Jane's Diary

5.5 lb down in three days. I know it's not actual weight really. I gained 6 lb in four days so I'm just getting rid of that and would probably have gone down anyway.

My friend who tempted me with a scone yesterday bought me one to bring home. All night I thought about eating it for breakfast but I've just weighed it at 140g which, looking on line, is over 500 cals!!!! Needless to say, even though its a feast day, I'm having something else to eat.

I think I will do feast today and tomorrow and then fast on Sunday. We go on holiday on Monday and I think that'd be more difficult to do. Especially with the freebies in the lounge:)))
Fourth day of diet. I've had 1,533 cals and that included a Turkish delight bar from M&S. it's so nice not to be thinking if syns all the time.

Our evening meal was lovely. Mushroom soup, crumbed fish with peas and carrots and for supper a rhubarb fool type desert. Basically stewed rhubarb with sweetener stirred into zero fat total. Delicious.

Total cals for four days 4,199 so that an average of 1,050. I think the diet says up to 2,000 on a feast day but I'm finding it hard to get to that. Allowing 2,000 per day to maintain my weight this average means I've saved nearly 4,000 so just over 1lb of fat gone.....hopefully.
How fabulous is this diet! 7.5 lb in four days!! I'm having another fast day I've decided. Tomorrow will be feast and then it's my Hols so I know it'll be a lot harder, although I will try to fast two or three times while I'm away.

Funnily enough on my feast days I'm opting for healthy stuff and I found my small chocolate bar yesterday perfectly adequate. It's odd, one week ago I'd be craving everything I shouldn't. Resisting that scone the other day was probably a first for me.

I think when my Hols are out of the way I will fast Monday, Wednesday and Friday but be flexible about it if needed and only do two some weeks.
I have a blood sugar test coming up in a few weeks. I've been creeping up and am only a smidgen under the lab reference ranges so the dr wants a recheck. It'll be very interesting to see if the fasting diet lowers my levels. According to the book it should.
510 cals today and I've found it hard. Feast day tomorrow and Monday and then I will try a fast day on Tuesday. Might not be easy on hol though!

Total cals in five days 4,709. So according to the book I'm allowed 2,000 per day to maintain, therefore a saving of 5,300 cals or 1.5 lb of fat.

Once my holidays are out of the way I will fast either 2 or 3 times a week , depending on what I'm doing.
9lb in five days!! Scary!! 

Today is a feast day.

As we are trying to empty the fridge I have no idea what I'm going to feast on though. My shopping is very healthy and low fat these days so I've plenty of veg to consume. I will be struggling to get up near the 2,000.

Good job I like prattling to myself, plus this is a handy record 
Thanks Emmaline.

This diet is great :). It's odd but even on the days I can eat I don't really feel like it. Maybe it's because it a diet new to me and I'm feeling motivated. I've never experienced that before because most other diets are restrictive. Lets hope it last!

Calories today so far are only 415 so I think I will scout around the kitchen for some more food. Need to get to between 1,600 and 2,000.
Total cals today 2,130. Seems like i have eaten loads but according to the book I can eat about 2,000. I'm a bit over but have been under on other days so I'm not bothered. What pushed it up was 600 cals for some fudge aughter brought back from Cornwall.

One thing I've noticed is that my mouth is very sore. I've only glanced at the web but there does seem to be some connection between fasting and sore mouths. I need to do more reading. I've rinsed my mouth with salt water to help ease it. Hopefully it will pass.
Good morning. I've gone up 1lb but that still means 8lb in six days :) it was the fudges fault, not mine ;-)

