Daisy - excellent attitude, RTM really is a time of self discovery isn't it?
"2 Weeks gone since last update.
TBH I'm really trying to lose the obsession with food, and little by little, day by day it is getting easier. I've still been logging daily calories but have not been stressed when >3,000 on any one day as I know the next day will be <2,000, and that I always have the option of extra exercise to bring things back into line.
I was due to go to WI last Wednesday but I decided not to, so I'm in 2 minds whether to pop in tonight or not as I go away for 3 weeks in the morning so if I miss this week it will have been 8 weeks since I last went and TBH I don't think I'd bother at all if that were the case. I always intended to stay in touch with LLC and it would be good to catch up with the group, but there's only really 1-2 still there that I know.
In any case I weighed this morning at 11.13 - the exact same weight I was 4 weeks ago at the end of RTM. Amazing TBH - I know I've put on a couple of lbs and obviously lost them, almost daily I guess depending on intake over the previous few days. I'm delighted as I'm still 'careful' but pretty much eating and drinking what I want, when I want it - all be it with a background of knowing what the healthy options are, sometimes I still think I over do the 'healthy' choice and still feel a little obsessed, but as I said above, it is getting better/easier.
I've no option but to stop logging after today as no internet in France. I really wanted to have stopped by now but I'll just have to go 'cold turkey'
It really has been an interesting 7 months on LL and beyond. I had no idea when starting the diet that it would be a effective, or as challenging afterwards. The simple truth I guess is that no matter what happens you are always yourself, always react in the same instinctive way to situations, and will always have to focus and work on conscious decisions/choices.
To those of you on plan I wish you every success, but for now my journey is over.