Thank you visitors - each and every one
well I am still gorgeous
today is a day of fasting bloods - I have been up since five
I am VERY stressed
fasting bloods are awful - I am one of those that never ate breakfast for years and now I do I need it
I have a headache - if I still have it when I leave the docs I will get some paracetamol
so bloods are stressful
but I am also packing as we are due to go camping and I am finding that terrible
when I pack I make a list - get everything pack it check it off and because of mild ocd I then unpack pack list unpack pack - now the thing is I have NEVER stayed anywhere so cut off from civilisation that I cant nip to the shop for what I have forgotten - food is not an issue the issue is my clothing
now please can you all tell me I have enough
I have one set of underware per day and then another set per day + a couple of extras for sock
I have very warm socks and
three pairs of trousers one skirt with leggins
various tops
towels personal hygiene items mirror makeup etc
gas hair styler comb goop spray etc
then I have stuff to do - book, knitting
oh jamas and very thick socks for bed
and I packed it this morning and have checked it twice
I am going to the docs then to E's to see the boys and go for a walk as I cant keep packing etc
and dont forget I am going to Hay on Wye - I bet they have shops there
and as you all know I am not shy at spending money lately
right must go and calm down - with a bottle of water and a dog to cuddle