Well have had an ok day today miserable weather and because when it rains my arthritous seems to play up big time so had to take it easy today but apart from that have had a positive day.
Yesterday night i was feling very sentimental and i have close friend of mine who lives downstairs from me and she has a beautiful 11 yr old daughter who has a serious weight problem.
I sat down last night and had a good chat with her and wanted her to realise the health problems that come with childhood obesity and without scaring her told her blatantly the problems that she could face in the very near future if she does not take her health seriously.
I also told her that i dont want her to go through what i went through as a child and the problems i face as an adult as i care about her very much.
She asked me if i am going back to WW and can she come with me.
I chatted to her mum and she aggreed as it was something she was going to do b4 and has her form signed by the gp already, so we are off in the next half an hour to the meeting.
She is very eager to go and i have promised her that every day i will go for a half an hour walk round the park with her and Ebony to give her some more exercise and i need it big time. I am also going to buy her and myself a pedometer so we can try and improve the amount of steps we both take.
I know whe wants to lose weight and is very unhappy with the way she looks and shw will be starting secondary school in September and would luv to drop some weight b4 then so she feels happier and healthier.
I explained to her that she must not compare her weight losses to my losses as i weigh so much more than she does and if she can lose a pound a week it will be amazing but she must not be put off if one week she stays the same as it happens to all of us all the time.
So cant chat just washed and straightened my hair am off the get dressed and put some war paint on and look kind of presentable.
Catch up later xxx :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: