I can't decide what mood I am in today..
I still didn't get my damn facepack night!!! Last night when I was making my tea, I dropped a jar of jam from about head height. Which smashed all over the floor [incidentally, mum's first comment when she heard this story "You didn't break any floortiles, did you?"] so I cleaned that up. Shards of glass everywhere... No, I didn't cut myself..! Instead when I stood up, I cracked my head off the corner of the still-open cupboard door, and boy did I curse. For the next hour or so, I was dizzy, sick, my sight was fuzzy, my speech was slurred and I was stuttering, and my head was obviously throbbing. It calmed down quite soon after that, and I managed to eat my tea and keep it down. I went to bed by 10 I think. I text the boy when it happened, he's a first aider, so I wanted to know a bit about concussions, and he was very matter-of-fact, not a morsel of sympathy. Shouldn't have bothered!
After I'd gone to bed, he invited me for tea tonight, but I have declined the offer. I've barely spoken to him since saturday, and for some reason getting an email at 11pm last night saying "It S.Africa vs Uruguay tomorrow, I'm not bothered about watching it if you want to come round for your tea".. just doesn't constitute a good enough offer.
See the way I think would be as follows. "Haven't spoken to the bird since the weekend. She's got a concussion or something. I have admitted I don't want to watch the football anyway... I'll go and cheer her up."
What do I get in response to my "I don't really feel up to driving to yours, I'm sorry x" text? I get "Oh ok, have a good evening". Basta*d. He's so effin laid back I could smack him. So I text and said "you can come for a cuppa later if you like

" and nothing. Not heard a word .
So tonight, as well as my dinner, I attacked a big bag of Cadbury Buttons. I just wanted chocolate, and I'll be perfectly honest I don't even remember eating it I just shovelled it in my gob and it was gone. 8 points. Brilliant. Well done Jenny...
I still have a lump on my noggin. I couldnt even brush my hair this morning, it was that sore. I went to work anyway, and got told off for going in by the boss, my colleagues, the finance manager, and the boyfriend. So I left early
Food - I think painkillers make me hungry... Though I was on plan til the buttons.
I must be better tomorrow, I must be. Force myself to eat sensibly. PLEASE. I hate being like this, I despise being fat. It's so depressing. I got tickets to see Rocky Horror on the 28th June, way back in January, and I had ideas of going in traditional Rocky Horror fancy dress. But I'm actually the same fat size that I was in January, I have completely wasted 6 months dietting-not-dietting and it's all my fault. Seriously time to get a grip and feckin sort it out. I know full well it is only me that can do this, and I need to actually do it. I know the theory... I just need to apply it.
PS - Sorry for the language. For this I mean both F-words: Fat, and f***...