I really dont know what to do


I think it's a good idea to lengthen the time between WI's. I would suggest going at least once a month though, as you could be going way off track without knowing. (That is if you weren't a serial weigher of course :D)

Bored at work already - so much to do but don't want to do it lol

well I am a serial weigher - but I dont need to tell you that
now we both have to duck down behind the wall in case Sandy comes along
its not the weigh in per se its the having it all recorded BUT by going every two to three weeks ( dont think I will leave it as long as a month) I think it will help me - and if at the end of month one its all gone pear shaped then I will start to go weekly again :):)
ooh yes, i remember those lush photos your DH took before - they were fabulous :D x
At this point in time definitely got to do what lessens your anxiety and dissappointment H. 2-3 weekly sounds fine.

Looking forward to the photoshoot of the knitting

Today my word is
no everyone I am not off to join lighter life
but I feel so much lighter emtionally and the scales say I am at 13st too so I am lighter in actuality as well
now my scales are usually within a pound of the class ones - so I am taking that as this weeks weight and wont mind adjusting at class because the 'offical' figure will be recorded only every few weeks

I have honestly woken with a much lighter heart and that has to be good for me - I wont need to comfort eat either as long as I can hold onto this feeling

today I am off to work but only for a half day
the sun is shining and my scales record a loss - the start to my day is perfect - lets hope it stays that way

just hope you all have perfect starts to your days too :)
Ahh H ... so glad to hear that :)

Hope your day only gets better!


I am determined to not allow work to interfer with my good mood
but I need to rant
why oh why can no one but me put the rubbish out - me I just left it in situ for someone else to deal with - I WILL NOT DEAL WITH RUBBISH GENERATED BY OTHERS
rant over thank you for your listening ears :)

MUCH - its not hard is it to get rid of the bad feeling - especially when the rest of the day seems so good

and as I say thanks for listening :):)
i know how you feel re: rubbish.. i lived with a right pig last year in uni digs - atrocious! i'm not the tidiest person by any means but i do have general standards!

put it all back in their rooms :p thats what i did :D
i know how you feel re: rubbish.. i lived with a right pig last year in uni digs - atrocious! i'm not the tidiest person by any means but i do have general standards!

put it all back in their rooms :p thats what i did :D

this rubbish is in shared area in the work place
I dont use milk they do so since last tuesday afternoon there has been half a bottle of milk growing mould - now my feelings on this are if you want to do scientific experiments - do them at home :):)

rubbish I generate at work during the day is not left for others to deal with
but like I said it wont ruin my day - I wont let it - but usually the rubbish is stored in an area where drinks making is done and I store my lunch - in future I will store my lunch elsewhere :):)
The truth is these days that people generally just don't care - about anything except themselves - it makes my blood boil too - I have a moan then get on with it - I have standards, I have manners and I have consideration -and thats all that matters - crikey now who is thinking of themself.........he he - you know what I mean though ? !:D
The truth is these days that people generally just don't care - about anything except themselves - it makes my blood boil too - I have a moan then get on with it - I have standards, I have manners and I have consideration -and thats all that matters - crikey now who is thinking of themself.........he he - you know what I mean though ? !:D

I know exactly what you mean - I do too and that is what makes you (and me) nice people :):)
I would rather be like us than like them
Hello my beauty sorry it has taken me so long to catch up with you. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better and brighter. Sorry about the silly people at work. Some people are so inconciderate. *sigh* if only we all worked together we would be fine, no mean managers, no errors in pay and no untidy skanks. Sounds good to me what do you think? :D

Also your bags sound lovely. My OH's Mum is good at these things too and i am learning. I would love to make my own bags (i'm obsessed with bags but i just can't afford them at the moment).

I hope you are good and i hope tomorrow is an even brighter day for you :D Look after yourself x x x
Saski let me know when you feel ready for it and I will write you a pattern and suggest a yarn for you to hunt down - then you can tell everyone who likes it that is was designed just for you :):)

right everyone I would like you to close your eyes and think of one good thing that happened yesterday - now think carefully - no negative thinking here - so how does it make you feel - do you feel like smiling - well I do so I will start my day like this in future and then find a word that describes me for the day - todays word is HAPPY I am going to be happy - we all know I am stunning and gorgeous ( we were there last week or the week before :):) ) now I am working seriously on my mental health - I think sometimes we just dont have time for ourselves - with work and families and many many calls on our time we just dont have time for us - so I am making that time a few seconds several times a day to 'reward' myself for who I am and all that I achieve - and that of course means following the plan

today I have prepared a huge baby leaf and herb salad with some houmous for my lunch - I am thinking that for the same points I can have so much more without the pittas and it will take me so much longer to eat - I will have to use a fork and some of it will keep falling off :):)

so lets see if this plan works I think I will also go to the fruit shop and get strawberries for breakfast and a couple of apples for snacks -

my day at work is planned now lets hope I can stick to the plan :):)

have a great day everyone and remember to find something that has happened in the very recent past that will help you smile - we should stop focussing on the negative and do something good for ourselves :):)
Well your post has my smiling - so that's a good start :)

Have a fantastic happy day oh gorgeous one!
