Its so weird up to now when i read everyone elses diary thread they all have so much to write about but my diary thread was a reall sorry thread and miserable and i had nothing interesting to write about as i never left the house and hardly socialised at all.
Today i found myself writng for the first time something more than how i was feeling which usually was always down and miserable but instead i was able to write about what i actually did and also how i felt and it was a postive thread for once and i like that feeling.
My best friend has just left with her 2 daughters and we had a nice evening and she said she cant wait to see me start going out in the evening again as we used to have such a laugh and i used to be a terrible flirt

and i used to spend hours getting ready to go out trying on loads of outfits and them all ending up on my bed and when u got home usually a little drunk whcih does not take much for me usually 2 drinks and i am drunk talk about a cheap date lol have to hang them all up at 5 am which is not easy when u r drunk lol.
Gosh times have changed for me and i really hope in the next couple of months i can take the next step to start going out socialising again, spending hours getting ready hair and make up and changing outfits 10 times and having a real laugh with my friend.
I remember stopping at traffic lights on quite a few occasions and getting chatted up and even getting phone numbers of guys thats how bad i used to flirt

but it was all harmless fun i never gave out my number just took theirs lol
Anyway got some washing and ironing to do and want to catch a shower b4 Eastenders comes back on. Cant use the house phone Aaron has hogged it as per ususal talking to his girlfriend oh the joy of teenagers.
Sleep well and take care xxx