I really dont know what to do

Bear and Fuzzy thank you so much for visiting

well I do have a hairdressers appointment in two weeks - but its not soon enough I am bored - so Helen said she would do it tonight at 7 - I have the last appointment and she is the director so we can stay as long as we want :):)

I am so fed up with my layered inverted bob and I might go radical - she told me to go away and think about it - BUT I seriously think it is time for a new me

I did go to millets after work and get some pads for putting under the sleeping bags to stop the ground cold coming through - we do have air beds as well - you see I do not intend to slum it on these camping trips - DH is booking us in today :) sounds like a great site dogs are very welcome but NO children - just what I need :)

I also went to new look on the grounds that camping would equal new jeans and a new jacket - so of course I HAD to buy a denim jacket as well and a shirt and tee shirt - need I go on - I am now down 100 pounds -oppppppppppps :)

do I sound like I care - I think this is a sure way to encourage the weight to go - new clothes in this size lets hope I shrink out of them QUICKLY
New do, new clothes what more could you want and you deserve it all H. Life with constant pain is no picnic so just you enjoy some treats and walking about.

Excellent news re the loss

Thanks M - its hard to people to understand I use movelat and take 3 x 600 mg ibruprofen and 8 x co drydamol 10.500 most of the time and I dont think that does you any good
and suddenly being pain free is wonderful - and I can quite see why some people stop work (I am not working in my chosen field - but am working) and claim invalidity benefit (or whatever it is called these days) I just wont go down that path till I HAVE too - I think being brought up with a father in a wheelchair polio) means I dont abuse the system - and people think its not as bad as I say - until they see me pain free and notice a very big change in me :)

well hairdressers has just rung Helen has a cancellation so I can now be fitted in for colour and restyle - I cant wait to come out a really different me :) - this of course might (only joking WILL) necessitate moe shopping - well need to change the make up as well :):)
I'm loving this new me attitude - go girl - there is nothing better than treating your self and feeling great about it.

As for your pain - I know what you mean about it building up over a period of time and wearing you down - my mum has rheumatoid arthritis and takes a cocktail of tablets every day - when she had her hips replaced she had no pain relief - much to the amazement of the nurses - but as she said - well' I ve lived with this pain day in day out for years - this post op pain is nothing !!! It does get you down, I understand that - but it is great to hear how much better you feel in your posts - the vibes come right on through - good for you - lets hope it continues and cant wait to see some pics of this hot new babe........................ xx
Thanks Ladies
I do feel good
my hair is now short its short round the back with choppy layers through the sides and crown - with a very sophisticated fringe
it is now a reddy brown - like cherry brown - and I love it

asked Dh to pick me up from carpark as I have walked to work then town and round town then home and then back down town today I was the only person waiting in the carpark - as I had a new jacket on and new hair it was a good job - he has said nothing - but that is good if it were horrible he would have said :) it is short and it will take him time to get used to it :)

I am so much more like me I am so enjoying this - long may it continue

right off up to bed for an early night - all this happy energy is quite tiring :):)
Well everyoneafter yesterdays hair restyle I have just realised it makes me at least an inch taller - does this mean I have a reduced BMI :):)

  • so today I am grateful for a hairdresser that DID cut my hair short - but also spent time with me making sure its what I wanted
  • and for choosing the colour - I love it
  • my knees that allowed me to do lots of walking yesterday (well lots for me) a
  • and last but not least money to spend on me - there have been many times in our lives - and could be again - where money was so tight DH and I have gone without to make sure the kids didnt - and my parents used to bring monthly food parcels :):)
I feel very energised again today
I am popping into town on the way to work to try to get a bucket bbq (to take camping) failing that a couple of throwaway ones (that I will reuse) OH thinking that I MUST fine a means to light it - since giving up smoking you would be surprised at the number of times I wished I had a lighter or matches on me :)

right I have made a HUGE pasta salad to take to work for lunch - just to make a change - and will buy strawberries for breakfast as usual :)

oh and yesterday I cut 8 mins of my walking to work - so that shows how the pain I was in was slowing me down - so the same number of steps in less time - dont think I can make it up to 10mins without breaking into a jog and that would be too much for my knees :)
:rotflmao: brilliant.. hate to burst your bubble but sorry - no can do on the reduced BMI front!

your hair sounds gorgeous.. if i still died mine i would defo choose that cherry brown - it is a lovely colour!
Morning H-(babe):D:D:D

Your hair sounds lovely and sooooo trendy (pictures pwease).
Glad you are feeling great long may it continue...xx :)
Morning H hair sounds booootiful! I'm looking for a new colour for mine and and that sounds lush!

