Well weigh in day is here again and i am not going to change my threar title again to say "
just got back from my first weigh in" as i am sick and tired of putting that in my thread title.
Frrl a bit aprehensive as i have no idea how i have done, i do know that not a single treat has passed my lips as i want to go as long as possible without treats, kind of detoxing myself which i def have done as i have 4 spots on my face and i very rarely get spots.
I think my water retention probs have eased up a bit in my ankles as my ankle boots zipped up with ease last night !!
Ebony is being a naughty puppy,

she bit threw my telephone wire and now we changed it she did it again and right infront of my face by the time i got a chance to stop her it was 2 late, so untill later we have no house phone as its a cordless phone with 2 units and we already transfered the other wire so will have to get one later on today.
Got to take Ebony to have her second jabs today at 5.20 then she can start being walked outside and at 6.30 i am going to my SW class, although i want 2 stay to the meeting i am not going to risk it as it is meant to snow tonight as well so i want to get home as soon as possible.
Aaron is going to have to come with me and walk me from the car to the building just incase i fall and i will be holding on to him for dear life.
If i fall over and break my leg i will end up being hopsitalised till the break repairs as i will be completely bed bound so i have to be so careful.
I feel a bit happier today and i just want to thank each and every one of you for all the kind messages and support yesterday it was a hard day for me.
The weather forecast says it will snow again tomorrow and its still snowing now and a delivery van got stuck in the snow so am not sure how i will manage but i am determined to go out.
Hope u all are having a good day,take care,drive safely and stay warm xxx