I'm eating normally today, although I'm not particularly hungry at present and haven't had breakfast yet. Busy doing last minute packing so I will have my porridge when that's done. I'm taking my little calorie counter and notebook with me. I'm determined to have two or three fasts in the ten days I'm away.
Arrived at our hotel safely and it's gorgeous :). There are scales in the bathroom but they appear to be weighing half a stone lighter than the ones at home. At least it gives me a baseline, but I will be miffed when I get home and weigh more!! Today is a fast day as I ate far too much yesterday. Hubby tucked into a gargantuan breakfast with champagne and I had two black coffees and nicked an apple for later!!
I think I've done ok today fasting wise. I've eaten an apple (75) two black coffee, a little pack of walkers oat cakes with three biscuits in (117 calories), salmon fillet (300 - 350) and salad. Salad had oil on it so I just nibbled the bits that looked dry. I must admit I've been really hungry today, even though I've drunk tons of water. It's much easier at home.

Breakfast soon :)

Wonder what weight these uncalibrated scales will show tomorrow!

The hotel do a turndown service and leave chocolates on the pillow.....so now I've two lots looking at me. Might eat one tomorrow.
Normal day today so I've had scrambled egg, smoked salmon, two slices tom, melon, black coffee, low fat Yog, minuscule piece of blue cheese, black decaf and a glass of cava. Mostly small portions so I reckon about 600 cals or just under.

Probably only have water during the day and I plan on either steak or fish with salad for my evening meal. Might also have a half bottle of cava or similar.
I think I ate about 2,100 cals yesterday which is a little over. Taking my fast day into account my total is 2,700 or 1,350 per day. I've gone down half a pound since arriving on holiday which is a better speed of loss. Wish the scales were accurate, although it is lovely to be half a stone less than at home!
Doing another fast as I didn't feel hungry at breakfast. Had one mint 10 cals and two black coffee at five each, 20 cals so far but am feeling pretty hungry!i just know I will go up if I don't make the effort. Dieting is so much easier at home where you don't have to guess calorie values.
What an exciting evening meal I had! Two massive satsumas and a pack (7 biscuits) of fine milled oat cakes. During the day a pack of extra strong mints! Not very healthy but about 550 cals. Can't wait to get home and eat properly on my fast days.

Anyway today is a feast day but I'm going to still be careful and try to stick to about 1800 for the day. Hmm cava at breakfast or not?
Ok! I had the cava :) I also had smoked salmon and a little ham with I tablespoon of scrambled egg plus a tiny tiny piece of blue cheese. I also had half a peach, two small bits of melon and two small bits of pineapple plus two black coffees. I reckon it was under 300 as all small portions. Not that I'm counting today! Oddly enough after a day of fasting I don't feel particularly hungry.

It'll be doing hubby good as he's cut down on his evening meals. Yesterday he ate a bag of crisps plus some red wine for his tea. Mind you he had an enormous breakfast! Think of the money I will save on shopping, it's costing a fortune these days.
Calories in three days: 2,700 plus 550, so that's 3,250 or just under 1,100.
I had two thirds of a bottle of wine this afternoon at about 400 cals I think. For my evening meal: water, a very small sirloin steak, mushroom risotto (which I maybe ate a quarter off and gave the rest to hubby) and a plain side salad which I put some balsamic on. I think, totting it all up that ive maybe had about 1,400 today. Should really eat more but don't know what! It's difficult in a hotel.

So 3,250 plus 1,400 = 4,650 in four days. Just over 1,150 per day on average.
Having another fast today. I don't really need to do as many but we've been invited to a show on Friday evening at London fashion week and I don't want to look massive in my outfit. We are also invited to the vip section of the aftershow party. (Not that we are vips, we've just known the designer from being very young and have remained friends of her parents). Then I've got Spain for a week, flying out one week on Tuesday. Then back home for a nice rest and normality :).

I think I've gone down this morning but the scales, although electronic, give a different reading every time I step on them. Plus being about half a stone down on my uk ones doesn't help.

I did eat a small breakfast this morning. A little melon, pineapple and a slice of orange. In total about the size of an apple! Plus two black coffees. I'm counting it at about 50 cals.

I wonder what weight I will be at home!