I am excited and anxious for you Roch. I feel enormous sympathy too for your terrible back pain. It is SO debilitating. Try and rest as much as possible (!) yes, I know it just isn't feasible most of the time!
Can you imagine how you will be feeling one year from today? How much weight you have lost, how your other aches and pains will have reduced. How you will be busy planning for your brighter future at last....![]()
What fantastic news!
Hope you're not in too much pain with your back.
wow great news roch xxxxx
sorry to hear about the sciatica hun take care xxxxx
Roch that is just brill news am soooo happy for ya!!!
This time next year you will be a new woman !!!!
Wow absolutely fantastic, just under 18 days to go, so pleased you put a countdown tracker on.
HMMMMM wonder where the balloon went then, do you think you could have passed it.
So pleased you are getting it done, hopefully your sciatica will ease too as the weight comes off.
Woohoo roch![]()
Brilliant news, soo pleased you felt positive vibes from Mr H, as that makes such a difference![]()
Good luck to for your liver shrinking diet!! do you have to go back to see Mr H before the 8th May, so they can see how much your liver is shrinking???
Hope your backs not playing up so much..
take care of yourself girl
Hey Roch :hug99:
It's lovely to see you so upbeat about things hunny& your uncle sounds like a real life fairy godfather - he obviously loves and cares about you very, very much.
I wonder what happened to that balloon? It seems weird that it has disappeared, maybe it came out with a number 2? LOL.
Anyway, really good luck with the op and this time next year you will be slim and sexy & feeling completely fab. Look at Sharon Osbourne, she's had the op and looks wonderful![]()
Flaming disgusting that the NHS aren't funding your op thoughxxxxx
Just a quick one Roch. Fantastic news about the op, I'm so excited for you.You really will be a changed woman next year both physically and mentally.
You truly are blessed. I'll catch up with you soon hun.
xxx :hug99:
Hey honey,
Wow, what a cool Birthday present - the gift of surgery for a new and exciting life!!!
Hope the sciatica eases up for u hun.
Keep us informed of how u're doing and look after urself!!
Much love, chelle xx
Wonderful news Roch and all the best for the 8th of May!
So very happy for you!:vibes:
Love Mini xxx
Turn my back for 5 minutes and when i turn back u r all booked to have a bypass!!
wow how fab is that?? I have to go get the kids now but will have to come back later and read what uve been upto for the past month while i havent been looking lol.
Hiya Roch
Sorry to hear your sciatica is really bad again, but great news on the op, it won't be long. glad you liked your consultant, will help put your mind at ease if you feel like you're in good hands.
Great news, hope the pre-op diet goes ok.
Take care
Dearest Roch![]()
I can well understand the emotions you are going through right now as its not s long ago I was at the other side of the procedure and although I would never admit to my family etc I was terrified![]()
As you know I've never once looked back and even feel a lot fitter after only 5 weeks post op, I know its a daunting time and my best advice is to try block out the fear...everytime it pops in your head think of how fantastic it will feel going into a high street store and firstly knowing they will have something to fit you and secondly being able to choose exactly what you want to wear as oppossed to buying anything that covers you up.....this really did help me, besides 18 days will fly by believe me![]()
I hope you're feeling better real soon.
Lots of love
wow Roch, just read your incredible news. Now, you know me.. and I'm going to have to say it... STICK TO THIS DIET!!!!!! you MUST stick to it this time my darlin'. it's way too important now to mess this up. It may be hard but it will be SO worth it and in just over a fortnight you have the opportunity of a lifetime ahead of you and a brand new beginning.
I can hardly imagine how mixed your feelings must be right now and just want you to know that you have my support and love and that you have my number, and if you want to talk, just pick up the phone.
Stay strong, write letters, get done what you can at home to make sure that life is as easy as possible for you after the op.
A few days ahead of you to think about things and start planning for your new lease of life hon xxx
Blimey 8th may will be here sooner than u know it xxxxx
ok im back. just wanted to say I think this is a fantastic opportunity for you and I really look forward to seeing all the amazing changes that are ahead for you.
you must be scared, i know i would be but this is the fresh start u have been wishing for and i for one am dead excited for you. dont suppose uncle wants to get me done as well? no? ah welljust a thought lol.
im sure u already know we r all thinking about u and at the ready to reply to any stresses and worries or excitement that u want report!
Im so so happy for you and cannot wait until mid-may to see a happy,positive, post op Roch
I am thrilled to hear your news.
I'm so happy you decided to go ahead, this truly is a fresh start for you and you'll be happier and healthier and hopefully pain free
Love Kitty xxx
Roch hun,I am so very happy for you, this is just the opportunity you need to get ur life back!Your uncle sounds fab, it must be like having your very own guardian angel!Good luck hun, I just know that this time next year you will be riding high, you will have lost most (if not all) of your excess weight and will be living the life you want ... I am so pleased that you are finally getting the help you need, and I know that it will be one of the best things that has ever happened to you!Best wishes xx