Gold Member
Well I think it's safe to say I'm a binge eater now. Oops.
However I fully intend on getting back on track as now (I'm aware I sound like one of those alcoholics who claims to have had their last drink)
I think my main probem is I spend all day thinking about food, I need to find a way to break this.
I feel and look bloated and the scales are showing a BIG number that I haven't seen in a while. I need to do this
Jenna, if its any consolation, this has happened to me before when I was near target/at leapt into my mouth & couldn't stop it! Why, I have no idea....was I rewarding myself for hitting target? Thought I could go back to my old ways of eating unhealthy food? Not sure of the reason, but it needs to be right in your own head & only you can do that. Sometimes you need to have this blowout & feel grotty, for you to realise that it isn't healthy to shovel unhealthy food & following SW is the best. As some of have said before, loosen the reigns a bit, vary your diet & you may find the pressure on yourself wont be so great. Your BMI is mid range, so why not try maintaining for a bit as said before. x