IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

today about 40 - will be more after thursday when i go food shopping and get some higher carb yummies in x

have you seen my NON smoking stats?

I have been quit for 4 Weeks, 1 Day, 16 hours, 34 minutes and 58 seconds (29 days). I have saved £202.18 by not smoking 593 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days, 1 hour and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/04/2011 22:00

thanks Jo xxxx
I'm so pleased for you Vicky... weight in check AND a non smoker! What more can we ask for? <get you dried out too???!!! naaaah, we all need one vice!>
Weight isnt really in check is it LOL but getting there. No the drinking is required ha ha!
Thanks so much Jo dont think I would have done it without your suggestions/help :D xxxxx
'course you would... I just helped you realise you wanted to quit, haaaaa!!! Do you think "the book" helped? I know it did for me, but some say it didn't work for them. I read it as pure gospel, asked myself no questions at all, believed every word and still do! Querying things might have tripped me up!!

Little rant - why do people with 21 BMI want to do Dukan? I won't help!
I do think the book helped Jo - in fact ive tried before and used those evil nicotine replacements and failed both times! Didnt query a thing either. Have you read the weight one?

ref the 21 bmi i dont know!!!
I didn't want to chance my luck with the weight one too, in case I went back to smoking if the weight one caused me to gain weight! haaaa! check out that logic DUH!

I do use some of his principles though (you know, the "pity the smoker" one... has been useful when sitting next to someone with tempting warm breakfast thingies in their hand... "pity their arteries!".) And the one day at a time thing...

Even, I guess, the idea that I can never smoke again is helping me come to terms with something I never have before that perhaps I will never be able to eat some things as "normal people" do. Since certain foods act as triggers for my binges, when I don't have them, I don't binge. Easy peasy. I refused to accept in the past that such must be my lot in life but after a few years faffing around with the same kilos and surviving for the most part without said foodstuffs, why do I think I can't live without them? <can't list them though - started typing and I got a pang of regret! No regrets girl!!>
I know i will never smoke again but cant quite deal with i will never eat rubbish in mass piles again !!!!
It's taken me 8 years since first hitting target to be able to contemplate it... "never" is perhaps a little strong, as I'd be setting myself up for a fall (and where would I be if I erred), but certainly not intentionally ever!

Last time in England, I stayed away from bread - thus removing myself (more importantly) from the butter + jam or honey temptation (ok I sinned once!!). It's helpful that my OH loves supermarket pappy synthetic "bread", which I abhor (except that last evening at midnight with a jam urge!).
I topo use the pity the smoker..i do say to tickle. oh look there is a smoker is feel sorry for them!
unfortunately i dont see someone eating pizza and say oh i feel sorry for them :D
Oh I do, re pizza, particularly when the fat is dripping up their arm as they eat ;)

Hey Jaq - this is a work in progress. I'm simply admitting to you all - and myself - that it's soooo much easier when not having any of my trigger foods. The first time I went into Conso, I ensured my gala meals comprised everything I've been missing! Hence making me crave them all the entire following week!!

It's taken me eight years though... and the odd lapse will occur
ha ha Jo - no thats the best bit yummy!
I feel sorry for myself when I see someone else enjoying pizza!!!
Pmsl me too Kim x
Looking forward to pushing Dr D's idea of a gala meal to its extremes!!! Maybe I had better have one per month!!
Little rant - why do people with 21 BMI want to do Dukan? I won't help!

Because they see a 'quick fix' diet advertised and praised and have no idea what it entails. Does the Dr discuss somewhere at what level the diet is better avoided? I think I need to re-read the book again.

It's taken me 8 years since first hitting target to be able to contemplate it... "never" is perhaps a little strong, as I'd be setting myself up for a fall (and where would I be if I erred), but certainly not intentionally ever!

Last time in England, I stayed away from bread - thus removing myself (more importantly) from the butter + jam or honey temptation (ok I sinned once!!). It's helpful that my OH loves supermarket pappy synthetic "bread", which I abhor (except that last evening at midnight with a jam urge!).

Hmm yes I can relate to that! My 'danger moments' are the days when I've already had something 'mainstream' and I get the munchies before going to bed... But I am analysing this more closely and hoping to identify the culprits now that I can/do have them at times - I think starting the day with Muesli as I do on occasion is setting me up to fail (carbs, rasins, nuts)...
But if I am aware of that, I can possibly counteract, even if I do enjoy the occasional bowl of muesli for breakfast (what a long way I have come from the sweetened crunchy oat cereal I used to have every morning....)

Oh I do, re pizza, particularly when the fat is dripping up their arm as they eat ;)

Hey Jaq - this is a work in progress. I'm simply admitting to you all - and myself - that it's soooo much easier when not having any of my trigger foods. The first time I went into Conso, I ensured my gala meals comprised everything I've been missing! Hence making me crave them all the entire following week!!

It's taken me eight years though... and the odd lapse will occur

I think you've come such a long long way in the short time I've known you so keep up the good work!

RE: Pizza - it doesn't have to be like that :D. We made pizza at the weekend and while it was carby, by nature, I don't think it was dripping with fat :)! But yes, any bought or read-made ones will likely be different... And very enjoyable too:eek:!
Jo did you always know what your triggers were?

I think for me the big eat is always an emotional (or hormonal) response, usually when very hungry after not being able to decide what to eat, I dont think particular foods send me on that road. Though I do know not to drink when I have access to the bad (good good) stuff as my resolve can go out the window.
I think my triggers have always been stress and anxiety - but now I have the opposite problem and feel anxiety at the thought of eating carbs!

I feel as though I have brainwashed myself and when it comes to conso (in several months at the rate I am going!) I don't know if I am going to be able to eat them without feeling really anxious about it.
Conso (and I am planning to do proper dukan conso when I eventually get there) is anxiety inducing, I'm not so worried about the fruit and cheese, and drool at all thoughts of gala but adding a bread and the carb meal, having them back in the house........