Jenny's moved on :)

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So good to hear you sounding so perky Jen - and all because of the gym - who'd have thought that would have got any of us so excited?! No seriously, it's great! I hope you enjoy going, it's so useful when you can fit it into your usual lifestyle.

I'm off to look at rambutans.......

P.S. Yorkshire tea effing rules.
Ooh I love Rambutans crazy little boogers they are them and them Physillis always make me chuckle
loving the gym plans sound very organised
loved that your now food optimising your food
Well that's quite enough of that, thank you all!! My diary is clean and loyal to the fella!! No dodgy diseases here!!!! :p

Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast [HxB] + 1 syn for spread
Snacks - Apple, mullerlight
Lunch - leftover chicken chow mein - 5 syns
snack - banana
Tea - experimental chicken bolognese, made with chicken mince, chopped tomatoes, various spices and whatnot, onion, peppers, and a bit of spaghetti or linguine, depending what the fella has to offer.

I'm shocked and saddened to hear of Paul Grey's death. He was an amazing musician, and although the band isn't seen as a "nice" band, they have brought so much to the heavy metal scene. I will never forget seeing Slipknot live, and only wish I could have seen more of them. I hope that they can continue without Paul. Long may his memory continue.

I have that overwhelming feeling that there will be an argument tonight. He's in grump mode, I'm on the verge of psychojenny mode... and I'm going round to cook tea.
This does not bode well. We always fall out before he goes away..

The Toblerone cookies work out at 5 points each. I might make them tonight too :) The more time I spend making a mess in the kitchen, the less likely we'll fall out maybe!

Ok, I've just had my lunch.. and I still want to eat. This is not good... :S
Will someone please distract me from food..??
Crikey they say they come in three's and i'm thinking they are right
that is offically the 3 passing i've heard of this week :( very sad news.

have a great day hun
hope he's not to grumpy later and if he is kick him in the shin :p
Hope you're having a lovely evening hun and no arguments have errupted! Just keep cooking :D

Last night was good, World War 64 did not erupt in Aberdeenshire, hurrah!!

The chicken bolognese was bloody fantastic, even if I do say so myself! I am SO going to make that again, it was really good. There was 3 BIG portions, given all the veggies I stuffed in the sauce, and I must say that I am rather miffed that the remaining portion is in his fridge for his tea tonight. That's not fair, I made it! *hmph* and we didn't make cookies. I bought all the stuff, and new baking sheets to use, since I had an inkling he wouldn't have any [which, was correct!] and got to his, forgetting that his scales are kaput. Oh well, saved a few syns/points/calories/whatever.. And chances are, the toblerone won't last 2 days in his cupboard...!

I went to the gym - 25 minutes on the bike, 5 minutes on the rower. Not a lot, but the rower started to make my leg feel funny, so I'm not sure I'm doing it right. Maybe I wasn't strapped in tight enough, I'm not sure. I'll be careful next time, see what happens.
Then 25 minutes swimming. I cannot swim in a straight line. At all. I drift to the left... haha. Remind me never to do lane-swimming..!

With the bike, since I had decided to cycle to London, which is 540 miles. Rethink! The machines at THIS gym, are all in KM. So, it's 870 km now. I did 8.2 km last night, which isn't too bad! If I can aim for 10 km minimum a go at the gym, we're on to a winner. My aim is by the 30th September to have done this. We'll see.. :)

Today, I am having a Red Day.
The Boy made me a bacon sandwich for breakfast, since there was no beans for beans on toast. [HxB + 1 syn for BBQ sauce]
Lunch is a salad with chicken+cheese bits in it. [HxA for cheese + 2 syns for salad cream]
Snack later will be a ham sandwich [HxB]
Tea will be after Weigh In, and I'll stop at Tescos to see if they have anything nice reduced. Steak maybe, or a heap of mince. I fancy loads of meat today... No idea why, I'm not usually much of a carnivore...!
Snacks - I've had a banana, and an alpen bar [3 syns], rhubarb yogurt and an apple to go.

So 6 syns so far. I'll probably have the lot, given that it's a weigh in day. Might treat myself to a curly wurly later :)

I am quite pleased with myself for yesterday. It's shown me that I can do it, the whole healthy eating + gym + domestic goddess thing.
Ok, Domestic goddess may be pushing it, it was only bolognese at the end of the day. Jenny-style. Bung it in a pan, when it starts burning, take it out the pan and whack it on a plate. Done. Sorted. I turned down dessert, a walk to the shops for chocolate, cheese n crackers, wine, and a glass of Morgans. I think this is it, I think I have clicked!

Gosh, I don't half waffle on, do I.... haha

Hope you all have a rip-roaringly good day. I don't know what that means... I think it's a good thing though..!
Have a fab day people, I'll get a good catch up tonight :)
Well done jen! Fab work!

Sounds like you are on track brilliantly and resisting temptation!
Glad you and BB didnt kill each other too =]
Chicken mince bolognese sounds lovely Jen - and much better for you than usual mince.

Glad to hear that you and BB had a nice evening together. So nice when you anticipate things going horribly and then actually it turns out absolutely fine.