Hope you have a lovely day today!

:rotflmao: brilliant.. hate to burst your bubble but sorry - no can do on the reduced BMI front!

well you really are a spoilsport arent you :cry::cry:
and there I was thinking it would work :):)
your hair sounds gorgeous.. if i still died mine i would defo choose that cherry brown - it is a lovely colour!

yes I love it
my hair was only done last night but its like its been like this for ages
I feel so comfortable with it
comments range from - oh my God you look stunning - to - you look so much younger and a - why didnt you have it done like that years ago

so I think its a hit with those that know me :):)
Morning H hair sounds booootiful! I'm looking for a new colour for mine and and that sounds lush!

Hope you have a lovely day today!


thanks and feel free to choose it - we live far enough apart to get away with the same hair colour :):)

Morning H-(babe):D:D:D

Glad you are feeling great long may it continue...xx :)

thank you - everyone that has seen me in the last few days really is having trouble with the pain free me :):)
Wow your hair sounds absolutely lovely! I think you BMI must be lower if you are an inch taller. I say take the lower BMI! ;) It all helps. Hope you are having a lovely day. Keep up the fab work! Thank you for your lovely comments! xxx
just stopped by to say hello.
Hope you are ok today & still loving the new you lol xx
Wow your hair sounds absolutely lovely! I think you BMI must be lower if you are an inch taller. I say take the lower BMI! ;) It all helps. Hope you are having a lovely day. Keep up the fab work! Thank you for your lovely comments! xxx

Thanks for yours too
taking the lower BMI - a girl after my own heart

just stopped by to say hello.
Hope you are ok today & still loving the new you lol xx
thank you and yes I do

I have taken to looking in the mirror and telling myself I am STUNNING - never done anything like it before - and the acceptance of the me as I am - is very liberating - and it doesnt mean I dont want to change it - it just means I like the me I am now too

so girls do take a tip out of my 'new' book and tell yourselves how stunning you are NOW just as you are - and then think each day you will become more and more stunning - in fact perhaps we should tell ourselves we are more stunning each and every day - and I do say it out loud - I just make sure it is between me and the dogs :)

now I dont know if I will feel the same after my first night of camping - but I will tell myself all the same
I hope you are having a good day my lovely x x x
Hello, your hair sounds lovely - I'm tempted to try that colour myself.

You're darned right when you say we don't compliment ourselves nearly enough; I'm certainly going to take you up on that challenge.

I also liked your post when you listed things you were thankful for - I'm going to give that a try too x
Hello, your hair sounds lovely - I'm tempted to try that colour myself.

You're darned right when you say we don't compliment ourselves nearly enough; I'm certainly going to take you up on that challenge.

I also liked your post when you listed things you were thankful for - I'm going to give that a try too x

Feel free with the colour :)
and thank you so much for your lovely comments - - I have told myself - how stunning I am several times today - if I catch my reflection in a window etc - now I have to say I am not brave enough to do it out loud in the middle of town - dont want the men in white coats with the long sleeved jacket arriving :):)

but it has made me feel REALLY good about myself - hope it works for you too
Hey - think you're right - maybe we should tell ourselves that !!

I've taken a leaf out of your book and have decided on a change of hairstyle !!!!
Sorry if I sound like a stalker, I have been thinking about it for a while but wasnt sure what to do - but now I have decided - I have had extensions in my hair for quite a while now - more for thickness than length - anyway - one side had recently come out and instead of panicking like I usually do, I have left it - well - a few people have commented "have you had your hair cut ? it looks nice ?!" lol - so - have decided to have them all taken out - have a bit more of a spikey snip and see what happens lol

You have inspired me...............