Susee, interval training of any sort is the absolutely best way to increase your fitness fast. Even whilst using weights or something, if you add an extra weight on for the last 20-30 seconds, it makes a huge difference

Always push yourself really hard. You can always do more than you realise you can
Well, I'm back from blood donation - been home a couple of hours - and it went really well

I feel incredibly proud of myself

Do have a rather OTT bandage on my arm now mind (will try to attach a pic after), but that said, it is quite comforting, as my arm was a bit achy afterwards, and the needle did feel rather long when it was removed (I didn't look!).
I don't feel faint, weak or ill or anything post donation, but I have decided I will help my body replenish quicker by not being 100% today, and I have eaten. Quite frankly, I am prepared to sacrifice my diet for one day, for the sake of giving a donation that will potentially save someone's life. I will be back to 100% TFR tomorrow

Prob out of ketosis as well, and will gain some glycogen weight overnight, but not bothering to check. Will just be 100% from the morning, then weigh in and pee on a stick on Monday! It'll all balance itself out in the end, and I'm more than comfortable with my decision to do it this way