I really dont know what to do

Well thats a pity about the walk H but at least you got out so thats an improvement. Hopefully the black curtain will turn grey and then lift altogether over the next few days.

I will be out and about visiting OH and getting bits for SSA's do but will be sure to check back in on you later.

Evening lovely

Hope you had a restfull sleep and feel a little better.

Thankyou for your support on my diary - just take it easy - one day at a time xx
Hi H

Just popping by to make sure you're ok.

I hope you've had a lovely sleepy afternoon and things look brighter tomorrow!

Hi H

I'm back as promised, just pop in and let us know you're OK when you can. Its a lovely day here and I hope it is with you too a little sunshine cheer doesn't it?

Take care

Thank you so much for your support everyone

I have spent time trying to do things I really want to do - not things I have to

yesterday was spent knitting in a cafe - spending money on me - and - walking the dogs

it was also spent writing in a journal attempting to analyse what is going on in my head - sometimes getting thoughts on paper really helps me

so thoughts are weight is not shifting and that is making me anxious (correction it is now but still slowly)
work is a place I like to be BUT I do 2.5 days and seem to be the ONLY person able to organise stuff - I organise stuff and it is so simple to stick with a system if it is there - why is everyone else so lazy they cant wash up a tea cup - I have gone on strike and refuse to put out rubbish (that is not generated by me) wash up anything that is dirty and not generated by me
I also seem to be the only person to dust/clean anything-well nothing will be cleaned my me next week and we will see if it is noticed :)
I know all this sounds selfish and petty BUT when you are the only one to be doing the job of three then it starts to wear
(I know what will happen- no one will bother and it will get under my skin and I will stress about it - but lets see)

Today I have been to Cirencester - DH decidedd to take me as he knew I needed to get out of town - we did a lot of walking in the sun and that has made me feel better

so I am now going to go to bed and relax for a couple of hours :):)
Glad you are taking some 'me' time,and lovely of OH to take you out, hope it has helped.
I have tried 'leave it see if someone esle does it' at home but as you suggest usually it gets to the point where i cant leave it, but hey ho at least i feel a stand has been made!!

Enjoy the rest of the day and take care
Oh Irene yes I did sorry

She thought I wasnt going and the children had her up so early she went early even before my first phone call at 8 in the morning
I then left the second message - she phoned me up when she got back saying how guilty she felt - I think she felt more awful than I did
so last night I walked the dogs down to hers to see the boys - boys and dogs enjoyed themselves :):)

well off to do some knitting - the only reason I got up was to feed the dogs - they know when it is five o'clock and kept on at me till I fed them

now the cat is down wanting food :):)
Thats much better H, a lovely day with DH just what the doctor would have ordered if he'd been asked. Hope the weekend continues to go well. See you later tomorrow as the party is on.

Evening H

So glad to hear you are feeling a little brighter today. Your OH sounds lovely! And glad you had a lovely day in the sun.

Good to know that friend is ok, hopefully you'll get a good walk together next week! It sounds like you've had a lovely day tho.

Hope your evening is as enjoyable!

Take care lovely!

thank you so much for the support - it really is appreciated - more than you can ever know

right this morning I woke up early (not a good sign on my mental health when my sleep patterns become disturbed) and not feeling too bad
I was quite productive yesterday - finishing a scarf in noro 4 ply - its a nice lacy one and has come out striped in bring colours - quite cheerful really

not sure I said yesterday but I spent a small fortune of yearn and buttons etc - I am going to be making some felted bags
I did a trial run with a pattern of my own making in a rowan yarn in shades of brown with some orange and green flecks - quite autumny
please to annouce I have been up early enough to have sewn that up this morning collect the washing and popped it in the machine

now to sit here for an hour to see if it felts enough :)

now for the help I need
I make and sell items and really want to have labels made - btu a bit unsure of what to put on them
I keep going towards the following

designed and made for you

but what do you all think - due to my mental state I cant think constructively and would love other suggestions please

remember most of what I design and make is made with 100% natural fibres or is hand dyed etc

so ideas on a post card - or failing that add to this thread

I really dont mind how way out the ideas but really need help there and I know you lot will do this - DH is not so good at thinking in this way (I dont think many men are)

right girls off to knit a purple/lilac/pink shoulder bad with asymmetric flap - that will be the next to go in the machine - I have already unpicked it three times as I want the flap to look right - but before felting and the shrinkage its a bit hard to tell :):)
all bags will be decorated with leaves/flowers and or funky buttons

have a great day everyone :):)
those bags sound lovely - I love handmade things - maybe post some pics ?.....

I'm thinking of a name - will let you know if I think of anything ingenious....
Just a quick pop by to check on you and will give some thought to the labels question. You sound as if you had a very productive day.

off to catch some sleep now I'm pooped.

You take good care of yourself

Fitz M thanks very much
throw anything into the pot as I have much to think about

Went to daughters for lunch - her idea of lunch is salad straight out of the bag - I refused to take anything with me so colslaw served from sainsburys pot - quiche straight from foil tray - salad - the bag was opened - this time she worked hard on the meal - she cooked potatoes and made couscous - so proud of her :):):) - soon I will teach her how to alter her own clothes - then she wont need to bribe me with a meal :):)

then came home DH mentioned fishing - he had gone early this morning - so I said lock me in I think I want to go back to bed and I slept for 4 hours - only woke up by being jumped on by a hound (Saffron) and that was because it was three hours past their dinner time
its now nearly nine and I have only just woken up :):)

ps purple stripey bag done just handle to go - moved on to luxury yarn scarf - cant get the pattern right - but that is all part of the fun of designing :)
Hi Twiglet
glad you are back but so sorry you have to go back to work :)

I am hanging on by a thread today
but feel much better having decided to NOT go to weigh in today
I think stepping on the scales for little or no result is not doing my mental health any good
so I made the decision to NOT go to weigh in for at least this week and most likely next week as well

this doesnt mean I wont be sticking to the plan - it just means I wont be faced with constant disappointment - we will see if this approach works - I am hoping that only going every 2 or maybe even every three weeks will mean I see some positive result on the scales

now I know a lot of you will be horrified thinking NO you need to go weekly to see the damage - this would be true if I were not sticking to the plan - BUT I am sticking to it for little or no result - so I want to see my hard work rewarded and I am more likely to see that if I go once every two to three weeks than if I go weekly

if I feel I can cope with more regular weighin then I will go for it :)
i wish i had talent for making things! your bags and scarves sound lovely - defo post them up? i love things covered in buttons (just acquired a new extra buttony waistcoat :D) so would love to see some pictures :) x
How about 'naturezone' ? a bit of a play on nature's own, since all your stuff is made from natural fibres ? just a thort

oh very nice thought I like it thanks for the suggestion

i wish i had talent for making things! your bags and scarves sound lovely - defo post them up? i love things covered in buttons (just acquired a new extra buttony waistcoat :D) so would love to see some pictures :) x

I will definitely put up some pictures when I have a few bits to take the photos of and my photographer sorted ( in case you wondered that is DH)