I really dont know what to do

You've got my convinced. Now just got to get the OH convinced now, that may be more difficult!

Hey Claire
dont tell him - just say you have a surprise weekend away for the two of you - once you get there he will love it - he can be all macho and put the tent up lol
Hey Claire
dont tell him - just say you have a surprise weekend away for the two of you - once you get there he will love it - he can be all macho and put the tent up lol

But Claire make sure like me you have a good idea as to how to put up a tent - then when DH shows himself to be completely incompetent (hee hee) you can 'make suggestions' so he looks all clever :):) and you dont bruise his ego

well for me it is weigh in day - I have not got on the scales so I have NO idea as to what might happen - a STS or a very small increase will be very acceptable today - a loss would be FANTASTIC
I am off out with V later for our weigh in then shopping - I will NOT be treating myself to anything apart from low point food - well I dont think I will :):)
Well I have been to weigh in and I have to report a 1.5lb change in my weight

I lost it - dont know how but I did and very happy about it I might say
Thank you I am so pleased after so long of putting on taking off staying the same for about 8 weeks now to have a loss and a good one at that is brilliant
I am going to be looking at my weight over 4 weeks so I can see how well I am doing

in the last 4 weeks I have lost 2.5 lb
last week my weight over the four weeks was 1lb
and the week before it was 1.5 on so we can see that I am now moving downwards over time and looking at a bigger picture right now might be more motivating for me :)
Well done on your loss this week :)
Snap i lost that too. Well done my lovely. Keep up the good work. I had a little lull in weight loss too but hopefully be a both back on track now! Yay. Hope you are having a good day xxx
well done on the loss xx

good for you :D
thank you ladies - its really nice to have your support
for weeks I kept wondering if it was worth it - its so hard when you are super good and nothing shifts

well today I am fed up with being stunning and decided to tell myself I am gorgeous - and that was before I put my slap on - you should see me now :):)

my grateful list has slipped
so today I am grateful for

  • My makeup bag and its little pots of wonder
  • support from people on here - even though I seem to have spells of moaning a lot - you are all still here
  • new visitors - thank you - its great to see you here
  • my wonderful wonderful daughter - who regularly says and does things that make me smile :) - she has another kitten - reason - well we cant have an odd number can we :)
right ladies I am only working half a day today
my plan is to walk to work - its damp and miserable out there
not go into town as I will spend far too much money - and I dont actually NEED anything
walk home
cook - stuff I can freeze like a spag bol sauce that is about one point per portion :):)

oh and iron -shhhhhhh - dont tell twiglet she will only come and check up on me

have a great day everyone
good morning :) havea nice day good luck with all your walking. It's miserable and pouring of rain here too :( x
:) .. hi .. i love reading your little lists of the things you are grateful for ..
maybe we should all start one