
Yes, she sure is a character... !
Yeah it has been good. Kinda feel like it's over already though... hehe.
Ok, so he didn't post me postcards... when he was here the other day he left two in strategic places in the house
Last night he'd made a pasta bake, with chorizo, spinach, and a creamy cheesey tomatoey sauce... It was so good, we had that with broccoli. And there was a toffee cake for dessert, which, in my defence, I had a portion of which was half the size of the slab he had!
We've been invited to a party, it's a girl at my work's birthday, and I think we'll go for a couple of drinks but not really to stay too long. Thing is, it is pink themed. We're both redheads, really, so this does not bode well... I have got him a pink tie, which will look amazing with a black shirt. As for me...? Eep. No idea yet! I got a pink "dress" from ebay, which has turned out too small [US size 20-22 not UK size 20-22, my mistake] and it's too slut-short for me anyway.. The idea was that over leggings. Hmm...
I've got 3 weeks, but the rate I am going, it still won't fit. So I need to crack on with Ebay...! Everything pink looks horrendously old fashioned, and would make me look like a lampshade. Frills, tassles, bowes...
What do people reckon about maxi dresses on larger figures? I cant decide if they are a good thing, or if I would be better just wearing a genuine bedsheet as a toga...
I could get a pink top to wear with jeans. That would do

Eurgh I hate themes. Why can't people just let you wear what you like!!!
Food today -
Breakfast - beans on toast
Lunch - none
Tea - will be lamb rogan josh

and a bottle of kopparberg!!
I did have the opportunity to go out for tea with him and his family, but his sister and her fiance are up for the first time since they got engaged, and I felt it should be a proper family occasion... Plus... well, you lot and Biker are well aware of my views on weddings, so I decided that I'd leave him to deal with the awkwardness of that "when's your turn" discussion..
But now, writing that, I feel like I am being rude. I honestly do not mean to be. I'll make a doubly important effort when he comes back from his next trip, to be a wonderful person
It does, incidentally, turn out, that he wants us to cancel London because he wants to watch the football. Not for the fear of football lager louts in London. I totally got the wrong end of the stick there, and subsequently cried. What a wuss.!!! I dont care if he wants to watch football, I have no idea why I reacted like that... But now he won't pick a date for London so I have no idea whats happening there. *sigh* He said we can go to Aviemore to see the polar bear in June though. He had BETTER NOT pull out of that or I will kill him.
Off to do meal plans for the week. Hurrah!