Jellybean33's food diary - EE from home

Thanks, and welcome Elkie!

I'm currently making dinner - sw sausages and swede and carrot mash, with green beans. Yum!

B - Overnight oats, made with quark and frozen raspberries

L - bacon sarnie (second hex b and 1.5 syns for flora) with lots of salad. Followed by tea and 2 x rich tea fingers (2 syns)

S - apple

D - sw sausages, swede and carrot mash and green beans. 1.5 syns for gravy.

Syns = 13.5
Hex a = √ milk in teas (might have a half a glass now to make up my full allowance)
Hex b x 2 = √

S - shapers prawn cocktail spirals (3.5 syns) and shapers crispy caramel bar (5 syns)


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Oh, and for date night, me and the hubster did some of davina's DVD together lol!

Feeling really positive today...for the first time in a long time, I'm feeling much happier in my skin...really noticing the difference now. Had a clothes sort out this afternoon, getting rid of all my 'fat clothes' and filling my drawers with lots of my old 'skinny clothes'! Onwards and downwards til target!!! Whoop!

B - Toast (hex b) with flora and jam (2.5 syns), then a banana

S - Muller light

L - small jacket potato with prawns, homemade Marie rose sauce (2 syns) and salad. 1/3 mango (kids got more than I did!!!)

S - raw carrot and half a pack white chocolate and strawberry popcorn (2.5 syns)

D - sw lasagne (1/2 hex a on cheese) and peas. Options hot choc (1.5 syns)

S - Mars ice cream (7 syns)

Syns 15.5
Hex a =√ 1/2 used for milk in tea
Hex b = √

Why is it I'm always ravenous on Wednesdays, the day before weigh in!!!! Still wanna eat more...gonna have a Dr pepper in the hope that'll help!


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Looking good again chick! Good Luck for WI tomorrow :)
White chocolate and strawberry popcorn?! Omg!
Looking good again chick! Good Luck for WI tomorrow :)

Thanks lovey! I feel a bit bloated today but I haven't got huge expectations anyway so hopefully be ok!

White chocolate and strawberry popcorn?! Omg!

Yes...from m&s 5.5 syns for an, admittedly, small bag but its super tasty and very sickly sweet, which is right up my street!
Weigh in...stayed the same, which I guess I can't be too disappointed with after my cake and hot choc on mother's day. That's all I can really put it down to, but I'm also gonna try a week where I cut back on chocolate /ice creams cos I've had a lot of that in the last 2 weeks! Hot chocolate will be my friend instead lol!

9lb to target now and it's getting harder to loose!
Tell me about it! I know I shouldn't have but went on the scales yesterday when I got in and was fairly happy with what I saw...been back on this morning and it's hardly any different to last week! So if its that case tomorrow I'll be another STS. Got the hump now..was gonna do another EESP day, but now I'm thinking sod it...I'll have a EE one so I can have SW chips! I have a feeling * week is approaching so not sure if that's the culprit I've been good this week too! :mad:
It's gutting when you know you've been good, but we'll get there eventually! Xx
And I'd say go for the sw chip....they are still on plan, plus apparently it takes a few days for calories eaten or burned to show any difference on the scales! Xx
Yeah... I'm having a EE day...will see what tomorrow brings I
I'm grumpy too! Been really good for the past few days but was +3 last night! Gutted but to be fair I had a really bad weekend last weekend so I guess you can't expect miracles in 3 days? I've got my head in the game now so I'm hoping next week will be a good one! Aiming for slimmer of the week and my 1/2 stone! Girls gotta have goals :)
I'm grumpy too! Been really good for the past few days but was +3 last night! Gutted but to be fair I had a really bad weekend last weekend so I guess you can't expect miracles in 3 days? I've got my head in the game now so I'm hoping next week will be a good one! Aiming for slimmer of the week and my 1/2 stone! Girls gotta have goals :)

Fingers crossed for you hun! You never know! Xx
Thanks becki!

Hubby lost 2.5lb, so 9lb in 3 weeks. Must say its lovley having him doing sw too!

B - chocolate porridge (1/2 hex a and hex b) with cherries

L - prawn salad, Muller light

S - nibbled on bits in the cupboard whilst finding my daughter something to eat (2 syns) options got choc (1.5 syns)

D - sticky chicken (1 syn) sw wedges, sweet corn and carrots

Treat night - galaxy salted caramel bar 11.5 syns!

Syns= 16 seriously gonna pull it back with my chocolate consumption tomo onwards!
Hex A = √ 1/2 breakfast 1/2 in tea and coffee
Hex b = √

Weigh in= sts...10st 7lb (well 0.2 of a lb loss!!! Don't think that counts!)


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