Morning all,
A nice weekend made even more pleasant by the rain and storms passing us by... not to say that the lights didn't go out regularly outside (and on inside grrrr!), and we waiting expectantly for the downpour, but no...
I didn't get any walking done but am unwell with cold, throat and cough etc so figured best not push it. I did however do lots of sorting and ironing, and only "sat down" evenings (my guide to how I'm doing at not returning to sloth!!).
My head is in a better place. I'd sooner not have to go to work today (or ever) and know my work life is going to change tenfold and not for the better once my current bosses leave. From then, whether I make it onto the forum during working hours is doubtful. Change, moving into the unknown, isn't something I like or enjoy waiting for... particularly when it means returning to something I've done before and preferred changing from then. But I know it's out of my hands and if the powers that be deem my place is elsewhere, I've no choice. Sorry to be cryptic but you never know who's reading! Back to head office I fear for me. Not far away geographically, but in every other respect it could be miles!
Diet is one thing in my control at the moment. I don't mind staying the same - as I'm happy at this weight and feel sure it'll be an easier to maintain weight - but will keep at it.
UK on Friday after work for three days. Tuesday here but off work due to overnight travel Mon-->Tues
Once I return to more or less this weight, I'll be looking at a very slow entrance into a homemade Conso*
* going to do my own thing this time; not to be copied, just that I'm "different"