JanD (Another) New Year (Another) New Start :o)) x

Well done on last week's STS though Jan, much, much better than putting on! Must be the time of year for not being able to deal with weight, I'm still undecided about going back onto the shakes for a while myself. Decisions, decisions!!
It's been a whole year for me now Bev so I canf blame time of year! :(
I wonder what's holding you back this time Jan cos usually when you have a blip, you're straight onto it and getting it sorted. Could it be all the worry with your children that you've had this year? We all know any family problems can really put sorting out our weight to the very back of our minds.

How is your DD anyway Jan? Hope she's feeling the benefit of the new meds!
How are you doing now Jan?
Glad to see your daughter is home from hospital. Living on drugs for the rest of your life isnt nice I assume but if they keep her condition under control then they'll be worth it :)

DDs doing okay thanks for asking. She's back at work and hasn't had any do's. She gets tired very easily though - we're hoping it's just a matter of getting used to the meds.

Her follow-up clinic appointment came through today - Thursday 8th November! :(

I really don't know what's up with me Bev - there HAS been a lot of family stuff going on for well over a year now but I can't really blame that. I just can't seem to stay focussed at all! I was soooo determined when we were on our way to Malta in May that I was never going away feeling as bad as I did then, again. And yet here I am 2&half weeks away from Kefalonia and almost the same weight as I was then. I'm sooo fed up with myself. Every day is a new start and by the end of every day I've blown it AGAIN!!
I need a boot camp!! ;) xx
You book the boot camp and I'll meet you there!!

The end of the day is my problem area too, well, when I get home from work really. During the day at work I'm OK it's just as soon as I walk through my door it all goes out the window!!

I think I can hear the shakes calling me!
Can I join u both??? Im being rubbish 2 - it seems like only yesterday I was saying "8 weeks until my holiday" now only 3 weeks to go and I haven't lost anything - the small amount I did lose I think I've put back on :(
What IS going on??? :(

I'm supposed to be ON the flippin' shakes Bev! .. tell that to the Macdonald's wrap I had for my tea tonight!! :eek: ... mind you it WAS lovely - I really enjoyed it!

I don't have any answers I'm afraid, I'm just trying to hang on in there x
RIGHT! I've given up!

Starting every day being 'good' and going down hill as the day went on has just meant me mini-binging almost every flipping day! Almost? No EVERY day for ages :(

SO! I've given up - I'm not 'dieting'. I realise this may lead to a further gain in the short term but I can't go on the way I was. ...... I'm going to get a calorie book and just monitor what I'm having for a while .......

I may of course change my mind again tomorrow - who knows?? But the way I was was seriously getting me down. I have to resign myself to a 'fat' holiday (Boo :()

I don't know what else to do :( xx
I think you've made the right choice Jan - if ur heads not in it you just end up making yourself feel 100 times worse by cheating/restarting/cheating etc...
Just look forward to your holiday - you've had a lot going on family wise etc - you deserve to relax and have a brake x
I agree, perhaps this is the best way forward for you at the moment. Don't think of your holiday as a fat one, just think of it as a lovely relaxing one. You deserve it after the year you've had!
Sounds like a good plan hun. How you getting on with it?
We are our own worst enemies at times arent we!! :( xx
We sure are Tan ... it breaks my heart when I think about how great I felt going to Kef last year. The shorts I had to put a belt on to keep up barely fasten this year and give me a huge muffin. Everything else is lazzy waisted I'm afraid :( Nothing that's fitted fits :(:(

Well I'm off on holiday on Sunday. When I come back I'm going to start a new thread and be around here a bit more! I haven't been posting much because I haven't really known what to say ... My minds been chopping and changing about how I want to try to get myself sorted and I didn't want to be posting one thing and then changing my mind in every subsequent post!

I'm doing my best to stay positive though not always being successful. Well it's hard when you're being your own worst enemy and can't figure out why or seem to be able to do anything about it :(.

But anyway ... Try not to miss me too much & I'll be back in a couple of weeks :) x
This place has been very quiet lately!

Just go away, enjoy yourself on holiday and come back refreshed & raring to go :)

Of course we'll miss you! Xxx
Have a wonderful holiday jan - you deserve it!!! X

just wanted to send you hugs and say I understand.

I have more or less sts for the last 9months and its 1st above anywhere near comfy and 2stone above my personal goal.
I bought the Exante shakes about 3 weeks ago and have stop/started.
I have a conference mid-october, in a spa and would like to lost at least 1st.......... so cross everything for a fresh start on monday.

Love T.x
Sorry I missed you Jan, hope you have a fantastic holiday. Like Tanya said, go away, have a lovely holiday and don't go worrying about things until you get back. I bet you will be fully refreshed and raring to go again once you return.
I'm back ...... Can't say I'm raring to go but i've started today (again) to try to sort things out. I'm not officially weighing in, tho I have an idea where I am (and it's not pretty :() I'll probably start a new thread and will catch up with everyone in work tonight hopefully.

Had a good holiday thought the weather wasn't what it should have been! xx