had a proper look through it !
Will do tomorrow as i have an hour after work tomorrow all to myself ! yey !
Really proud of ya hunny

lotsa love Julie XXXXX