I really dont know what to do

when we try its quite easy to find things that smile and therefore feel good
why is it, I wonder, that as a general rule we focus on the negative
since trying to focus on the positive I have begun to feel so much better
at the moment ( even though it is 3.30 am and I have a headache) I am smiling because I have Holly Cat here rubbing herself against me and trying to send you all a message by walking over the keyboard - she is so affectionate - Malika and Digby are down here with me asleep on their beds - all is peaceful - my only problem is I am stressing about what to take camping with me - its only for the weekend and there will be shops - so there really arent any problems if I forget anything - last time it was deodourant - I am sure to forget something but can buy myself some new so it wont matter :)

Hope your headache has cleared

Today I am smiling because its friday, last day for me for just over 2 weeks, my parents are coming this afternoon and tomorrow is my birthday - good times xx

Enjoy your camping - just throw a few bits in a bag & buy anything essential if you have forgotton it - have fun xxxx
Morning H

Glad you're all smiley today ... cats help :) ... I still miss my stray that I had to give back :(

Ohh I'd love to camping this weekend, but have lunch with a friend on Saturday, so can't. Start a master list for your camping trips - then if you forget somethign you can add it on the list when you get back so next time you're prepared .... I'm a lists person lol

Anyway - have a great weekend!!!

Morning H :) .. I would so love a cat to snuggle up to but OH has said no! :( he doesnt "get" cats! and dogs just dont do the same thing do they! lol ....
I hope your headache has gone now,

Im smiling today because the sun is shining,
And im going to be seeing my 91yr old friend very shortly for some cleaning and a cuppa :)

Have a lovely weekend
Hope you have a lovely time camping!
I'm smiling today because my OH is being really sweet to me as I'm in bed unwell. He's had to go out but has left me a WW snack and a cup of tea by my bed, set up the TV with my gilmore girls DVD, brought me some magazines etc :)
I would so love a cat to snuggle up to but OH has said no! :( he doesnt "get" cats! and dogs just dont do the same thing do they! lol ....
Ha ha depends on the dog!!my black lab who shall we say is quite a heavyweight- often tries her best to sit on meeeeeeee when im on the sofa!!LOL

Hiya H...Im glad you are feeling great and still smiling,im smiling today cos i made a pair of curtains (for my newly painted b/room) from a large piece of french toile fabric i had lurking...AND they look fantastic...:) xx
Have a lovely evening.
i am smilling because the kids have finally gone to bed, and i've heard the welcome sound of a cork popping out of its bottle:D

Hope you are ok today.
Hope EVERYONE has something to smile about today.
I'm smiling because its my birthday xx

Hope you are having a nice time camping and the weather is as glorious as it is here xx
Look I go away for the weekend and everyone carries on being smiley without me :):)
that is fantastic

well food went out the window for the weekend - but as these weekends away are in lou of a holiday this year I dont mind that

we had THE most fantastic time - we stayed at a very small campsite at Tallybont farm - surrounded by the lovely Welsh countryside and the brecon national park
we visited Abergervenny which is a lovely town - we will be going back to this site again
very small and basic but a good get away from it place
now we took a different tent and we had warmer sleeping bags :):)
this tent has a four person dividable bedroom - we popped in the two double airbeds and slept the other way round to what is expected this gave DH and I plenty of room and the dogs could sleep at the bottom - we were all comfy this time :):)
we had a better cooker too so food was a little more adventurous
I managed to cook DH chilli and rice :)

I feel so light of spirit and refreshed - we are already booked back into that site for a few days the first weekend of september :):)
Hi Hon

Glad you had a good weekend ... campsite sounds lovely!

Wow - chilli and rice while camping - impressive! :)

awww sounds like you had a lovely time! you've been a miss on here though - glad we have a few weeks with you before your next trip :D xxx
Sounds like fun was had by all - lovely to hear xx
Sounds like you had a wonderful time :) .. and chilli to proper camp fire food :) ..