Thanks Heather. I'm not sure I'll be in the 9's tomorrow - had a pizzatastic weekend!
Not really been on plan this weekend, it's been very very busy and I let myself get too hungry on Saturday so resorted in a sandwich in town and then a sandwich from Tesco later on. Must remember never ever to only go out with a banana in my belly for a busy day. It's not enough!!
Then had oodles of pizza and garlic bread for dinner.
Yesterday wasn't too bad, I was totally on plan apart from one slice of cold pizza.
Anyway, a couple of days of good food may limit some damage!!
Monday 15th EE
Breakfast Half a banana sliced onto 3 ryvita crackerbread (3)
Lunch "old fashioned chicken soup" from the new cookbook. This looks fantastic!! Activia yoghurt.
Dinner Ham, eggs, tinned tomatoes and a few SW chips.
A - milk B - bread roll