Jenny's moved on :)

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Have laughed so much at Biker being such a sport and agreeing to do something he has no idea of
oh what fun you can have Jen, go for it wind him up haha!!!
Hahaha, I think I might step it up a notch, get something from Ann Summers when I'm in town tomorrow morning, just so I can scare him with the bag...!

Food today - Let's just not mention it, k? If I'm feeling brave, I might list it later. It's a looooong list though!


Hope everyone else is geared up ready for the weekend.... :D I cannot wait, just for not being at work!

Is it home time yet? :) x
Thanks Nik :)

Since you asked so nicely... haha... Here's the plan I have followed today. I call it the Jenny Plan. Follow at your own risk, I can not say it's endorsed by any weight loss organisation....

Poached eggs on toast, a bacon roll, 2 alpen bars, a banana, a curly wurly...
Then we were out for a works lunch - Honey chilli chicken and strawberry cheesecake. I did really enjoy the cheesecake, it was worth it but the chicken was a disappointment!
For tea, I had the leftover quornball bhuna, and two slices of bread, and then a heap of dark chocolate mikado sticks.

To be perfectly honest, I feel a teensy bit disappointed with myself. And I am sick as a result of this gluttony. My tummy really hurts. But it's my own fault so I don't want any sympathy, and I think it is enough to put me off doing this again for some time. I had planned to make cochafritos and lemon meringue pie tomorrow for Biker Boy. I hope I will be well enough...!!
God, mikado have alot to answer for i ate another box of white ones today! I think that the devil made them.
YES! 11 cals each. YEAH. FINE! Not in the WHOLE BOX THOUGH IS THERE YOU B*STARDS!!!!!!!!


Im off to bed, had enough today!! haha

Night all xx
YES! 11 cals each. YEAH. FINE! Not in the WHOLE BOX THOUGH IS THERE YOU B*STARDS!!!!!!!!


Im off to bed, had enough today!! haha

Night all xx

I love you Jen haha!!! Your diary is hysterical
never mind hun I think I joined your Friday munchy
club will update in my diary later
after I've finished hanging my head in shame lol
Good morning!!
It's all Linz's fault, we were all celebrating her anniversary ;)

I have no idea what is wrong with me, I cannot sleep at all.
That's 3 days now, I'm gonna have to get some sleeping pills again... I thought exercise was meant to help!
Ah well, it's been the same on and off since I was about 13, so I should be used to it by now!

I've got a cuppa tea, sat watching Hollyoaks on 4OD and looking for a new hair cut.
The plan today is to go and get my hair lobbed off, go to the gym, have a swim, and then argue with the fella. He isn't in my good books at the moment.

I have no idea foodwise today. We'll see. I think a green day could be on the cards. I fancy stodge.

Have a great weekend, people.. x
YES! 11 cals each. YEAH. FINE! Not in the WHOLE BOX THOUGH IS THERE YOU B*STARDS!!!!!!!!


Now that deffaintely sounds like something that would....and has, come out of my mouth on many an occasion. :p

I really need to haircutt too but am putting it off as always. I look demented
lol I was looking like a bush.... Now... I look like a slightly more manicured bush... They should chemically straighten people with frizzy hair at birth, I swear, nobody wants this frizzbomb look except crazy people. No offence to any frizzballs by the way. I've been battling with this for as long as I remember, I'm allowed to whinge about it :p

Biker, about 10:30am - Butternut squash soup for lunch if you fancy it :)
Moody Me - No thanks, not hungry.

Still Moody Me, about 2pm
- Spose I'd better ask what you want for tea then...
Biker - What was that thing u said the other day, choppedodeango or summat? Is that pudding or normal food?
Me - Cuchafritos... I never said that was food, just something new we should try
Biker - Oh right... not that for tea then... Fajitas?

Serves him right for being rude and pigheaded last night.
If my parents weren't abandoning me, I wouldn't be bothered about seeing him today. But it's today, or not again for nearly 2 weeks...
Hey Jen, I think this full weekend should be taken out the diet equation all together!!!!

So many of us over indulging this weekend!!!! REALLY BAD!!!

But we will get back on and be good again!!!

As for the frizziness...i'm wit ya sista!!!!
Taken me years to straighten mine without frizz.....GHD are the best things eva!!!!..xxxx
Ouch my stomach hurts from laughing
way way funny Jen when your moody
don't know what's wrong with me today but I'm laughing like a hyena at everything
think it must be some sort of chemical imbalance caused by serious over consumption of Cheese :D
I have to agree Jen. I am love love loving you as little Miss Grotbags with BB. Hilarious. And no doubt well deserved bless you. I really hope you do wind him up with the cuchafritos thing.....though I bet he's already googled it:rolleyes:

In my opinion Mikados should be banned. One is not satisfying enough and just encourages you to eat more!

Have a lovely evening together chicky x x x
Haha!! Keeping the maryjoanna Niks, it's blooming good stuff
I had a blast yesterday

Morning Jen
hope you have a good moan free Sunday haha!!
how it going today jen ? =]
Afternoon, Girlies :)
Wow, how patronising does that sound :p

What a manic weekend..! Well, no not really. Saturday I spent the daytime arguing with my parents after "wasting time getting my hair cut", then the night time sulking because we were "not discussing holidays"... Which is fair enough, he wants to wait and see what's happening at work before getting my hopes up and dashing them all over again.

I didn't want to pick DATES, I just wanted to talk about what we could do while we were away, but apparently we didn't want to do that. We will one day...

The cochafritos thing backfired when he started reading my damn SW magazine. I was in the kitchen making cookies, and he shouted through from the lounge, "I KNEW IT WAS FOOD!" Damnit. Ah well I got him back on sunday afternoon...

Sunday morning, I let him sleep in, which was apparently the wrong thing to do, despite the fact that he hasn't slept well all week, AND I woke him up in plenty of time for the Grand Prix... So this is when I decided to get him back by talking about babies :D We haven't had the "what if.." conversation since about December 2008, and it's coming up to our 2 year anniversary [which I have made him more than aware of] so it seemed the perfect opportunity to wind him up...! I don't want one. I have more of an appreciation for baby animals than baby people. I like their teeny feet, but they don't stay teeny very long, and I don't want one in the forseeable future. But we got talking about baby sloths. As you do... and I said I wanted one. "what, a sloth?" ... "no, a baby." "What?" "you heard me.." "Oh right". "Do you not want one?" "I can't tell, are you messing about or being serious?" ...

I can't lie to him, so I just started giggling.

Plan went right out the window this weekend, so lots of "superfree" stuff today...

Breakfast - Scrambled eggs and ham on toast

Snack - strawberries and a vanilla yogurt. New favourite food. mmMMM

Lunch - Cous Cous, more fruit, and some fruit, for good measure

Tea - chilli chicken and sauteed potatoes, with sweetcorn, peppers, onion and mayo. Real healthy, like :p

I say sauteed. What I really mean is cremated-on-the-hob....


Have a good day people x
Oh My God... The new guy at work noticed my hair, got a mug of hot chocolate cos I was having a bad day, and my boss has asked who "that guy is that keeps chatting me up"... I'm oblivious... hahah

Photo of new hair will follow either after Phase II [dye] or when I am less PMT-faced... :)

What? A touch of vanity never hurt anyone :p
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