Oops.... Kally must have been right! I think I have fixed it now!
The weekend, all in all, was ok.

however, Monday tomorrow.. The all important Weigh In...
I'm expecting a 1lb gain I think.
I am still about 8 points over this week, since I stuffed my face several times. But I didn't lie, I didn't hide anything, I didn't deceive myself. That is everything counted.
Next week will be a Fast Start kick start. I feel I need this to push myself further.
We had a good chat, last night, about healthy eating and diets. He's said that he's getting fat and we need to both focus on some healthiness now that the summer's here. Which means, we've had 3 days in a row without snow, that would appear to be summer in Aberdeenshire...
Anyway - Regarding him being fat - as if! Part of me wishes he wouldn't say this. He's a medium in t-shirts, and a 32 inch waist. He's annoyed that he had to get a pair of jeans in a 34 inch waist. But then the other part of me understands that it aint what you look like to others, it's what you feel like inside and I know this only too well.
So! Away goes the mindset for mince n tatties, lasagne, and stodge and out comes the healthy low-fat cookbooks, salad ideas, and the George Foreman grill !!! He made chilli last night, and it was so good!
Though I did make lasagna, and then chop it into healthy sized portions, and freeze it! Piccy attached, the big gap on the side of the plate was soon filled by half a garlic ciabatta, which ended up in the bin cos it was nasty...
Tomorrow's plan is cereal, followed by some form of salad, probably tuna and gherkin based, and then some savoury mince and a jacket spud for me tea. I have the house to myself tomorrow night, so plenty Wii time!!
Though... I am already hankerin for a bacon sarnie. I left his house before we had breakfast... How gutted was I, I love a biker boy bacon butty on a sunday morning!!!! hahaa
Have a happy Monday people