I really dont know what to do

I will be smiling even more if you dont have to change that percentage of yours :)

LOL I don't think that's possible even if I didn't eat anything for the rest of the day ... but hey it'll be a temporary change in the wrong direction before it shoots back the other way :) xx
LOL I don't think that's possible even if I didn't eat anything for the rest of the day ... but hey it'll be a temporary change in the wrong direction before it shoots back the other way :) xx

if that is the case I better get the needles back out :):)
Thanks for your post H, you have hit the nail on the head!!that is exactly how i felt after that crazy dream on friday night, that i just needed to try and be more cheery and find the positives in things , rather tahn just moaning, but you have put it so much better that me!! this will be my 5th day and so far so good.
Have a fabtastic day

great post - I'm still trying to think of something good from yesterday - I've slept since then - my memory is soooo bad - can I start today instead ? Lol

great post - I'm still trying to think of something good from yesterday - I've slept since then - my memory is soooo bad - can I start today instead ? Lol
It has to be something in your recent past - so at this time of the day you can use something from today
first thing in the morning that is more difficult as nothing has yet happened to you (well it might have done :) )

so you can do whatever makes you smile :) whatever that might be :D
Heres mine H, someone abducted Oh for over and hour...blissful silence

Now I really do need to know how you managed that - I couldnt even get the ladies in the wool shop to keep mine as collateral until I returned with the money (forgot they didnt take cards) when I offered to leave him they told me it was quite all right I could take him with me - my response - bugger I have been trying to get someone to take him off my hands - which did make all the little old dears in the yarn shop smile :):)
Someone kindly abducted him down to the cricket field H, I'm seeking them out today to see if they could do it on a twice daily basis.

Have a great day

Someone kindly abducted him down to the cricket field H, I'm seeking them out today to see if they could do it on a twice daily basis.

Have a great day


Well lets hope rain does not stop play today then - the weather forecast is set to fair here lets hope yours is the same

and as for the great day I intend too

right what made me smile this morning - those who are regular readers will remember that I mentioned my daughter didnt think she should have an odd number of cats so got another kitten - who I must say is quite sweet - last night I was on kitten feeding duty (they are away at her DPs grandfathers funeral) and the little kitten gave me lovely snuggles and then promptly decided to chase his tail for a full five mins - then when he did look up looked disorientated - now I did say to her kittens either have long hair or brain cells - this one has - you guessed it - long hair :):)

so my word for today is content - that is just how I feel this morning

after work today (rubbish still in situ - does it bother me NO) I need to go and kitten feed then a quick trip to the supermarket to stock up ready for another camping weekend :)

so everyone please share here what is making you smile this morning - remember to choose something from your RECENT past :):)
Morning :) ..Your lil kitten sounds like such a sweety ... Hope you have a nice day and it stays dry, Unfortunatly its drizzly here ay the moment but there are blue patches in the sky breaking through,
Im grateful for the lovely walk me and my lil one had with the dog yesterday just us three, and it was lovely :)
Nothing as yet making me smile H but something will before the end of the day and I'll be back to report it

Saski let me know when you feel ready for it and I will write you a pattern and suggest a yarn for you to hunt down - then you can tell everyone who likes it that is was designed just for you :):)

Aww you are so lovely my dear thank you. I would love to have a pattern written for me :D.

The little kitten sounds absolutely gorgeous. My cat is purring away next to me now. Though he is a little older at 16.

I am smiling today because my OH (who i haven't seen in a week) just called earlier for a chat and to say he might be able to fly over. :D

Hope you are enjoying the rest of your day my love. xxx
Back again H, got it this time I'm smiling because both dachsies are here and Zzzzing it up to the ceiling one curled up inside the other so cute.

I'm smiling for loadsa reasons today

my pain - think its gone
I finish work tmoz for 2 weeks
I have walked 5600 steps today so far