Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

Jayne, you are so good with your exercising! Did you "gym it" before starting LT or have you picked up this healthy habit during? I've not really felt like exercising much yet, but that's not really anything new... I've always been a lazy git! I hope to get exercising when I've lost a few stone as I hope I won't be so self conscious (and lazy!)
You're doing so well and I'm certain you'll be beating your pre-break weight at Monday's weigh in! :D

Cherrycoke - Running is fab! Build it slowly with some interval running - so start with 1 min jog and 2 min walk. Make sure you are breathing almost back to normal before starting the next interval, but be consistent with the timings. Repeat 6 times. Do that for a week (minimum 3 times during the week) and then the next week increase your run time to 1.30, and so on :) It's amazing how fast your fitness and stamina will increase :)

Paula - Yes, I've always exercised regularly since I was about 16 years old (I'm 38 now) when I did my first step class. Was hooked on it thereafter. It's just in my blood to exercise. Just a shame I couldn't get a handle on the food otherwise I'd be seriously in shape! Most of my friends are fitness instructors or personal trainers as well, so I'm surrounded by healthy people and fitness on a day to day basis. I would love to do that sort of a thing for a job myself, but weight always stopped me :( Such a shame really.

Lola - I always have the shakes cold. With the coffee and vanilla, I put a teaspoon of coffee into my shaker, add just a very small amount of hot water to dissolve the coffee, then top up to 300ml with cold water, and then add my vanilla, put the lid on and shake! :) Turns out fab. With the peppermint tea, I make it up in a very concentrated, small amount (about 50ml) with boiling water, leave to cool completely (you can make up the night before and put in the fridge overnight), top up to 300ml with cold water, add chocolate shake, put lid on shaker and shake! :) YUM!

Ooh I am trying that! I'll do the vanilla for brekkie as thats the only time I have vanilla, the other two are choc - my fave! Seriously miss the classes at the gym but I just feel so pooped that I don't think I could handle it. I'm used to having the biggest weights on my bar at Bodypump and I think it would pee me off if I couldnt do it, actually, knowing me I would still be a competitive git and end up fainting and stuck underneath it, haha!!!
Most of my friends are fitness instructors or personal trainers as well, so I'm surrounded by healthy people and fitness on a day to day basis. I would love to do that sort of a thing for a job myself, but weight always stopped me :( Such a shame really.

Sounds like another goal to aim for? You'd be great at it too, what an inspiration for your "pupils" x
Interesting- mint-choc!! Might give it a go.
Anyone have the flapjacks? I have them at work as its easier than carrying my blender around. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't eat them if I wasn't on lipotrim, but they aren't actually that bad! You can even taste the peanuts in the the peanut one!
Frenchy - I like the peanut flapjacks :) Convenient too when out and about, and you can nibble on them as you fancy as don't have to eat within 15 mins like you have to with the shakes :)

Lola - Leave it until you feel stronger hun. You have to listen to your body. We all react differently with this diet, and you don't want to hurt yourself! I'm dead competitive in class too lol. Tonight I did my biceps with total bar weight of 10kg, and there was a bloke in front of me who had the same weight on. I decided there was no way I would stop for even a second, and I didn't. He did though, and I was like ha ha! lmao. I also love it when the skinny girls come in and I wipe the floor with them with my weights. They so underestimate me on first glance lol. My bar never drops below 10kg - even on triceps and I squat with 20kg on my shoulders. Love it! :)

So, end of day 10 and feeling really good. No hunger tonight :) Just tried peppermint tea on its own though, and it was rank! Smelt and tasted like gone off chewing gum. Ewww. It's better added to the shakes :) Going to go and try to give blood for the first time ever tomorrow. Bit nervous. Not sure why though!

You'll be fine giving blood, just don't eat the free biccie!!! I know what you mean about wiping the floor with the skinny minnies, just coz they're skinny it doesnt mean they're fit! My gym bud and I used to put on more than the blokes sometimes - hilarious - and we used to spur each other on and get really competitive! I tried the coffee vanilla for breakfast this morning - yum! I'm gonna have the mint choc for tea, so excited! haha! I must admit peppermint tea took a bit of getting used to but I like it now, I only normally have one black coffee a day as it gives me that manky mouth feeling - I used to drink a lot of green tea too - its a leaf so thats allowed right?
Yep, green tea is allowed :) I love green tea. Another thing I must buy in :) The coffee in vanilla is gorgeous isn't it. I had it for breakfast today too :)

Off to do the blood donation thing at lunchtime with hubby. If they allow me to do it, I'm going to have an extra shake today, and also 'might' eat some protein, but will see how I feel. Of course, if they say no, it'll make no difference anyhow lol I'm going to have my second shake of the day just before I leave. Had my first at 9 am.

