I really dont know what to do

Hey gorgeous hope the walking goes well! I too am very thankful for my makeup bag! Have a lovely day x x x
Your plan for the day looks great - you can also be thankful that you're only working half a day I guess :)

do you know I hadnt thought of that but you are so right - I am grateful for only working half a day today

So glad you had a good time camping H and even better you've lost weight.

M its so hard to believe I have been good for weeks on end - with as you know very little change - I stop tracking weighing pointing etc and eat rubbish for a weekend and I lose weight - perhaps I dont actually like rubbish so ate very small amounts - who knows - BUT I have just booked myself DH and the dogs another weekend away in Wales - we are all booked in and now we want nice weather this time

:) .. hi .. i love reading your little lists of the things you are grateful for ..
maybe we should all start one
please feel free to start them - I started them due to having so much trouble with my weight loss (lack of) even though I was doing all the right things - I started moaning etc and wanted a more positive slant on my life - so I started to look for things to be grateful for - at first it was hard to find them (we dont recognise them) but now its much easier
Meant to say campsite this time is at Tallybont on Usk near Brecon
hoping its as nice and quiet as it seems
Helloo (thought I'd give the PM system a rest hehe)

Wow congrats on the fantastic loss ... you'll be at that 10% in no time ... I'd better pull my socks up :D

Helloo (thought I'd give the PM system a rest hehe)

yes we dont want to over tax it do we :):)

Wow congrats on the fantastic loss ... you'll be at that 10% in no time ... I'd better pull my socks up :D

your socks and everything else Twiglet

Hey gorgeous hope the walking goes well! I too am very thankful for my makeup bag! Have a lovely day x x x

Saski I have I must admit to being grateful for my makeup bag since I was about 14 - needless to say I have replaced and changed everything several times since then :)
thank you ladies - its really nice to have your support
for weeks I kept wondering if it was worth it - its so hard when you are super good and nothing shifts

well today I am fed up with being stunning and decided to tell myself I am gorgeous - and that was before I put my slap on - you should see me now :)

my grateful list has slipped
so today I am grateful for

  • My makeup bag and its little pots of wonder
  • support from people on here - even though I seem to have spells of moaning a lot - you are all still here
  • new visitors - thank you - its great to see you here
  • my wonderful wonderful daughter - who regularly says and does things that make me smile :) - she has another kitten - reason - well we cant have an odd number can we :)
right ladies I am only working half a day today
my plan is to walk to work - its damp and miserable out there
not go into town as I will spend far too much money - and I dont actually NEED anything
walk home
cook - stuff I can freeze like a spag bol sauce that is about one point per portion :):)

oh and iron -shhhhhhh - dont tell twiglet she will only come and check up on me

have a great day everyone

this did all make me laugh - I can associate totally with the odd kitten thing - I am just the same - everything has to be even - especially volume lol - OCD here maybe ?

as for not going into town as you do not
NEED anything................when has that ever stopped us women ? lol
Thanks Claire and Fitz
they are now on four kittens/cats
taz and kitty then sushi and lastly neo

and Fitz you never seemed like a bad influence until I read this
as for not going into town as you do not
NEED anything................when has that ever stopped us women ? lol

I think you are one of those quiet ones that might need watching :):)
:p:p:p:poh no - you've sussed me out...........................................:p:p:p:p

I was awol yesterday as mood plummeted and for no good reason - I dont feel stunning or gorgeous - but still told myself - just yesterday and today I find it hard to believe

not much to report from here - my life seems quite boring at present

I have been in work and sorting things into types and numerical order (very anal) I know things are bad when I start to do things like that - it needs doing (in my head) but why do I make work for myself

half the main roads in town are closed for resurfacing making town a total nightmare

traffic is horrendous and will mean after work I cant get to the sorting office to collect a parcel - I know what is in it and I wont be able to get it - so frustrating

so much is just seemingly overwhelming me at the moment - so much so I went to bed at nine and didnt wake till 7 this morning
think I might be feeling like I need to do the same tonight

sorry folks will try to visit other diaries but really dont have the right mood to be posting in my own

H xxx
Just snuggle in and take care of you, post when you're feeling brighter we'll all still be here!

Masses of cyber hugs to get you back on track

Just snuggle in and take care of you, post when you're feeling brighter we'll all still be here!

Masses of cyber hugs to get you back on track


Thanks M I did snuggle into bed early with some knitting (making a scarf as a 10% pressie) and a saluki look a like :) dogs are great arent they - so tuned into us they know when we need them
ps hope DD is having more good days than bad

Oh honey, so sorry you're feeling down :( Just take care of yourself and have a nice early night.


Sharon thanks - I did get my early night - I was asleep before DH took the dogs on their bedtime walk and came to bed

Hope ypou feel better soon hun, and you are gorgeous and stunning and lovely!!
Jane thanks I must admit to having a hard time convincing myself at the moment - I looked in the mirrow then said it and thought - who are you kidding - dont think thats how its supposed to work :)

Aw H big ((((hugs)))) I hope you're feeling better soon.

Take care!!


Thanks Claire - not sure it will happen today

well girls
I was supposed to walk to Lacock today -NT village where many of the period dramas are filmed - then picnic then walk back
this is with E and the boys
yesterday I phoned her up and cancelled explaining what was wrong

now she has been in her own black pit and with her she ended up anorexic (now that might cheer me up) I digress - so she said if I was up to the walk to go with them regardless of mood and if I found I had to turn round and come back - then that is what I should do

now this morning the sun is shining - I still dont feel any better (I might up my AD meds - its ok the doc lets me take what I need up to 20mg a day staying on the dose I put myself on for at least 6 weeks if I need to up it at any stage - at present I am on 10mg a day - so will go to 15 if I am still like this come monday or curcially if I get worse)

So think I will take E up on her offer and make a picnic and go anyway - if I cant do it I can walk home - but the exercise will definitely be good for me and could help raise the mood

so still not good company and feel anything but gorgeous stunning or lovely but I will get there again

today I am grateful for

  • friends both virtual and in real life that will help me with this depression - just by being there
  • my dogs who 'know' what I need
  • knitting - its therapy and without it I dont know where I could be
thank you all so much for being here for me
Hi H

Don't really know what to say to help ... but we're all here for you - hope you know that? Please don't feel like you're bringing us down and stop posting.

I hope the walk helps :)

think your daughter is right, go anyway and it might just help, and you always have plan B , to come back again.
Totally get the looking in the mirror thing-i get it set in my head how i look then see it and it doesnt match my 'head'image, the only thing that convinces me that its crazy is when i look at the girls-they are both gorgeous and half me so i cant be that much of a gargoyle.

Lacock sounds interesting, we are NT members so might be a cheap day out for us !! miust look it up
well walk seems to have been cancelled

dont really know what happened
went to E's knocked on door no answer - so I phoned no answer - left her a message to say I am going on into town if you get this before 10 phone me and I will come back - so went to town and got a coffee
no phone call so came home and really feel low now - but daughter came round to raid the freezer :) as they do when they have left home
said she would love to come camping with us - I asked if her partner would mind - she said she thought not he doesnt mind she wants to do things with us (which is nice) so now going to take myself off to bed for a bit - even I cant do any damage there