VERY impressed with the gym malarkey - that's pretty hardcore. Do be careful you don't injure yourself though, those rowing machines can be a bit tricky sometimes. Sounds like you're doing really well though and totally on track! Hurrah!

Hope you have a good day today - fingers crossed for your WI chicky x x x
:8855::8855: I do love your diary I do's Jen it always gives me a good chuckle I really hooted when I got to the syns, points, calories, whatever bit haha !!!
Chicken bolognese sounds very nice not thought of doing that before this is going to get an outting in Mumma K's kitchen and see how the Brucester likes that :D he should love it
He's limiting his read meat at the moment so i'm busy looking at ways with chicken.

haha !!! I can't swim in a straight line either
well done though on getting down the gym Jen
It's lovely, some of mince stays in little bits, and some of it clumps together in lumps of chicken... They sell it in tescos, with a big red sticker on that says "New!" and its only £2 for 350g-ish, which I make to be 3 mahoosive servings. Could easily be padded out to 4 servings with veggies and whatnot.

I actually did the same again for tea tonight, but with more chilli in than oregano. That was good too. I think I am a chicken mince convert!!! I'll be having that for lunch... and for tea tomorrow. mmHMM!

As for the gym, I will be taking care. I'll try the rower again, with tighter straps next time on my feet, and if I get the same again, I'll get the cute emo kid who works there to check I'm doing it right. I am impressed though. I get terrible leg cramps usually, especially after lots of walking, and I got cramp in my feet twice in the pool... So I was expecting to cripple myself last night but I slept right through :) Guess I knackered myself out haha!


For the big bit of news... that I know you are all waiting for......

I hope you are sitting down, and have a stiff drink....

If not... go and get one, because we are celebrating a 2lb loss.


Thank you all so much for your support, through this dilly-dallying and up and down emotional rollercoaster. You all rock :)

yipppppeeeeee on the loss! Hope i can join you!
Just catching up.....AGAIN!!!! I'm such a lazy mini's friend lately!!

Good to see your loving the fitness regime chick....I cant do the rower that well either, I always steer clear and when I do use it I can only do 5 mins at a time. But practice makes perfect and all that flapjack!!! You'll get there......and 25 mins on the bike!!!! WOW, my butt gets so sore on the bike!!!! Can do 15 mins or 20 at a push!!!

Huge well done on the 2lbs off too chick, hopefully this is a trend that keeps up!!!.....xxxx
Thank you all so much :D I'm hoping it is a sign of things to come! The SW website has an automatic chart that projects your weightloss... Mine is now going down at about 1lb a month... haha. We'll soon sort that!

My day was absolutely horrendous. Firstly, I hadn't slept well - Dogs barking and what not. Then work was busy yet I couldn't get motivated to actually work solidly on anything, so I have lots of bits of work started... nothing completed..

Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast with some beans
Lunch - Leftover chicken chilli
Snacks - Yogurt, 2 bananas, an apple, 3 slices of ham
Tea - Curry: Quorn balls in a bhuna sauce, with rice
Pudding - Curly Wurly & a cuppa

Meal Plan = Extra Easy
Syn Count = 15.5

Exercise - 30 minutes on the bike, and then 15 minutes swimming.

I stopped by the HIS house on the way back from the gym, and he made me a cuppa and then went back to the internet. So, feeing unwanted, I headed off on my merry way home, where I then got told not to make a mess in the kitchen, to eat quietly, and then asked if I could "do that somewhere else" when I started to read my magazine in the living room.

Man, I feel loved...

But... on the plus side... I saw something pretty on the way home. For ages now, Biker Boy has been telling me about double-rainbows. I definitely saw a double-rainbow. The inside one was brighter, and the colours were reversed on the outside one :) Sorry for the crappy picture... It was raining in my car window though and I was pulled up at the side of the road in a possibly not very safe place... :D

I'm fed up with people today, so off to read my magazine with another cuppa. Quietly. So that I don't disturb anyone...


  • rainbow.JPG
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People really get on my 'you know whats' when they are like this...when Chris is like that to me i tell him to feck off or i start making stupid noises or just sit on him untill he starts being nice agian! usually works! hehe

We love you jenny penny =]

Food looks nice today, im finding it hard today as just wanted to eat but am going to do my best to claw back this week. After all its only week 1 of my new months trial. Im going to weigh each week but will look at it after a month, and hopefully by then i will have got into it properly! I need to be less hard on myself, its only day 3 ha!
Thanks Katie :) <3 u tooooooo :)
You'll be fine, I just know it!!

I had a moment of "get your own back" ... and I had to share this conversation. Texts, not real conversation. It's 2010, we don't do real conversation apparently...

Me - How do you fancy some cochifrito at the weekend?
Biker - Sure! ... What is it?
Me - Just something I read about.. says it'll take about 90 mins? I'm so glad you are willing to try new things :)
Biker - Do I need to know anything about it?
Me - Depends if you want me to surprise you? It's got good reviews :D


It's spanish lamb casserole.
But I think, when I go to his, it won't be the Slimming World magazine avec recipes that comes out my bag first. I think it might be More instead... He'll panic it's something dodgy and bedroom-related....

This has cheered me up no end. Serves him right for not commenting on my loss...!!!!
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