Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

yaay Jayne well done.... you must be very pleased! keep up the good work :) roll on next week :) x
Thanks guys. I'm thrilled. As we know, when we do a re-start (if we didn't glycogen load), we won't get the humungus first week losses we do first time around, but this is just grand :D I'm also so gobsmacked this time around how much my appetite is suppressed. Never felt it so much on TFR before. I'm usually starving for at least the first few weeks!

Had a really good day today :)

Brilliant Jayne x
Day 8

Well, I spoke to soon. Bloody starving this morning! lol. Not in the teeniest bit tempted to cheat in any way though, so am getting some extra water down, and will have a black coffee after. I know these hunger pangs will pass.

Not got a lot on today. My youngest has a friend coming around for tea tonight, so I shall have to cook, and will put tape over my mouth whilst dishing up, so nothing sneaks in! lol. Seriously, I am going to do that! :D

That I would like to see!
makes sure its sellotape and see through though or you might scare you little ones friend..:)

Im also feeling the same today,,i think it because i keep thinking of this until may.. i just need to get my head readjusted :)
chin up :) xx
Did you????? lol x x
Hope it didn't pull any of her skin off Su!!! I am amazed that my hunger hasn't taken over my body but I've been feeling quite good - the guys in work can't believe how well I'm doing! 10lb down in my first week, I understand thats coz I'm a newbie and I must have pigged right out over Xmas, haha! Whats the average weekly loss from now on peeps?
Hi Jayne, have just caught up on your diary and you are doing really well! You're an inspiration to me as I've said before because I'm similar to your heaviest ever weight lol Bleugh! Will never be there again!

Well done on the loss this week, keep it up... I'm relying on you (you're a few days ahead of me on your restart week) LETS DO THIS!

Happy thoughts, Paula x
Hope it didn't pull any of her skin off Su!!! I am amazed that my hunger hasn't taken over my body but I've been feeling quite good - the guys in work can't believe how well I'm doing! 10lb down in my first week, I understand thats coz I'm a newbie and I must have pigged right out over Xmas, haha! Whats the average weekly loss from now on peeps?

I bet she didn't put it on there to stop her eating, i reckon she done it to get rid of her moustache!!! pmsl x x

Your weight loss from now on is anyone's guess hun.... I was on it for 12 weeks and i lost 4lb EVERY week (apart from the 1st week when it's a bigger loss and the last week cos i pigged out) but some lost much more and others sometimes STS... You really can't tell .. It will be SURPRISE!!! lol ... Just keep doing what you have been, and you won't go wrong.. Whatever your losses, always remember, overall they will be more than most other diets x x
I bet she didn't put it on there to stop her eating, i reckon she done it to get rid of her moustache!!! pmsl x x

Cheeky mare! :eek: lmao. As it happens I sorted it out last night, so didn't need to worry tonight! :giggle:

I DID put the tape on my mouth, and it was the clear stuff lol. Today has been pure torture. I have been so hungry and cravings have gone through the roof. Absolute killer! :sigh: So, even though I knew I wouldn't eat on purpose, I couldn't trust myself that the odd morsel wouldn't accidentally find its way into my tum. I used to have an awful habbit of eating without realising, and spur of the moment eating. They are eating their tea now and I've come away on here to avoid it all. I literally cannot bear to be about food (especially cooked food with all the smells) at this time.
They have bloody choc cake for afters too, and I have to go and slice the darned thing in a sec. Tape back on, in double layers! :rolleyes:

Jayne.... You done really well to resist hun... Did you resist the cake too?? Is it getting harder or easier hun? x x

Well done Daisy.. You must have great willpower x
Ohhh, well done Daisy! :)

Su, if you'd asked me the same question yesterday, I'd have said it is easier this time around, but today has been a struggle from the moment I got up, and is right now too. Cravings, hunger, the lot! Luckily Sam came home from work before the cake got cut, so he served it, and I stayed well away :) He's cooking something for himself now and the smells are driving me crazy. Going for a shower in a sec, and will be very glad to get into bed and be done with today. I have a step class at 10 in the morning, so hoping that will burn out any cravings I have - strangely exercise does that for me lol.

I just really want a hot, carb loaded meal and a HUGE amount of chocolate! I won't though, and I shall be back for a honk later ;)

My colleague in work brought some homemade chilling into work today and the smells from the kitchen were amazing!!! Luckily I'd just had my weigh in so was feeling totally motivated. Then, earlier this evening I went to the fridge to get the milk for my oh's cuppa and I'm sure the peanut butter jar was glowing and staring at me, seriously, I love that bleedin stuff!!! Maybe this tape idea will take off, and I'll get a smooth upper lip to boot!
Enjoy your shower hunni, and i will be looking for your honk x x x

I hope tomorrow is an easier day for you x x x
Hey Jayne...you are doing so well with the tape......pity we can't tape our noses up from the lovely smell!!!hehehe...well done hun on the loss this week. Stay strong....do anything but keep away from the kitchen. My hubby make lovely ravioli for him and my DD...I had to go gym before I became week...came back and washed up without picking on anything. You're right about the exercise....curbs the cravings!! I am so good in the day....but as evening approaches I become out of control with food....like a werewolf.:)