JanD (Another) New Year (Another) New Start :o)) x

Oops just found your new thread, I only ever look at my subscribed, thought you're other one had gone quiet!

You look like you're doing great on tfr, shame about the hunger but not much longer to go :)

Loved the pic of the boys baking, so cute x
How long are you going for Jan?
I'm excited for u!! Lol xx
12 nights there Tan ... 14 away from home with all the travelling. AND!! I've booked a week in Malta from 15th May as a surprise for DH for his 65th so will only have 5 weeks from when we get back to sort myself out for that .... A good thing I think :):) xxx
Think you'll be there when my friend is there then!!

Awwww that's a lovely surprise for DH! :) xx
That's a lovely thing to do for your hubby Jan, bet he will love it. My mum and dad went several years ago and thought it was great!
I've been before albeit a long time ago - 1979 actually. My Dad paid for me to go with them because he wanted to show me where he was stationed during the war, where he & Mum lived when they first got married, where my sister was born and where he played professional football. He always wanted my sister to go fir obvious reasons but she didn't go till the year after he died - which I thought was pretty rotten.

It's a lovely Island, full of history. The people have historically had a great affinity towards the British because of what happened during the war ... Whether that's still the same as time goes on I don't know. It was certainly still the case in the 70s :) xx
Might just look into that for next year, wonder if we could get a cruise that has a couple of days around Malta.

Thanks Jan.
I'm sure you could, the other little islands there are lovely too, Gozo & Comino .. Gozo is where they make all the lace and silver filigree jewellery ... Lovely :)
Is there a special occasion next year? Xx
Nice! I don't know why but I always think of cruises as being for special occasions .. Mad really lol! Xx
I think we would have one really good holiday, then just a cheap week somewhere else later in the year for a week. Rather than two long ones to Turkey.

I still love Turkey and the Turkish people, but we both just feel we need a break for a year.

Having said about special occassions, we will have been married 25 years next year, so it might be nice to combine that fact with a nice holiday.

Back to the drawing board :)
Awww love how your dad took you to show you all those places :) are you going to show DH them too?xxx
Sounds like a plan in the forming Mary:)

Naw Tan ... For one thing I wouldn't be able to find them now ... Well apart from the football ground - that should be easy enough. That's the only place my sister went. And for another I think it'd be too upsetting. It was nice to do it with Mum & Dad & I'd rather leave it at that.

I'm so so fed up with this hunger ... It'd better be worth it!! Xx
Third week Mary :( ... No idea about ketosis, last time I POS it was only very slightly pink - so slight I wasn't sure it really was! I'm assuming not with being so hungry :(
I very nearly cracked yesterday I was sooo hungry. I battled through, tho I had to have my 'tea' at 4.30. I filled myself up with coke zero last night. Only another week & a half to go. xx
Thats just it Jan, only a week and a half! :D :D not long at all :hug99: xx
Such a shame you're still feeling so hungry Jan. A week and half will be gone in no time. Stick with it, you're doing great. Keep filling up with water and coke zero. I drink a tin of coke zero every evening after my last shake to fill me up, works a treat!