Jellybean33's food diary - EE from home

This was my packed lunch! Didn't eat half of it!


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Brilliant! Nearly there now chick! :)

B - danio yogurt (1.5 syns) with apple

S - banana

L - mixed bean chilli with hex a cheese, passionfruit

S - half hot cross bun (5 syns)

D - pulled pork, hex b roll and corn on the cob

S - Oreo ice cream (5.5)

Syns = 12 whoops- was aiming for a few low syn days as I have a Chinese meal out and drinks with friends tomo night :-/ but * week has just announced itself and I think I just craved it!

Hex a =√
Hex b =√

Sorry folks, no photos today either! This working mummy business is exhausting (and hubby being abroad doesn't help!)....night all!

PS need a serious catch up sesh...not managed to read anyone else's diaries!!!
Oops, seems like I'm having an off plan day! Star week has arrived and I'm out for dinner and drinks tonight anyway, think I'm gonna do sp days Mon, Tues, weds and aim for maintain this week! Xx
Oops, seems like I'm having an off plan day! Star week has arrived and I'm out for dinner and drinks tonight anyway, think I'm gonna do sp days Mon, Tues, weds and aim for maintain this week! Xx

Enjoy yourself. Star week is a bi**ch !! Just once you have had your treats restart your good eating and sp again :)
Remind me never to drink again!!! Not only have I felt rubbish all day (and exhausted after only 4 hours sleep) but I've eaten tons of naughty stuff. Half of me thinks f it, I'll just have a weekend off, but the other half feels guilty cos I have let myself be a bit silly!

Anyway, no point posting my diary today. Fresh start tomorrow and 3 sp days planned. If possible I'll avoid using any syns, but I'm never very good at syn free days!!!
Just draw a line under it hun and move forward best and only thing to do. It's what I've had to do :)
But did you have a good time? Nothing wrong with the odd silly/splurge day. You're only human. Start again tomorrow and all will be fine x
Yes Little One...I had a wicked time!!! (Well except the hangover!). And ultimately its life, when I'm at target I'll enjoy nights out etc! Line is well and truly drawn :)
Yes, definitely a hood idea happy holiday! Going shopping this morn so gonna buy lots of tasty fruit!

Back on it today!!! Still had one minor glitch, but I'm over it!

B - fruit and a dollop of flavoured quark

S - went to lidl for the first time in ages today as I had a £10 off voucher, and they had the most amazing bakery so hubby and I had a jam doughnut- it was funny though cos it was more like a jam filled roll with icing sugar dusted on top! And didn't taste greasy. It was 5 syns, but not had any other syns today so not gonna worry too much!

L - speed soup and a Petit pain for my hex b, then watermelon for afters

S - chicken roll slices, an apple and a couple of strawberries

D - baked mixed bean chilli enchaladas (second hex b) with hex a cheese on top. Served with salad

Syns = 5
Hex a = √
Hex b x 2 = √
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Pics... Realised afterwards that mango isn't a speed food, but hey, it was tasty and is healthy!


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Neither is Kiwi, but at least you'll know for next time :)
Neither is Kiwi, but at least you'll know for next time :)

Haha, never mind!

Well, I weighed myself yesterday morning and this morning. Yesterday I was +1.2 lb and today only +0.2 so I'm hoping I'm gonna get away with a maintain!!! Got this horrible feeling that'll it'll creep on in the next few days though! Gonna allow myself 5 syns today and tomorrow and keep up with the sp and hope for the best! Xx
Your getting as bad as me getting on them scales everyday! And that usually what happens to me I'm showing 1.5lb down so far but that will be all change come Friday I bet. Good Luck for the actual weigh in though :)
Haha, so much for looking the scales in the car Gemsta!

My theory was I didn't want a horrible shock come Thursday...but it's still totally possible that could happen lol!
I to get Ray to put them back in after Friday :doh:
Well, yesterday's post didn't work...somehow it'd logged me out so I typed it all before bed but went I pressed post it lost it all and I was too tired to do it again. Anyway, had another eesp day yesterday, had about 6 syns from memory and here are the pics... Dinner was hunters chicken and carrot chip and beans...


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B - Overnight oats (using quark, strawbs and raspbs with my first hex b oats)

S - an apple. A slither of bday cake (allow 7 syns)

L - chicken and lettuce sandwich and salad. An orange.

S - some watermelon

D - sw tikka masala ready meal with cauliflower rice

Later I'll use the rest of my hex a to make a hot chocolate, but have already had some milk in teas and coffees.

Syns = 9 (including hot chocolate)
Hex a = √
Hex b x2 =√