I really dont know what to do

You go for it girl - you will look fantastic
my hair is fine and it looks so much fuller
I have had it cut VERY textured with both diagonal cuts and then the thinning scissors on it and that has given it so much body
the rest is in the styling - get good products and you will love it :)
Morning H.
Thanks for your words in my diary :eek:

You are soooooooooo right about telling ourselves we are lovely...WE ARE..

Your hair cut does sounds nice..hmm you are even getting me wondering whether i should visit a "proper" hairdresser instead of the mobile one i usually use..
Have a lovely day today xx
Great that the new 'do' was such a success H, a well deserved boost for you and what with the lack of pain I bet you feel so good and rightly so.

Enjoy your day

Thank you visitors - each and every one

well I am still gorgeous :)o)
today is a day of fasting bloods - I have been up since five
I am VERY stressed
fasting bloods are awful - I am one of those that never ate breakfast for years and now I do I need it
I have a headache - if I still have it when I leave the docs I will get some paracetamol

so bloods are stressful
but I am also packing as we are due to go camping and I am finding that terrible
when I pack I make a list - get everything pack it check it off and because of mild ocd I then unpack pack list unpack pack - now the thing is I have NEVER stayed anywhere so cut off from civilisation that I cant nip to the shop for what I have forgotten - food is not an issue the issue is my clothing
now please can you all tell me I have enough
I have one set of underware per day and then another set per day + a couple of extras for sock
I have very warm socks and
three pairs of trousers one skirt with leggins
various tops
towels personal hygiene items mirror makeup etc
gas hair styler comb goop spray etc
then I have stuff to do - book, knitting

oh jamas and very thick socks for bed

and I packed it this morning and have checked it twice
I am going to the docs then to E's to see the boys and go for a walk as I cant keep packing etc

and dont forget I am going to Hay on Wye - I bet they have shops there :):) and as you all know I am not shy at spending money lately :)

right must go and calm down - with a bottle of water and a dog to cuddle
All sounds fine - don't worry - as long as ya hair looks good whos worried !!

There are shops so can you add if necessary - as long as you have warm and dry just in case - cardi/jumper & waterproof jacket ?

No problem - just find a good pub and sit in there with ya book/knitting and people watch lol..

Hope all go ok with bloods - chill & enjoy your weekend - hers hoping for some SUN !! XX
Fasting bloods are yucky aren't they? Your clothing sounds fine hon.

How about posting a pic of your hairdo? I'd love to see what it looks like x
I hope you have a lovely time my dear. Your fabulous self deserves a nice holiday :) xx
Hellooooo I'm back :) Just caught up on your diary ... took me a while!!! Sorry to hear your DD had the lurgy - but glad she recovered quickly :)

Your new do sounds fab ... can we have picis please :) The colour sounds gorg, but I have too much grey to cover it with anything with red in it - end up looking like a traffic light :D When I lose more weight I might go for a shorter do :)

I love camping - used to go a lot a while back but haven't been for a few years, but we've recently bought a couple of those pop up 4 birth tents, so as soon as the weather's good DH and I will pop (literally lol) somewhere for the weekend.

I am so tired today and because of all the extras I have been working the iron pile has again grown (sorry Twiglet - I did follow your example and keep it done) so I am going to tell them next week I need the Thursday off so I can catch up on necessary things at home :)

I am now back to a huge load from holiday, so if yours is still down you can have some of mine :D

Anyway - hope you're having fun in the Forest of Dean!!!

Thank you visitors - such a lovely lot of visitors too - and Twiglet its REALLY good to have you back

well we left the house at about 2ish the car was fully loaded - have to admit to knitting and reading on the journey and letting Sheila (the sat nav - named her after that equally annoying sheilas wheels advert :) ) help with matters of navigation

well we arrived at the site - just out side of hay on wye - at about 4ish and I took the dogs for a walk while DH started to unpack and put up the tent

well when I got back very little progress had been made (I did tell him to do a practice run before we left for the first time - but of course being a bloke he knew better and didnt bother) so ME to the rescue and by now it was raining - I made him move a couple of things on the tent and hey presto it went up MUCH easier - then it was time to organise things which was done and we were all set up but WET
the dogs had decided to go back in the car

I was cold and wet - I fed the dogs then got the human food ready

well needless to say we survived and have returned home tired but we will be going again

sleeping arrangements were not quite what we wanted
I slept one end with the two girls and DH the other with Digby
the hounds thought they were dog beds (they were on the floor) and allowed their humans to share :):)

and no I didnt point a single thing and I ate carp all weekend - it was more important to me that I enjoyed (well at least tolerated) the camping experience than to eat well
Glad you survived your first tenting adventure ... it's the worst thing having to put the tent up in the rain ... so at least it can only get better next time :)

Best thing is experiencing a thunderstorm during the night - the whole tent lights up lol

Claire get a tent
it cost us 26 quid for the weekend (it was extra for the dogs :):) )

Irene we are hoping to go again in a couple of weeks might try crickhowell it doesnt let kids on :):)

cant go next weekend as daughter has conned us out of our airbeds and pump
and we want to get a better cooker we want a two burner with a grill :):)

it was a bit difficult cooking two different menus on one burner - but I cant have meat honest I cant
God I hate camping! Glad you had a good time though. Don't blame you for not pointing - whatever gets you through it lol.

By the way, saw your post about eating carp all weekend and at first thought you had been eating fish. Duh me!
Claire yes you have
see if family have kit to loan you for a weekend
it was well worth it

Karen I didnt think the filter would have let me put c r a p so deliberately mis spelt it :):)
I agree Claire - give it a go. I was really against it before I went .. mainly cos I hate spiders and always need the loo in the night (sound like an old woman now)

But I love it ... at first I had to wake hubby to walk me to the loos, but now it's fine. And it's the cheapest way to have a weekend away :)
