How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

fingers crossed! At least once you're in you're in and can settle for the long term x
Popping on to subscribe :)
Morning! It's great you have so much stuff to move into your new home. 20th May isn't that far away, lets hope they stick to that date. Have you had a peek on the scales?
Oh, hello everyone! Welcome danni :)

Yep the 20th is 3 weeks away. It has been impossible to book stuff because they keep moving the date. I have furniture all sorted because my parents rented a house out furnished and now the tenant is out and they will be starting building work and don't need the furniture any more. I have some kitchen stuff when I lived away and mum's thinning out her stash too.

Jambolya for tea tonight which is new :)
I was hungry last night after I posted so had a half syn jelly. So was up to 55.

Breakfast was a bit boring for me, activia 0% vanilla yogurt, a banana and an apple.
I've syned 0.5 for some milk in my tea, but that's it so far.

Lunch might be a cheese omelette with salad or a jacket potato. Not too sure yet. I could have a sandwich I guess with my heb.... Hmm... What to do? What to do? Oh, or I could have a heb cereal bar as pudding. Ooh, tuna, sweetcorn, syn some mayo in the jacket spud. Far too many choices tempting me! A bit too excited as well. Tummy is rumbling...

Planning on getting Nate asleep so we can go to toddler's and then the park, when he wakes up. So while he is asleep I want to have lunch, wash up, put some washing on, do some ironing and prepare tea so it is quick to cook when we get back.