Afternoon, Girlies
Wow, how patronising does that sound
What a manic weekend..! Well, no not really. Saturday I spent the daytime arguing with my parents after "wasting time getting my hair cut", then the night time sulking because we were "not discussing holidays"... Which is fair enough, he wants to wait and see what's happening at work before getting my hopes up and dashing them all over again.
I didn't want to pick DATES, I just wanted to talk about what we could do while we were away, but apparently we didn't want to do that. We will one day...
The cochafritos thing backfired when he started reading my damn SW magazine. I was in the kitchen making cookies, and he shouted through from the lounge, "I KNEW IT WAS FOOD!" Damnit. Ah well I got him back on sunday afternoon...
Sunday morning, I let him sleep in, which was apparently the wrong thing to do, despite the fact that he hasn't slept well all week, AND I woke him up in plenty of time for the Grand Prix... So this is when I decided to get him back by talking about babies

We haven't had the "what if.." conversation since about December 2008, and it's coming up to our 2 year anniversary [which I have made him more than aware of] so it seemed the perfect opportunity to wind him up...! I don't want one. I have more of an appreciation for baby animals than baby people. I like their teeny feet, but they don't stay teeny very long, and I don't want one in the forseeable future. But we got talking about baby sloths. As you do... and I said I wanted one. "what, a sloth?" ... "no, a baby." "What?" "you heard me.." "Oh right". "Do you not want one?" "I can't tell, are you messing about or being serious?" ...
I can't lie to him, so I just started giggling.
Plan went right out the window this weekend, so lots of "superfree" stuff today...
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs and ham on toast
Snack - strawberries and a vanilla yogurt. New favourite food. mmMMM
Lunch - Cous Cous, more fruit, and some fruit, for good measure
Tea - chilli chicken and sauteed potatoes, with sweetcorn, peppers, onion and mayo. Real healthy, like
I say sauteed. What I really mean is cremated-on-the-hob....
Have a good day people