So still 6 months then, Im assuming another month or so between asking GP and seeing the surgeon. As i said before so much more damage can be done by then.Hi Happe sorry I didn't see your post before.
I first saw my surgeon in September then in December had my pre op test done in Jan and had surgery early March....I was very quick due to health concernes but we didn't have to barter with the local PCT infact as soon as Surgeon agreed to do it he told me not to worry all was in hand.
Another few weeks MAY kill you Roch. Sorting out your head...what does that mean? I thought a lot of the head stuff is related to your weight? If you can rid yourself of that the head stuff - well most of it will sort its self.
I'm probably going to get lynched for saying this, but Roch - you did not make a hard decision. You made the easy one. To run away.
You have chosen to do NOTHING and I cannot respect that.
Take charge of your life and stop feeling sorry for yourself. I know you have health problems - but you could have done something about it. You didn't. I can't keep feeling sorry for you when you won't do anything to help yourself. It's not that you can't - it's that you won't.
Take care Roch. I give up.
Oh Roch hun......Im sooo pleased you have had a serious thinking session and going ahead......Its fantastic news.....!
Everyone has the fear in the back of the minds, so its not you being silly.
Wahoo this is the start of Roch`s new life.
Oh Roch, so pleased you are going ahead. Was really worried when you didn't post for a while. You have obviously done some really deep soul searching, and I believe have made the right decision.
((((Hugs))))) to you hun
We will help you in the run up to surgery if you want to talk .......!
I am fine hun.
Obviously your head had to be in the right place to weigh up all the fors and againsts. As you say, only YOU can make the decision - just think 6 weeks or so and it will all be behind you hun and you will be walking a new path x x x