Jaylou's diary~Much better now!

Saturday SE (hopefully!)

Brunch - bacon & beans (1/3) mushrooms, egg and tomato

Dinner - chicken korma (with passata, low fat coconut milk (2.5), onion and spices) and rice (chicken & rice - 1/3) served with spiced carrots. Almonds 4 syns.

A - milk A - cheese (supper)
B - 2 small bread B - ryvita (supper)
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Lots of good ideas on your food diary for me to steal!!

I'm always reminded of Kenneth Williams in on of the Carry On films when I look at the title of your diary :eek:D x
Sunday SE

Breakfast - smoked salmon (1/3) 2 poached eggs, sliced tomato and mushrooms with some rocket.

Lunch - 4 ryvita (B) with 2 laughing cow (2) and salad leaves

Dinner - turkey (1/3) stew with swede, carrot and onion served with savoy cabbage. Cornflour to thicken (1)

A - milk B - ryvita B - tbc
:whistle:Just been wandering around and catching up back here on Minimins, and had to stop by to say hi :waves: Have caught up with your last few weeks (not the last 7 months, sorry!), and see you are having a period of SE ... seems to be going well :D
catch up soon maybe

I have just read the last 7 months of your food diary! (Took me over an hour lol) I have only been at SW for five weeks but the last two weeks I have just lost my motivation! Was doing so well until the boyf bought me chocolate for v.day and then I had pancakes on pancake day! Since then I think I have polished off a whole packet of chocolate digestives and half a 250g of bourneville!

As you can imagine this resulted in a 1lb on last week, and I am dreading WI on wed! I have been to the gym twice this week though, but I don't think that will help as I since I started WW I go to aerobics 4 times a week!

Just from reading your diaries, you have made me realise that we are all going to have bad weeks and its not going to be loss loss loss in that order! So I am going to write off these 2 weeks as a blip and get back on it! Only had 5 sins today so far and it is nearly 4pm then chicken curry for tea so hopefully I will be able to resist!

Your diary also shows me that SW is a new way of life, its not going to be get to target then I can eat whatever I want! I best make good friends with my class members!
I may even start my own diary!

thanks again

Bless you, what a lovely post! SW is tough hun but you are right, it's a way of life. If you are in it for the long haul then 2 bad weeks is nothing. I've made fab friends at my class, Tuesday night out is firmly fixed in my calendar now :)

Well done on reading all my diaries, you deserve a medal for that!!!
Monday 22nd SE

Breakfast - oatsosimple with water and scan (B)

Lunch - vegetable dahl, Activia yoghurt, banana.

Dinner - Jacket potato (1/3) salad, cheese (A)

A - milk A - cheese
B - porridge B - ryvita

Syns - mascarpone light cheese (4) spread on the ryvita topped with 3 tsp jam (3) - It tasted divine!!!
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Hi Jaylou - I've also found your diary fascinating, a really good, and extremely useful read! You're so honest about all those temptations...

When we have OatsoSimple (or the supermarket equivalent) we're now adding 2 dsp - approx 10g - pure wheatbran in per portion. It is SO much easier and cheaper than using Scan Bran, and we can also add it to other foods without noticing the taste, and are making bran cakes out of it, but have still not got that quite right yet!

Any comments very welcome!!!
WI tonight - I'm really really hoping for a couple of pounds, it's been a hard week but good and I feel lighter. I must admit that I haven't felt properly full all week but I'm not certain that's a bad thing as I do often feel stuffed after my meals!

Anway Tuesday's food

Breakfast - some grapes and an apple (in the car, long drive this morning)

Lunch - Tuna and mixed salad bits (couple of syns for mayo I think) Apple

Dinner - will be at MIL's. Cottage pie and veg (tbc!)

No Tuesday night bag of sweeties due to Lent - eek! What to do.....

Will report back with results later (if it's good news)
Drum roll please.......

I lost 3.5 pounds!!! Putting me just half a pound over 10 stone. I want to join Hellie in the 9 club next week if you please.

Dead chuffed, makes the hard work worth while doesn't it?
thats fab! A big loss is always great to make you so more determined for the next week! Well done! Was you slimmer of the week then?
Great result Jaylou! You must be dead chuffed - are you going to do another week on SE, or is it business as usual now ...
Thanks all!
May do a few more SE days this week, either that or have red/green and lots and lots of superfree. Snacks will only be fruit or yoghurt as usual.
I feel a lot lot better this week.
Wednesday 23rd Green

Breakfast sachet oatsosimple (B)with water and sweetener (forgot scan, will have later!)


Lunch - vegetable dahl (cauli, peas, sweet potato, onion, carrot, lentils and spices)
Activia yoghurt

Dinner Bubble and squeak cakes (savoy cabbage, leek, potato, parsely) with fried eggs and 2tbsp ketchup (2)

A - milk A - cheese (supper)
B - porridge B - ryvita (supper)

Syns - 2 weetabix (6)
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3½! Winner...well done you! I fully expect you in the 9 stone zone next week. Brilliant work. Mind you, I bet I'm back in 10s...wouldn't that be just the ticket! LOL!

Keep it up.

Thursday 25th Green

Breakfast 2 poached eggs served on lots of rocket with mushrooms and sliced tomatoes

Lunch Beans on toast (B) haven't had this for ages and really really fancy it!! Simple is often best :)

Dinner Pasta with bacon (3) tinned tomatoes, onion, garlic and chilli. Parmesan (A) and served with salad

A - milk B - 227g baked apple & 113g stewed blackberries - what a fab B choice!!

Syns - 3 for bacon
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