Will let you know how I get on :)


Hi Jayne
Great to hear you had no hunger by day 10! Look forward to it (again) also I'm going to try your tip for interval running to get back into it next week. I read somewhere that's the best way for weight loss. Build up to running fast for say 5 minutes, then walk or jog for 2 then run fast for 5 etc. Apparently it keeps your body guessing what's going on if you do anything for any length of time your body gets used to it and you hang on to calories, but if you keep changing the speed it releases the calories - apparently anyway! Could be all hogwash, but the reps work with weights I know that for sure.
Susee, interval training of any sort is the absolutely best way to increase your fitness fast. Even whilst using weights or something, if you add an extra weight on for the last 20-30 seconds, it makes a huge difference :) Always push yourself really hard. You can always do more than you realise you can :)

Well, I'm back from blood donation - been home a couple of hours - and it went really well :) I feel incredibly proud of myself :) Do have a rather OTT bandage on my arm now mind (will try to attach a pic after), but that said, it is quite comforting, as my arm was a bit achy afterwards, and the needle did feel rather long when it was removed (I didn't look!).

I don't feel faint, weak or ill or anything post donation, but I have decided I will help my body replenish quicker by not being 100% today, and I have eaten. Quite frankly, I am prepared to sacrifice my diet for one day, for the sake of giving a donation that will potentially save someone's life. I will be back to 100% TFR tomorrow :) Prob out of ketosis as well, and will gain some glycogen weight overnight, but not bothering to check. Will just be 100% from the morning, then weigh in and pee on a stick on Monday! It'll all balance itself out in the end, and I'm more than comfortable with my decision to do it this way :)

Slightly dramatic bandaging after blood donation. Does feel rather comforting though :)


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hey girle! glad youre getting on ok! what a great decision to give blood! i wish i could give blood but because i lived in england during the 90's apparently i cant because of the BSE scare or something!...:( im not a fan of needles anyway so its probably for the best!!...your decision to have something to eat is probably for the best as ive heard you need to get your body back up to scratch! You dont want to be getting any more coughs!... hopefully your days getting back into ketosis arent too bad and remember we eat to live not live to eat!..if i had a day off i think id go mental with the food so be good :) xxx
Well done for giving blood Jayne... I used to do it regularly but haven't done it for quite some time now... I don't know if i still can cos i have an under active thyroid and am on medication, but i will have to look into it... Could you not just have a plaster like us mere mortals?? lol x x

The needle is HUGE!!!! pmsl..... I went once and the nurse caught the wall of my vein so it wasn't coming out properly.. They took the needle out but forgot to clamp it first and my blood spattered up the walls of the mobile unit.. They then changed arms and everything was ok on the other side.. I came out with both arms bandaged like yours.. Not a good advert!!! lol

My low carb - high protein preparation for starting Monday has gone out the window.. I have had ***WARNING... FOOD MENTIONED**** biscuits, shortbread,hula hoops and a toffee crisp!!.. I am having chicken salad for dinner though.. Will that undo all the crap i ate??? pmsl x

What did you eat? I truly believe that because this diet is SO hard, it can be better for us to "blip" in a controlled and sensible way rather than binge.... You are doing great so far hun x x x
Oh Sue! PMSL! I shouldn't laugh, but OMG, thank goodness you didn't tell me that story before I went today! I'd have been a nervous wreck! lol. You can donate with your thyroid meds. It's like with asthma though, you must be stable :) (not sure you'd qualify! ;) lmao)

Glad to hear your low carbing is going well! lol. So far today I've had a shake, 3 scrambled eggs on 2 slices of wholemeal toast, a small carton of orange juice, a small bar of choc and a packet of crisps (couldn't resist!), and I'm going to have steak and veggies for tea! Not to bad really lol

Well done indeed for giving blood, you did good! lol @ Su re: the bandage x

All that food sounds lovely but :whoopass: for those blimmin' crisps & choc! lol Are you back to TFR again tomorrow? If so, good luck, hope your trip back to the "zone" is quick and painless!

Yep, I shall be 100% again from the morning :) Hungry just thinking about it lol.

I did Lola, and that's the excuse I'm sticking to ha ha! :)

Back on track today. Not even had my first shake yet. Lasting it out as evenings are my worst time! Hoping to be able to honk again later. Missed doing that yesterday!

Hope everyone's okay. Off to Asda's soon. Catch up later :)
How are you getting on today girlie?? Feeling better to be back on board??x
Yes, thank's for thinking of me Pudge :) Hope all ok with you. Off to catch up in a sec. Didn't get chance to get back online properly until now :)

Ok, so I've been back on track since yesterday - not sure now whether to call it day 1 or day 12 lol. Think I will go with day 12, as it was day 12 of my re-start, and only had the planned blip on day 11, been 100% either side of that! (day 13 today). Yesterday was really easy, and I didn't have any hunger really. Today has been fine up until an hour or so ago, when the hunger and cravings kicked in. I don't plan to give into them though, as hoping ketosis will hit sometime tomorrow.

Hadn't planned on weighing until tomorrow (official weigh day), but had a sneak peek yesterday and today. I did carb load badly, and literally gained 4lb overnight! lol. This morning most of that was gone, but because I didn't go to the gym this morning to do my usual 2 classes (didn't get to bed until 4 am, so really wasn't up - or even awake - for it!), I haven't depleted the carb stores as I had planned to, so it's going to take longer now to get them off. I am going to go to a step class tomorrow morning at 10 am, so that will sort me out, but of course that will be after weigh in. So, I fear my 'blip' will impact on weigh in tomorrow, but I know it will right itself by the following Monday and I'm not going to let it bother me excessively. I'm back on track now and that's what matters :)
