I am SO knackered today. I've been sleeping really badly of late as it is, but last night I just could not drop off. Think I finally did about 4.30 am, and then was up at 7

Probably would cope better if I'd been fully refreshed before the bad night, but I'm not. Was in hairdressers at 10 am for hours as had my colour done. Then home to do a few bits, off to bus stop shortly to get son no. 2, then back to school later to collect son no. 1 from football practice and then I'm going to step class at the gym at 6 pm. I'm going to be a wreck! My skin is looking like complete sh*t too. Loads of spots. Am due on in 7 days, so that's prob partly to blame, but think all the Christmas toxins are showing themselves as well lol. Combined with lack of sleep, I'm not a pretty sight! That said, my hair is looking fab! lol
Sorry for the big whinge, but needed to let it out! lol.
As for Lipotrim - I'm 100% and not hungry. So that's good I suppose, lol. Not had chance to pee on a stick today, so no idea if in ketosis yet or not. Will test later or in the morning

Should be though as today is day 4 of being 100% again.